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Posts posted by soap

  1. Where in Chiang Rai is the office for Nakon Chai Air Bus???? I have heard of it in CM but not CR. Am going soon to Chon Buri and would like to take them.

    Hi Ron

    Hope your well,the phone number on the Nakon Chai Air web site for Chaingrai is 053 740 235


  2. Chaingrai (families Welcome) HHH

    Songkran Hash Report no 91 April16th

    Otherwise known as the French Revolution

    Location, vicinity of the very scenic Doi Hang nr Dons Cafe

    Due to a Technical hitch, i offer my humble contribution

    There was a good turnout for the normally quiet Songkran hash attendance, this year we missed

    Wild Womans welcoming sprinkle of water as we arrived.

    Allo Allo was in the HOT seat as GM, and after one or two choice words (to say the least) we were handed over to our hare

    for the day Able Semen. With arms outstretched he advised the hashers to be on the look out for the BIGGEST Eagle he had ever seen when setting the trail that morning,also he had come across a herd of cattle but reassured us they would have finished grazing, he concluded by saying there was a long trail of about 7 km and a shorter trail of 5k

    The pack set off,the FRBS quickly opened up a gap over the rest of the field,yours truly who reluctantly stays at the back of the pack making sure we did not lose anyone,having to look down at the floor for paper and to look skywards for this biggest eagle ever seen, imagining that this eagle would come swooping down at any minute and knowing my luck make a

    B line for me and carry me off by the scruff of the neck with the Eagle saying to its self "the size of this fella,he will keep the kids fed for a fortnight"

    At the half way stage i was confronted by, Dirty Dancer, Sperm Bank with the Powder Puff girls and Namron feeding Wild Bill through a water bagpack, with Bushwacker making a welcome return, i was told in no uncertain terms that i had taken a short cut and was now in the middle of the pack. "would i do that"

    MEANWHILE at the finish line and with the FRBS near to home and our brave Hare convinced that the beer stocks were in Titanics pickup, he tried in vain to pick the lock with no success, he once again set off on the trail to retrieve the key off Titanic only to be told by Do it Yourself that he had the beer stocks in his pickup and did not need a key to open.

    The first home was Paddy Boy,he had ran the long course then got mixed up and ran the shorter course twice and still arrived back in 55minutes,

    Allo Allo trailed in 2nd followed by Belly Dancer from the Chiang Mai Hash,Belly Dancer was seen walking at one stage by the hare but after crossing the hares hand with money his secret is safe from the Chaing Mai FRBS.

    MEANWHILE your truly having crossed over the only obstacle on the trail a small ditch and now only to cross one more field and then home and beer,

    at this stage we came across a marauading herd of cattle,yours truly bravely tried to direct the hashers to safety but when the hashers went to the left the herd followed, when the hashers went to the right the herd followed, the herd carer who looked as if he had been on a 2 day bender was neither use nor ornament

    HOLY COW i looked down only to find i have red trousers on, i looked up only to find this enormous bull staring me in the eye,i bravely beckoned the other hashers to safety then looked this enormous bull in the eye and ready to cross swords with this animal.

    And if you believe that BS

    I ran like hell across the field as fast as my legs would carry me

    The Circle

    The Gm called in the hare Able Semen and thanked him for a sterling effort setting the trail,we welcomed one virgin fired ups niece (nice girl) she also became a member of our "Theres one born every minute club by buying a hash shirt.

    There was no 3 hash names to be given and we attempted to have a June Hare volunteer,the only name that was thrown in the ring was brain health who now confirms himself as the June hare,the trail will start from his house in Huay Sac off the 1020 rd .

    The ever jovial Paddy boy finished the circle with a 5 minute stint by kneeling and trying to drink a downer with no hands.

    The ON ON ON

    Took us to Dons Cafe,the food served of BQ ribs Steak, chicken, Pizza etc finished off with ice cream was superb

    We would like to thank Able Semen for organising the event and Dons Cafe for their service

    On On

    Shocking with help from Able Semen

  3. Well I find out yesterday that Sunday is not the day to get things done in Chiang Rai. Rico's was closed and Jed Yod St. was dead.

    Serious question: I'm finding as you get out of town into the country/mountains Chanote's are non existent or very hard to come by. Why is this the case? What if anything can be done to get one? If you can't get one what else can be had that will ensure ownership? Seems people are building w/o one which seems very risky :unsure:

    All the banks in Chaingrai have land and houses for sale,all with chanote

    I have not heard of anyone in the past 20 years losing their land/house because there was no chanote,

    The safe way is to buy with chanote but the land/house is cheaper without

  4. Directions to the Songran Hash (no 91) Saturday 16th April Start 4-00 pm prompt


    The April Chiang Rai Hash is timed to start at 4 pm on the 16th. It is relatively flat and all on tracks to take account of the hot, or the wet, weather!

    Starting from the Shell garage at the top of the Old Chiang Mai Road (Highway numbered 1211) in Chiang Rai, proceed south until you reach the second set of traffic lights, after about 1.5 kms. Turn right here. Carry on along this road until you reach Don's Cafe on the left side of the road. I do not know how far this is, but it is probably more than 5 kms.

    (If approaching from south of CR, turn left at the first set of lights after the 1211 six lane stretch).

    At Don's Cafe, there is a slip road to the left. There will be a HHH sign here. Take this slip road and continue for about 400 metres. You will then see a sign pointing to the left to a temple. This sign incorporates a white statue of Buddha carrying a parasol. Turn left here. There will be another HHH sign. (By the way, there are a few other white Buddha statues along this road so do not be confused by them). Continue for a further 300 metres. On the right, you will see a temple. Facing you another white Buddha statue! To the left, there is a turning which will be marked with a HHH sign. Turn left. Proceed for 100 metres and take the first turning to the right. Continue until you reach the meeting point.

    My telephone number is 083 762 3267 in case of problems.

    I am trying to organise an On on on at Don's cafe but this is not yet a done deal. Do not put out your cooking fires therefore!

    On on.

    Hare of the month

    Able Semen.

  5. Sounds like a good idea, where is it sold? Supermarkets? Hardware shops?

    My wife bought the powder in a local shop in my village,i should think any pet shop

    would stock this powder, it comes in a Pink plastic container mainly in Thai it as a

    picture of a dog and cat and its manufactured by Bukalo trading co.

    Im not joking its won the war for me this past 6 weeks

  6. Yes i have been at war with the ants around my house for 20 years,

    cost me a fortune in spray and must have killed billions over the years

    but they have still come back.

    Last month my wife was told to try a powder called PINK

    its smells like talcum powder and its used to sprinkle on dogs

    to stop fleas etc we sprinkled the powder on the telephone line that was the ants

    highway to my house.

    Have not seen a ant since,its lasted over 6 weeks now so get yourself a plastic

    bottle of this stuff 40 baht thats all it cost and your computershould be ant free

  7. The smoke problem has been much less than usual so far this year, due to the highly unusual cold/rainy periods that occurred during March. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I don't think Chiang Mai has gone above the Thai PM 10 limit of 120 at all this year. As we are now into April the chances of very bad smoke episodes are deminishing as the southerly airflow starts to prevail. Obviously smoke episodes can't be ruled out in April, but the likelihood is that we will start to see the summer thunderstorms getting going as the hot season proper gets underway, and these will subdue the burning.

    Ditto Chaingrai

  8. Chiang Rai ‘Start slowly and taper off’ HashMarch 19th 2011 No. 90

    Trail set by Dirty Dancer and Shocking (based on an idea from Able Seaman)

    At the briefing Shocking revealed that the trail contained a few checkpoints, some of which were tricky and would leave us running around like headless chickens. The consensus amongst the hashers was, “heard it all before and a piece of cake”. However ten minutes later at the first checkpoint we were proved wrong. There were hashers searching to the left, hashers searching to the right and even some going round in circles. The more experienced just stood and admired anything (birds, trees, pebbles and even weeds) whilst we waited for the hares to arrive and to give guidance. Shocking arrived, shrugged his shoulders and proudly pointing to a rough track announced “You will find paper within 50 metres in that direction”. (I found it at 52.5 metres.) We were then reminded of the rules and thoroughly chastised we went on our way.

    The trail led us through a mixture of woodlands, arable plots and of course paddy fields. At one point we came across a stream that had to be crossed by way of a rickety bridge. An evil person suggested that if we were to weaken the structure a bit and then hide, we could watch the hares get an early bath. We decided that this was too risky as a wet hare might go home taking the food and drinks with them.

    After about an hour of following paper I looked ahead and saw a shady figure lurking in the undergrowth. Was it Bigfoot or even a lost Yeti? No, it was Shocking anxiously awaiting our safe return. The first runner in was Belly dancer, a visitor from Chiang Mai who was closely followed half an hour later by the usual Chiang Rai super athletes.

    Even before the return of the last hasher the food hamper, generously supplied by Pat On The Back, had been broken into. We followed the Saint Trinian’s battle cry “trample on the weakest and glory in their plight”. Chicken, spring rolls, sweetcorn followed by mango and sticky rice to good to wait for.

    The circle.

    Shocking stepped forward into the GM’s slot.

    The hares and supporters were thanked for a wonderful time.

    Hares are always in short supply and it was a great surprise when Sven spontaneously volunteered to set the trail in May. There are only a few vacant slots available this year so people need to act quickly.

    It was announced that Scotch on the rocks was departing to the warmer weather of Arran for four months by a saddened GM, who then went on to add that an excellent house and pickup were available for a short let.

    A tee shirt was sold to Another (Chiang Mai visitor) who was ordered to partake in a downer after she passed comment on the tailored fit of the GM’s tee shirt.

    The April hash will be held near Don’s restaurant, where an on on on will be held in the form of a buffet. More details to follow.

    On on

    Oddjob (substitute scribe)

    Photographic evidence of this month’s Hash can be found at:


  9. Directions To Chaingrai HHH No 90

    Saturday March 19th Start 4-00pm Prompt

    Take Super Highway south from town. Proceed as far as the traffic lights at the

    White Temple turning.10 metres beyond the lights there is a small soi leading

    off to the left. Take this road but it is quite difficult to spot (there will be

    a Hash sign here). After 900 metres the road bears sharply right; follow main

    road round to right. After 200 metres, main road bears sharply left. Again

    follow it to left.Take care here because there is a road which goes straight on.

    After about 1.5 kilometres, there is a village. 300 metres beyond village, there

    are two dirt roads leading off to the left and these are seperated by a canal.

    Turn left on to the second of these roads (there will be another Hash sign

    here). Follow this dirt road. After 150 metres, road turns right, and after

    another 300 metres turns left (another Hash sign). Proceed for 800 metres to

    Hash Meeting point. Count on 30 minutes drive from the Big C.

    Ah Be Jesus

    St Patricks day Thai time Hash (Its only two days late) will take place on

    Saturday 19th March,start 4pm prompt.

    We are extending last years "Leprechauns go Half Price offer" again


    Shocking & Dirty Dancer

    On On

  10. Chiang Rai ‘Start slowly and taper off’ Hash

    Ship’s Log for February 19th 2011 No. 89

    ‘A Hash of the Ancient Mariner’

    (with apologies to the Hares if I have, inadvertently, omitted any possible nautical phrase or allusion )

    51 of us gathered in yet another of Chiang Rai’s beautiful settings to partake of Virgin Hares Titanic and Iceberg’s Hash. Four Virgin Hashers joined us, and women and children again made up well over half of our party. Scotch on the rocks and Special Services were back, as were the “powder puff “girls and parents , and Secondhand and Bangcock joined us for their last hash in CR for a while. England calls.

    Nearly clear blue skies, 30oC in the shade, low humidity - what trials we Hashers have to face here. Even the air quality was very good for the time of year. This month’s Hash was to take us through a varied landscape of some little foothills, around a few well watered paddies, shady linchee and lamyai orchards and dry dyptocarp forest.

    Pulling up anchor

    At 15.45 hours, with only a cursory warning of ‘don’t go over the rickety bridge’ and not even a ‘head to starboard’ from the Hare’s briefing, we were cast adrift from our moorings. “Badman and Bobbin” en famille joining us just as we got underway.

    The FRBs steamed full ahead before we crested the first hill, leaving not even a ripple in their wake to guide us. With no horizon at times and sextant and compass adrift, we had to rely on jetsam to chart our course. Luckily, our ship’s motley crew proved able seamen with Sally, Chris, three of the virgin Hashers, Bruce in his guise as Cabin boy all taking turns at the helm and steering us ‘steady as she goes’.

    We listed to the left, and then we listed to the right, struggling to keep up a fair rate of knots and our balance. The Hash flotilla descended into the troughs and chugged up the other side like worn –out Clydebank puffers, overburdened and underpowered.

    “Titanic”, (on convoy escort duty), greeted us with “Come, on you lazy land-lubbers ‘ as we topped one hill. This nearly resulted in him being holed and then marooned on the nearest “Iceberg”. Though the voyage was easy, the temperature was tiring but with two young Ship’s Doctors taken on board at Mae Sai, we were in safe hands.

    We tacked through the fruit trees, occasionally got stuck in the Doldrums as we sought a route, then caught the hot breezes on the windward sides to carry us along. Fine vistas of hills, verdant rice fields were sighted along the way. The ‘rickety bridge’ didn’t tempt any of us –it was in far better condition than many we had traversed on previous Hashes. With land in sight, rascally Pirate “Ma’am a laid” commandeered a powered vessel to take her past the line ahead of us, but her plans came asunder when our crow’s nest let out an ‘ahoy’ and she was made to disembark. Next time we won’t be so forgiving – the plank awaits.

    “On Fire” cruised into harbour first, then some swashbucklers. Most of us had been anchored up for some time before the last Hasher washed up. The log reports voyage duration of I hour and five minutes for the main flotilla, no castaways or men overboard , and that only a few sailors such as “The Lost Samurai”, ”Nok easy “and the lost boys of Namron had been sucked into that Bermuda triangle of CR Hashes -‘ the short cut’.

    “Odd job” made land some time after me for once, having had to veer off course to avoid a 3metre long dark sea snake (that turned out to be black electric cabling being wound up and pulled through the undergrowth by two local farmers.) He - very sensibly - refrained from letting out a cry of “Avast behind’ on seeing me.

    In port, victuals were manhandled from the hold of Iceberg’s vessel. Provisions of ale, fruit to stave off the scurvy and fruitcake for added ballast made up some of the delicious fare.

    The Circle.

    G.M “Handcock” led the circle.

    · Loud applause and thanks to the Hares for a ‘great’ Hash – and food -, even Namron couldn’t find fault. “Shocking” presented them with their complementary T-shirts with NEW DESIGN hare badges.

    · “Shocking “also broke his duck of the year and sold 2 other T-shirts and two Chiang Rai Hash S2ATO (Start slowly and Taper off)badges.

    · Four Virgins were called into the Circle. Lovely to meet you all, and good luck to the 3 younger ones in your careers. To our fit but more venerable fourth hasher, I’ll just say “welcome” and that we hope you come along again.

    · The Hashers who had taken the ‘short cut’ were named and shamed. The Lost Samurai living up to his name on this occasion.

    · We now have a first aid box to deal with minor injuries. Hash Beer will bring it along each month with the drinks.

    · Some debate was had about the suggestion of changing our next Hash date to accommodate Chiang Mai Hashers joining us for a weekend of Hashes. Our ‘normal’ Saturday Hash, a Sunday hash, and a ‘Male’ Hash for the rufty tuftys on the Monday. We would be welcome to join the Sunday and Monday (Mon =Men only) ones if we wanted. It was eventually agreed to leave our March date/Hash unchanged and see what develops. Namron and Able Semen were going to assist in setting any trails. Chiang Rai Hash is not a “normal hash” - we are very family orientated, soda drinkers outnumber the beer drinkers every time and we wouldn’t even need a ‘parental guidance’ certificate if we were a film. Viva la difference!

    · G.M “Handcock “ told us about the next Bike hash to be held on the first Sunday of March - a descent of Doi Tung (repeat ‘DESCENT’) is promised. He will send out more information nearer the time.

    · Namron had to be bodily removed from the Circle by Sperm bank after getting too enthusiastic about acquiring volunteers to become hares. Two sets of hashers had been pinned by Namron’s gimlet stare, but the rest managed to escape due to the intervention. Being a Hare is good fun, nothing to be scared of, and we are grateful for everyone who volunteers. The more experienced hashers are keen to lend a hand and advice to any Virgin Hares.

    · The circle closed on another good afternoon of conversation and exercise.

    Hares for the following months are:

    March – Shocking, Pea, and Dirty Dancer

    April – Able Semen

    May –

    June -

    July – Ma’am a laid and Soreyarsis

    August –

    Sept -

    October – Fired up and On Fire

    November – Oddjob and Ooh Matron

    December –

    January 2012 – Cop out.

    ON ON, Ooh matron and Oddjob.

    Photographic evidence of this month’s Hash can be found at:


  11. We are now into are third week of our internet being cut off by T.O.T

    I believe there could be as many as 12,000 customers who have paid month in and month out

    for years in the same boat.

    We were told by T.O.T 100% we would have internet on the 10th February then 150% on the 11th

    now all we get is sooooon.

    I dont know what company started this shambles but i blame T.O.T

    they knew that they were going to cut people off and they were happy to do this without

    caring about their phone customers or have any plan in place to deal with this shambles.

    I have paid the T.O.T phone bill for over 15 years,about 6 years ago the village head man

    asked anyone who wanted internet to put their name down,we have paid the internet bill to first Maxnet then 3BB we did not get any other option from T.O.T.

    Has far as i am concerned its a Disgrace

  12. Directions to the Chaingrai HHH 89TH hash

    Saturday February 19th Start 3-30 to 3-45 pm

    From Big C,take Super Highway south to the White Temple junction,turn right past the Temple

    continue until you reach the Old Chaingmai road.At the T junction turn left onto the road.Shortly after

    you will see the 12 KM marker on the right hand side of the road.

    (Alternatively come out of Chaingrai on the old road to 12KM marker)

    Continue past for approx 400 metres and turn right under an archway onto a concrete road.There will be

    a HHH sign at the turn.

    Follow this road through the village for approx 1.5 Km and at a T junction (Temple opposite and HHH

    sign)turn right ,follow the concrete road for about 0.9 KM shortly after the concrete finishes and the

    track starts turn left and you will find parking in the shade under the trees.there will be another sign there.The village is called Maesad.

    It will probabably be better to start around 3.30-3-45

  13. Another legal but temporary solution would be a high definition receiver (you need a HD-capable TV too), because some HD packages are free to air at the moment. I'd guess there will be a few packages like this before everything settles down. So if you get the Dreambox or Openbox, the HD versions could give you this short term solution, plus other longer-term options if you are that way inclined. I'm thinking of getting a new HD box and was wondering about one of the other Linux (Enigma 2) alternatives to Dreambox clones.

    check out the Opticum HD Sat Receiver,ive heard good reports about this receiver so im buying one this week

  14. I pay for a phone line to TOT. OK, its only 100 + a month but I'm still a customer. Surely they won't cut off there own customers !?

    I have had a T.O.T phone line for over 15 years and they cut my internet 3BB, internet line off without

    giving any notice.

    The locals in my village say they think we will be back on with T.O.T internet line on the 10th

    of this month,making it two weeks without an internet line

  15. Its a pretty despicable action without a decent amount of notice.

    I pay my Phone Bill to TOT and Internet to 3BB so I Guess I could be next.

    Whats it all about ? Some sort of falling out and TOT taking there Ball home ?

    I went to T.O.T head office in Chaingrai today the nearest i got was a customer service girl

    who looked as if she was just happy to have a job.

    She did ring my distict office in Phan and i believe was told they are just starting to put

    their own cables in, i asked how long one or two weeks or a month only to get a nice smile and a i dont know look.

    I did get the bill down from 3,750 Bhat to about 540 Bhat the first time i went in they gave no options except

    paying the 3,750 Bhat for a Wi Fi modem,it was only when i said that all i want is the internet line i have the

    modem that the price come down.

    I know my village and phan district plus Lamphun have had no internet since last Friday,they turned Mae Chan off

    on Tuesday,so Jubby i think you will be in the same boat as the rest of us,they will come along and cut you off then scratch their heads and start putting new cable in.Its a case of logic going out of the window if only they had started laying the cables 2 months ago.

    I have now put plan B into operation dont be surprised if you get a couple of carrier pigeons dropping in

  16. Since last Friday i have had no internet in my village house,

    i have been told that the overhead phone lines that we have used for over 6 years

    belong to T.O.T but they have allowed 3BB to share.

    But last Friday without any notice they cut the internet access to 3BB

    this is not just my village but i believe also 3 large Towns up here in North Thailand.

    I went to see T.O.T on Monday and they confirmed that all 3BB shared lines had been cut

    they said it would take a week or 10 days (Thai Time)to connect to their cables and then they wanted 3,750 Baht

    to reconnect,i later found out that this 3,750 Bhat is mostly for a Wi Fi modem

    so anyone in the same boat make sure you know what your paying for.

    I think its a disgrace that they can cut paying customers off without any notice,

    If this is how they treat their future new customers i fear the worst

  17. The Chiang Rai ‘start slowly and taper off’ Hash

    January 2011 Report number 88

    ‘You’ve caused chaos and confusion’ said the Fat Controller

    Hare: Stuart (The Best man) was Hare –this was his first time at laying a trail for us.

    Venue: Along the 1151,near the Café de doi in the vicinity of the Pong Phrabat waterfall, north of town.

    By the time we all gathered at the start, the slightly overcast sky of the morning had burnt away to clear blue and the temperatures were in the balmy mid-20.C, a more pleasant day for a Hash could not have been asked for. There were 47 of us, the usual culprits including 11 children, a few ‘returnees’ and 3 eager virgin hashers who knew no better at that stage.

    Stuart gave the briefing – thanking Namron, Shocking and Able Semen for their assistance in setting up his first hash trail. Apparently, ignoring exhortations from Namron to try to kill us off by making it a very challenging course, he had opted for one about ‘6….or 7…..or 8 km’ long and of medium difficulty, with ‘about 8 checks’. I didn’t like the sound of this at all, we were right up against the hills, would we be aquaplaning down the waterfall, was it going to be one of those no- level -ground -found Hashes? Ah well, I’d recover in time for next month, and Shocking gave me hope as he had managed to get round it 2 days before with a heel injury.

    Off we set – and straight away spirits amongst those of us who find setting out the Scrabble board a physically gruelling activity could be heard to rise as we headed AWAY from the looming hills back down into rice paddy land. The FRBs were off, off and away into the distance before most of us had reached the car park entrance.

    Almost straight away, memories of another Hash were brought to mind in vivid detail – Handcock’s infamous ‘365 ways to cross a paddy field’ was surpassed by the events of the next half an hour.

    It was ‘chaos and confusion’ thought your trusty scribe.

    Imagine, if you will, dry paddy fields as far as your eye can see, a patchwork of earth borders dividing each paddy with absolutely no discernable features to identify one from the other. Imagine the pale bleached rice straw left in the fields, a colour leaching sun, the pale colour of a very sparce paper trail and picture the resultant chaos. People went off in every single direction. Shouts of ‘On,on’ from the FRBs soon faded away as they wandered (albeit very quickly) around in the distance looking for paper. No-one in the Hash Pack had seen how the FRBs had got to where they were, so there were two/three/four groups looking for paper. Back and forth, everyone had their heads down searching, apart from those of us who like to watch how things develop before committing ourselves to physical effort. Sure enough the ‘wait and see’ approach worked and minimal effort achieved maximum results for this elite sub-group of CRH. The paddy fields being dry, whenever a paper trail was found, off we set across them to catch up.

    Shouts for ‘John’ were occasionally heard as mischievous-minded Hashers spotted some skittish cows with ropes attached – but he had learned his lesson and made no attempt to corral them.

    Criss-crossing the fields, we reached the end, a small hedge and ditch to traverse, and we faced another paddy patchwork. Such was the confusion that – until lured astray by a paper pile that turned out to be a bit of a feed bag – Titanic noted that our small group was briefly in the lead, a situation that nearly caused nervous exhaustion to set in. This error being swiftly rectified, we back tracked and followed the Hash Pack to reach another steep sided ditch with 3 bits of rotten wood pretending to be a bridge. Over this with no fatalities – though Wirgin Bruce stood by ready to capture any mishaps with his camera, and there was a respite from the paddies and a wider path to follow. Nita seemed to have acquired by this time some vegetation that required carrying home for transplanting.

    Once on the paths, then clambering down, leaping over and then scrambling up a few more ditches,

    ( Wild Woman magnificently demonstrating the art of dyke vaulting to Cop Out at one of them) , past some ripening pineapple fields, and - with a couple of gentle inclines to raise the heart rate- it was back to base for most of us. The last part of the Hash offering lovely views to the hills, and the Café de doi where there was an evening concert and food to tempt post-Hash hashers with any stamina left.

    Namron came in first, then immediately headed back out on a lap of honour to round up the children. Wi came in second, and then Able Semen. Most of us had been back for some considerable time when Wild Woman jogged in to wild applause, followed a few minutes later by Sally, then Stuart (Hare) and Shocking en famille…. It turns out that Stuart – having laid the trail in the morning had been called away and on his return had forgotten to remove the paper on what was supposed to be a false trail. The group he was with had trustingly followed his lead down this dead end for some considerable way before it had dawned on him that he had no idea where he was. This is what makes a Hash good fun. We hope it doesn’t put him off having another go at being a hare!

    The Circle

    Handcock carried out his first duties as one of this years’ G.Ms and thanked Stuart for his Hash.

    Welcoming the 3 virgin hashers, from Australia, UK and Thailand in the traditional way, we then held a naming ceremony for three 3 times Hashers.

    American Ex- teacher Debbie became ‘Ma’am – a – lade’

    Our Thai teacher became ‘Nok easy’ – this was something to do with her having the ability to spot a paper trail from a great distance,

    And Gus – apparently a great disco fiend and lover of Pattaya’s less salubrious areas became ‘Dirty Dancer’.

    Bruce informed the Circle of an idea that had been floated to him of CRH possibly hosting a regional Hash. He invited any Hasher interested in discussing the idea to meet the following Monday.

    (I can tell you now that a decision was taken at that meeting not to pursue this idea at the moment, but to celebrate our 10th Anniversery in 2013 by making it an Invitational Hash. I am sure we will hear more details after the next Hash).

    For any of you who want to expend some more energy, Bruce is helping organise a Sprint triathalon on Saturday the 12th of February. Comprising a 750 metres swim, a 20km bike ride and a 4km run, he invites any interested people to contact him on [email protected]. You can just take part in one event, or enter as a group. It’s in aid of a good cause too.

    Hares for the forthcoming Months

    Titanic and Iceberg will be next month’s Hares.

    Shocking and Pee will be March’s, but we need volunteers for April, May, June and July. Don’t be shy, the ‘old hands’ are very helpful and will advise and guide you through what to do.

    P.S We have a shredder available for anyone who wishes to borrow it. Let Shocking know if you want to use it.

    See you all next month in the year of the Rabbit.

    OohMatron and OddJob.

    Photographic evidence of this month’s Hash can be found at:


  18. Sounds like a good event, but unfortunately it's too far away for me to participate. I hope someone will consider organizing one down south.

    Just out of curiosity, are you using an olympic size pool? If so, how are you going to handle the swimming if you have more than 20 swimmers?

    Good luck with your event!

    I believe the swimmers will go in relays

    First time I heard about this event there was some praying involved by some missionairies. That made my interest go down 100%. I do not understand the connection between sportevents and religion.

    This was from the first information about the event:

    "Those of you with religious allergeries may be forewarned that there will probably be a prayer offered by a missionnary friend before the first event (swimming) and at the end before breakfast."

    So mr soap, will the missionary still be around?


    The events are being organised by two long time Chaingrai expats who are not missionaries.

    It would take a miracle rather than a minutes prayer for me to attempt the course

  19. A Fun Sprint Triathlon in Chaingrai

    A Sprint Triathalon consisting of 750 meter swim, 20 km bicycle ride and 4 km run will be held on Saturday February 12, 2011. The swimming part will be done at the old Chiang Rai Sports Club and the rest at the Kennedy house in the Santiburi complex. This is a fun event and everyone is invited to join in. Some people compete in all three events. Others form teams with different people doing different portions of the race while still others do one or two of the three activities as individuals. A lot of people just come to cheer and help in the organization. The last time this event was organized in Chiangrai (November 2010) there were 37 participants of whom 11 did all three legs of the race.

    There will be a fee of 100 Baht per adult and 50 Baht per child to cover the cost of lunch. The swimmers will need to contribute another 40 Baht to cover the cost of the pool.

    All those interested in attending should contact SOAP giving your email address to indicate in which events they would like to compete. This will greatly help in the organization and food. If you PM SOAP we will then send out an information email providing more details about the organization including driving instructions and times.



    From Big 'C' head North on highway 1, direction Mae Sai , go over the river bridge, keep travelling North past MAKRO and the Airport turn off until you come to Bandu Municipality Market, the concrete over bridge is a good marker. Still heading North and ignoring the two small roads off to the left, approximately 0.3 km past the market is a left hand turn through an arch that says long live the King in Thai it's the 1151 road according to the sign on the road, but Google Maps shows it as 1511, it's the same road to the Pong Phrabat Hot Springs and the Pong Phabat Waterfall, the turn off is 9.5 km from Big 'C'.

    Hopefully you will see a HHH sign here from about 13.30 , there are several other signs as well including one that says "Pong Phrabat Hot Springs 2.7 km".

    Carry on along the 1151 or 1511 for 7.2km where you'll see x2 HHH Signs, here turn right up a small hill for about 500mtrs which is where you can park your car/bike on the left hand side

    By the HHH sign


    ON ON

  21. I have received this message from the January 15th hare (The Best Man)

    Stuart,the hash will be in the Bandu area close to the Cafededoi he

    will finalise directions on Thursday or Friday.

    As a coincidence there is a concert very close to the start of the

    Hash, if any Hashers would like to stay for the concert details below

    On On

    i dont have the directions for the Hash just yet, I will meet Jeff on Thursday

    so can I email you with them then or is it too late? I thought I'd let you know

    more about a concert that will be at the Cafe which will be the start/finish

    point so that people have time to think about whether they'd like to attend

    afterwards, maybe you could email this info out first with the directions to

    follow on Thursday.

    It will start at 5.30pm until Midnight and tickets are 250baht each, if we buy

    10 we get 1 free. (I can't be held responsible for the quality of the food or

    music though, it's just a coincidence that there is a concert there the same

    evening of our hash.)

    Choose one food + one drink from followings

    >BBQ.pork ribs /w french fried ( for one person )

    >Grilled Sausage /w mashed potato

    >Fried Chicken wings

    >French Fried

    >Onion Rings

    @ Baht 60, 100 for the next sets.

    >Small Bottle of Leo or Heineken

    >One Glass of Wine

    >One glass of liquor /w mixer

    @ Baht 60 for the next drinks.

    The music featured will be

    * Classical Guitar Ensembles

    * Solo Classical Guitar

    * Solo Violin

    * Chiangrai Blues Band

    Below is a link to the Cafe's website




  22. Chiang Rai ‘Start slowly and taper off’ Hash

    December 2010 report no.87

    ‘Jingle bells’

    Venue; inside the Santiburi golf course estate way off to the left of the Thoeng road, at the Hare’s lair.

    Hares: Wirgin Bruce and Wild Woman.

    With a fair few winter visitors, including another representative of the Dutch police force to keep us under control, and others lured out of hiding by the news of an ‘On,On.On’ provided by Wild Woman and Co., we had a great turn-out of 57 -though about ten sluggards didn’t actually expend any energy by taking part in the Hash. There were quite a few children amongst us – Santa was rumoured to be going to drop in later and the sense of anticipation was palpable. The weather was cool (21.c) and overcast, and coats, cardigans and even a few Santa hats were worn for their thermal qualities.

    A fair bit of finickity sorting out of the Christmas gifts by ‘Santa’s little helper’ a.k.a Wirgin Bruce prior to the start and then we were ready for the Hares’ advice. I think he was eager to get us on our way when he realised the general conversation had moved from just admiring a beautiful Jade vine (puang yok) in the driveway, on to how and where we could best take cuttings from it.

    Lots of checks were promised, and as the assistant Hare had got lost on the course that morning, we could look forward to many opportunities for displaying our infamous CRH group stance of total befuddlement when faced with a choice of paths.

    There were 2 routes, the one for the FRBs being about a kilometre longer than the more popular one.

    The Hash

    Off we set, following the trail – one of delicately scented talc inside the estate grounds – reverting to paper outside. Only Doesn’t Matterhorn set off at anything more than a fast walk, he and Do it yourself also being the only ones to tackle the longer course and lead us all back in.

    It proved to be an easy Hash with no real challenges apart from the preponderance of checks, which allowed many opportunities for deliberate short-cutting by unscrupulous Hashers. Flat ground, a few pretty ponds and firm paths made up the course.

    It was just what we needed, conversation again taking precedence over forward motion, and leaving us plenty of energy for the ‘On,On,On’. Namron was with the FRBs but turned back in search of missing children. The pace from the rest of us was so relaxed that, unbelievably, the scribes were amongst the front strollers for most of the Hash. No-one, apart from the FRB, showed evidence of even a gentle glow on their return.

    After a quick raid by Nita and Noot of Wild Woman’s passionfruit harvest (to aghast cries from Hashers not ‘in the know’, who thought they were breaking one of our cardinal rules and blatantly raiding someone’s food crop), the trail took us through a hedge into the estate and back to base.

    The On,On,On

    We all collected in the Hares’ back garden, admiring the view over a lake and the general surroundings. No-one took up Bruce’s offer of a voluntary swim, but he did have to make use of the boat to retrieve a paddle that mysteriously found itself floating offshore, I had my camera ready to record any mishap, but he made it back safely.

    Only one child managed to fall in. (Oddjob won our bet – I had guessed that all three boys would end up in the drink before the start of the meal). They had a great time feeding the huge giant Gourami (?) with bananas.

    Wild Woman and a small army of helpers had prepared a scrumptious spread for us. There was passionfruit juice, Hibiscus drink, vegetarian kebabs and spaghetti with Bolognese sauce, ROAST TURKEY and gravy, samosas, Brownies, fruit cake and almond biscuits and many other dishes too numerous to mention. In other words, there was something for every palette.

    After we had eaten our fill, and as the dusk settled around us, lights were lit along the lake shore, and we were called to attention.

    The Circle was kept brief – both our G.Ms were missing so Namron took over.

    The Hares were thanked for their magnificent efforts and Wild Woman asked us to toast those such as Noot and Pea who had helped prepare the food and to set up and serve at the On,On,On. Many thanks from all of us!

    3 virgin hashers were welcomed.

    Namron called in his 3 children to the circle, and the ‘missing’ children episode was explained. ‘Stay here, we’ll come back and get you’ the older brothers had said, (the words that, throughout history, those of us with older siblings have learnt are nowt but treacherous lies), leaving the youngest one abandoned on the trail. They had then headed off back to the Hare’s house to make sure they didn’t miss out on the post-hash food. Ah, brotherly love.

    Two ‘namings’ were postponed to the next meeting to allow us to proceed swiftly on to the final part of the evening’s entertainment.

    Santa comes to the Hash.

    I don’t know what strings they had had to pull, but the Hares had managed to get Father Christmas to come along to the Hash. The presents had been left piled up on a Xmas tree and light festooned buffalo cart and had been prodded and shaken by an admiring group of children for some minutes. Then, from the darkness, came Santa. The children were first in the queue for presents and we all enjoyed the experience.

    After Santa had finished his duties, further fun was organised by the Hares in the form of Hula hoop races and a rather naughty game of hitting the ball down a course. I’ll let you look at the photos to get the real picture.

    There was a bit of controversy surrounding Santa’s visit. Amongst the discrepancies in his paperwork were: no work visa, no immigration arrival or departure cards or completed import duty forms for presents, his reindeer had been impounded at the customs border in MaeSai and – Shock! Horror! Khun Noot revealed she knew him intimately. What would George say?

    All in all, an excellent Hash.

    Hares for next year

    January- Stuart P.

    February- Titanic and Nita

    October – Fired up and On fire

    November- Ooh Matron and OddJob.

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