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Posts posted by soap

  1. Not so many Chiang Rai Rentals advertised on the net.

    Most are word of mouth, or thru Thai Agents.

    But try Thai Visa Classifieds, and also can google Chiang Rai Rentals should give you some other's and possibly some Agents to give you an idea of what is for rent around Chiang Rai.

    Typically a agent will charge about 1/3 or more than the normal going rate. But I have seen some good deals there occassionally.

    I cant understand why Thai Visa and the Mods have not taken a leaf out of the Koh Samui forum.

    On the Koh Samui forum they have two pinned sections,one is for houses for rent,the second is for local ads (this one BTW started by George)

    The Koh Samui forum is so easy just click onto the pinned "Houses for rent" or the "Local ads section and you are directed straight to what you are interested in looking at,

    Not so the Chiangrai forum you have to click on the classified then scroll scroll and scroll down a deluge of adverts that you have no interest in whatsoever, then change your glasses in order to see the small print of the Chiangrai classified, then if you are looking to rent or buy houses/land etc you might after tread through the likes of Bulls**t for sale (no joke it was once advertised for sale on the Chiangrai forum)

    Koh Samui

    Pinned Bungalows, Houses & Apartments For Short & Long Term Rental 1 2 3 Belgarath 65 Replies


    2011-08-30 14:44

    By: Beng

    Pinned Koh Samui Classifieds

    LOCAL ADS HERE! george 0 Replies


    2007-09-27 14:44

    By: george

  2. My daughter informs me that the Thai passport road show will be in Chiangrai

    on the 5th and 6th of September.

    Any Thai can apply for a passport at the Chiangrai Stadium on these dates.

    I hope my daughter as got her facts right.

  3. Thank you all for that info. I think, I may have stumbled into that one the last time I was there. Seems like there is only one shared rest room, if that is the place, and yes it was very clean. And the dish I had was good. I guess I was wondering about buffets and such. But hey, we are talking about Mai Sai, right? Can't get too picky. Again, thank you all. ett

    If you are after a buffet,check out the big hotel on the right hand side going to the bridge,have not been for a couple of years

    but they always had a daily set buffet. the hotel is set back cant remember the name something like long thong ?

  4. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    S2ATO the Family Friendly Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of HHH Run# 94: Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Location: Behind Don’s Café not far from the In Cee Stupa

    Hare: Soreasses and Marmalaid with special input by Able Semen

    The day began as a wash out and the rain persisted all morning. The hares laid the trail then had to keep relaying it until the crowds passed. Despite the ominous weather 24 hashers showed up to brave the elements. Fortunately the rain tapered off to drizzle as the appointed hour drew near. A few gallant hashers like your faithful correspondent carried umbrellas to shade the trail from the heavenly waters however briefly.

    At the very first check the irrepressible FRB, Nam Ron stumbled upon the homeward trial before the intended path forward could be found. So everyone responded to the resounding “On! On!” and hence the trip was done in reverse. In

    the process we came upon Able Semen still laying trail but headed in the opposite direction. Consequently all the clever traps designed by the hares proved utterly useless and the usual FRBs like On Fire, Virgin Neale and Do It Yourself returned to home base in record time. Not among them was Big Bic who responded to an urgent call of nature. He chose a spot which he thought was far from the beaten track. It

    turns out however that our creative hares had scattered more paper on a false trail

    just the other side of tree he squatted bare-assed behind. Grasping desperately at whatever grasses came to hand, he disappeared deeper into the woods before Fired Up, Nok Easy, and their followers stumbled upon him.

    Two cows and their calves were minding their own business chewing grass beside the road when Bushwacker decided that such Buddhist placidity just won’t do. So he got them riled up just as the four mosquiteers came into sight. Wild Bill, No Name and Johnny Walker managed to slip by unobtrusively but Ranger was struck dumb with terror. This generated a rare moment of paternal compassion in Nam Ron who actually sacrificed his moment of glory at the head of the pack in order to rescue his son.

    Meanwhile the rift raft continued to struggle along the muddy path. Talk about the blind leading the blind, the Lost Samurai headed this lot until at last he confessed that he hadn’t seen paper for ages. At that point the ever resourceful Shocking got out his phone and called Able Semen for help. In the meantime Pat on the Back and her inseparable son Super Glue started retracing their steps followed by everyone except Big Bic and his Virgin Pleng. About 300 meters back Fat Cat while sniffing after daughter Kitty Kat and Virgin Yao stumbles upon paper heading off into a rice paddy. About a kilometer into this sticky mess we suddenly discover Big Bic and Virgin Pleng running up ahead of us. It seems they had found another false trail and followed back to its origin.

    Back at the circle Special Services was discovered hosing down Special Needs.

    Anticipating a baptism Fat Cat removed his new mud-encrusted shoes and hid them in his car. Marmalaid produced banana cake and fruit to complement the usual potato chips. Soreasses announced that the On! On! On! organized at Don’s Café was scheduled to begin in 10 minutes so Shocking ran the fastest circle ever. In the rush to finish he neglected to announce the sale of t-shirts which disappointed all those who anticipated fat profits reselling these prized objects on e-Bay. However he did not forget to call for name nominations. Thus it is the man responsible for all the cigarette lighters littering Thailand became known as “Big Bic” and young Michael declared himself “Johnny Walker” to honour his father’s favourite drink.

    Appended to this report is the report of the GM/Hash Cash pro tem who admits that although he thoroughly indulged himself at the On! On! On! he maintains that his behaviour did not affect our group’s financial position.

    Hash Scribe (pro tem) Wirgin Bluce

  5. Directions To the Chiangrai Family Friendly hash run no# 94

    Founded 15th November 2003

    Saturday 20th August Start 4-00pm prompt

    The August Chiang Rai Hash is timed to start at 4 pm on the 20th. The route is approximately 6.8 kms of primarily flat terrain, with one short steep hill, a few trail inclines, a few rice paddy ridges, and field and cornfield trails. Much of the route will be muddy if it has rained. There are about 1.8 kms of paved road. Overall the route is safe for rainy season. The route should be considered average by our past HHH experiences. The route begins and ends at our house so we can have shelter for the circle.

    Starting from the flashy clock tower heading west you wind around the road at its end and then take the first left over Chiangmai Gate bridge. This puts you on Old Chiang Mai Road (Highway 1211) along which you proceed south about 1.5 kms until you reach the second set of traffic lights in Den Haa. Turn right here. Continue on about 8 kms along this road until you reach Don’s café on the left side of the road. Follow any Pra Soet Hot Springs, LamNamKok National Park, and Doi In Cee Stupa signs to Don’s Café.

    (If approaching from south of CR, turn left at the first set of lights after the 1211 six lane stretch after The Sixties bar.)

    At Don’s Café there is a slip road to the left. There will be an HHH sign here. Take this slip road and continue for about 400 meters. You will then see a blue sign pointing to the left to Doi In Cee Stupa and a white statue of Buddha carrying a parasol. Turn left here. There will be another HHH sign. Continue for 300 meters as you enter Baan Doi Hang Nai. Turn left at Soi 1 across from the temple. As you proceed straight, the paved road will become gravel and pass a blue roofed house on the right. The road will lead directly into our driveway. Our home is the first of four mint green structures. Motorcycles can park in our driveway, but vehicles will need to line the soi before entering House of Union property of which our house is a part.

    The ON ON ON

    An On On On is planned at Don’s Café at 6pm. The buffet will cost 200 baht per adult with children under 12 free. If you wish to confirm the On On On please PM Soap by 2-00pm Friday

    On On

    Hares for August

    Marmalaid and Sorearses


    The following is the menu for the On On On Buffet on Saturday, August 20 following the Hash. I will need to call in the number of people planning to attend by 2pm Friday, August 19.

    At present 16 hashers have confirmed the ON ON ON if you wish to confirm please PM soap

    · Rib Eye Steak grilled on charcoal

    · Barbecued Ribs

    · Dory Ocean Fish

    · Green Salad

    · Potato Salad

    · Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables

    · Masaman Chicken Curry

    · Steamed Rice

    · Taco Bar

    · Dinner Rolls

    · Banana Pudding

  6. Directions To the Chiangrai Family Friendly hash run no# 94

    Founded 15th November 2003

    Saturday 20th August Start 4-00pm prompt

    The August Chiang Rai Hash is timed to start at 4 pm on the 20th. The route is approximately 6.8 kms of primarily flat terrain, with one short steep hill, a few trail inclines, a few rice paddy ridges, and field and cornfield trails. Much of the route will be muddy if it has rained. There are about 1.8 kms of paved road. Overall the route is safe for rainy season. The route should be considered average by our past HHH experiences. The route begins and ends at our house so we can have shelter for the circle.

    Starting from the flashy clock tower heading west you wind around the road at its end and then take the first left over Chiangmai Gate bridge. This puts you on Old Chiang Mai Road (Highway 1211) along which you proceed south about 1.5 kms until you reach the second set of traffic lights in Den Haa. Turn right here. Continue on about 8 kms along this road until you reach Dons café on the left side of the road. Follow any Pra Soet Hot Springs, LamNamKok National Park, and Doi In Cee Stupa signs to Dons Café.

    (If approaching from south of CR, turn left at the first set of lights after the 1211 six lane stretch after The Sixties bar.)

    At Dons Café there is a slip road to the left. There will be an HHH sign here. Take this slip road and continue for about 400 meters. You will then see a blue sign pointing to the left to Doi In Cee Stupa and a white statue of Buddha carrying a parasol. Turn left here. There will be another HHH sign. Continue for 300 meters as you enter Baan Doi Hang Nai. Turn left at Soi 1 across from the temple. As you proceed straight, the paved road will become gravel and pass a blue roofed house on the right. The road will lead directly into our driveway. Our home is the first of four mint green structures. Motorcycles can park in our driveway, but vehicles will need to line the soi before entering House of Union property of which our house is a part.

    The ON ON ON

    An On On On is planned at Dons Café at 6pm. The buffet will cost 200 baht per adult with children under 12 free. If you wish to confirm the On On On please PM Soap by 2-00pm Friday

    On On

    Hares for August

    Marmalaid and Sorearses

  7. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    S2ATO the Family Friendly Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of HHH Run# 93: Saturday, July 16, 2011

    Location: At the Boomerang Climbing Park, north shore of Kok River west of Nam Laat between the two Buddha caves

    Hare: Hand Cock

    The afternoon began inauspiciously with heavy rain which persisted as the meeting hour drew near. Despite these unfavorable omens, twenty-five intrepid hashers gathered for the monthly outing. These included 15 adult males, four women and six kids.

    Hand Cock, the hare, promised mushy wanderings. He did not disappoint. The trail soon left the paved road and headed straight through ankle-deep ponds. Foolish front-runners like Fired Up, Do It Yourself and our founder Brain Health determined to stay in front and believing this pond would be only the first of many ran straight through while the more cautious people like the Lost Samurai, Soreassis, Special Needs and Special Services made a wide circuit and saved their boots a lot of grief. Fortunately the hare had anticipated bad weather and mostly kept the trail on gravel roads.

    These roads led into the hills which line the north shore of the Kok River and form a big oblong circle which brought us eventually back to the starting point. However following the paper was no an easy task. The environmentalists eager to eliminate litter, conspired with our miserly mismanagers to reduce the hare’s allocation of paper to the absolute minimum. So the few strands he had frugally scattered about the countryside soon dissolved in the torrential downpour which followed his trail-setting. However we were inspired by the technique of special guest star Ring Worm on loan from the City of Angels who steadfastly stood at each check while the FRBs searched the way forward.

    Back in the circle Ring Worm and Peter Gibbs were honored as “Almost Virgins.” For Peter it was his second run after a long interlude. Ring Worm had co-hared the inaugural run along with Brain Health and your faithful correspondent but on that occasion he neglected his sweeping duties after breaking a foot-bone and never came back. As usual Shocking attracted a lot of attention but this time the eagle-eyed Nam Ron noticed that he was wearing new boots. This called for a baptism. So Nam Ron emptied an entire can of Leo beer into the filthy shoe which Shocking promptly downed with the encouragement of Pat-on-the Back and Superglue.

    In anticipation of the next hash, Christian, the German banker responsible for Molly Polly’s current double pregnancy and Will, a flogger of used cigarette-lighters were called into the circle for a preliminary confession which would lead to a naming ceremony next time. The young niece of Nok Easy was invited to name herself. “Just Jane” was her eloquent reply.

    Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

  8. Grateful for any help with this.

    Have a house plot that measures (front) 23 metres (left side)25metres (right side)19metres (back)22 and a half metres.

    Would like to know how many Talang Wah the land is and if possible what is the easy way if any to arrive at the Talang Wah.


  9. Directions to the Chiangrai Family Friendly HHH Hash no *93

    Founded November 2003

    Saturday 16th July Start 4-00pm prompt


    Directions from Big C - count 20 mins

    (NB There will be as many HHH signs as I can find):

    a) head north on the superhighway heading towards Mae Chan. Pass the Mengrai/Haayaek junction and cross the Mae Kok river bridge.

    B) at the first traffic lights after the bridge, turn left (sign "Huay Khom" route 1207). Reset your kilometer/odometer to 0.

    c) pass straight through the first lights, and after 1.8km, pass the turning to the left signposted to Rimkok Hotel and prepare to turn left at the next cross roads (360 m further on, 2.26km from traffic lights) where there will an HHH sign.

    d) after turning left, follow the road for 1km (total 3.26 km from traffic lights) until you come to a slightly offset crossroads.

    e) at the crossroads, go straight across (actually, slightly offset to the left). This is the road out to the Buddha caves for those of you in the know - another HHH sign

    f) drive along this road a total of 2km from the last offset crossroads (total 5.56km since turning off superhighway). You will pass a Buddha Cave on your right, then the road turns sharp left. Look for the "Boomerang Adventure Park " (HHH sign) at this bend and look for somewhere to park.

    2. Directions from the west of CR

    For those coming from the south or south-west and who don't want to go all the way east to the superhighway:

    a) cross the river on the Mae Fah Luang Bridge (the non-superhighway bridge just to the west of the Rimkok Hotel/Dusit Island Hotel) and reset your kilometer/odometer to 0

    B) continue north after crossing the bridge 1km when you will come a crossroads with a sign marked "Buddha Cave" to the left - turn left here (HHH sign).

    c) drive along this road a total of 2km from the last offset crossroads (total 5.56km since turning off superhighway). You will pass a Buddha Cave on your right, then the road turns sharp left. Look for the "Boomerang Adventure Park" (HHH sign) at this bend and look for somewhere to park.

    If you have any problems, or need a lift organised, call me on 0861 940 922.

    DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: there may be some water/mud involved in this run, so please wear appropriately old footwear.


  10. Chiangrai Family Friendly Hash Report No. 92, from June 18, 2011

    Location near Huay Sak Reservoir

    Hares: Brain Health & Just Perfect

    After a long absence as hare, Brain Health took the reigns because Paddy Boy had conscripted him three months prior. Since Brain Health had no say in the matter, he proceeded to take out his vengeance by beating the s**t out of the hashers – setting a near record number of checks, taking us on muddy roads, up hills, through a village with dogs at every house and if that wasn’t enough, through tracks lined with “mai ya lap” or chicken scream vines on both sides so that with one false step you would be scarred for life. 34 innocent hashers consisting of 9 virgins, 6 children and an even split of males and females turned up, not knowing what Brain Health had in store. To make matters worse, Brain Health had enlisted the services of two young lads (keep your mind out of the gutter) to run in front of the FRBs and pretend to guide them on the correct path only to lead them astray.

    The checks were very successful, leading the FRBs in the wrong direction nearly every time. SoreAssIis and Do It Yourself learned the hard way that following the local lads would quickly lead you astray and Fired up & Virgin Will managed to take the lead. The route went out of a village, across some fields, onto an irrigation khlong with some missing cover pieces to act as hazards, onto a dirt road and then onto a small farming trail that took us up to a summit overlooking the reservoir. As we dropped down onto the dam, Brain Health was there with his whip threatening the hashers to keep running or bear the consequences. Most of the hashers continued on but a few broke under the stress including Shocking, Dream, Lye, No Name and Ranger who opted to take the short cut back along the road. As the main group got to the On-On there was a panic because when we saw Shocking with a beer in hand, comfortably seated near the ice chest, they were sure there would be no beer left. Luckily Do It Yourself had hidden an ice chest that Shocking hadn’t found. Shocking’s rather dubious account can be read here (The hare had informed the hashers that he would position himself near the 5k mark just in case anyone wanted to take the short route home (would we) with the hare nowhere in sight yours truly arrived at the 5k mark and thinking nature had called with the hare, set off again in the belief that he was taking the long route only to find to his amazement that he had arrived back at the hares house first home, celebrating his victory by heading straight for the beer box.) (Bold added for effect) Lost Samuria, Nok Easy, Hom Noi, Elaine, Virgin Will, Dream and friend Lye trailed in with Titanic, The Best Man, On Fire, Iceberg & Special needs with Special Services in close attendance with Buffalo Bill, Ranger,& No Name together with friend Michael coming home in a blanket finish.

    As an aside, Virgin Lye had been told by Virgin Will that the hash was a kind of party so she had dressed in a very suave party dress and wore high heels. Needless to say, she wasn’t overly thrilled with Virgin Will by the end of the hash and needed assistance just walking as her heels were well blistered.

    Feeling guilty that her husband had tortured so many innocent hashers, Just Perfect decided to make it up to everyone by putting on a spread that would not have been out of place in a 5 star hotel. There was a mouth-watering selection of local dishes brought in by a professional caterer. However, Just Perfect had her hands full trying to keep that craft Labrador Bushwacker and the Best Man’s Rottweiller from stepping on her newly planted flowers and eating the food off the table. But after feeding 34 hungry hashers and 2 big dogs, there was still enough left over to feed the village.

    The Circle

    Since the circle happened after the food, most of the hashers struggled to keep their eyes open. Shocking acted as GM and after the usual spiel presented our hares with the special shirts and managed to sell one to a first timer Virgin Rose. He then welcomed the 9 hash virgins: Brian, Nang, Christian, Elaine, Aussie Andrew who looks to have a good beer arm to make a devoted hasher, Will and Wife Dream and friend Lye who thought she had escaped the circle but was toasted on the second attempt and Rose who lived next door to the hares but came from China via Phuket. Since everyone was overly full, there were no memorable down-downs or anything else worth mentioning.

    Fine Print: Due to our renowned hash scribe Wirgin "Shakespeare" Bluce taking a tour of ALL the whiskey & beer distillers of Canada plus his assistant Able Semen going on an all you can drink boating holiday in dear old Blighty, we freely admit we have scraped the barrel to write this report

    Confirmed Hares

    July Hand Cock

    August Mamalaid/ SoreAssIis

    September Namron and Virgin Will

    October On Fire/ Fired Up

    November Wirgin Bluce/ Wild Woman

    December Able Semen

    Got the images into the blog as well - http://chiangraihhh.blogspot.com/2011/06/chiangrai-family-friendly-hash-report.html

  11. Directions to the Chaingrai HHH Family Friendly hash no*92

    Founded 15th November 2003

    June 18th start 4.00 pm prompt

    From the Little Duck crossroads (Mae Korn Junction)take route 1020 direction of Thoeng

    Travel the 1020 for 14k to traffic lights at Huay Sak, allow 30 minutes from Big C

    Turn right here (HHH sign) and drive up the lane towards the reservoir for approx 1.3km and look for the HHH sign on the right, on gate of house no 239/4. Turn into compound and park on either right or left - hares house is at bottom of slope.

    NOTE - Do not drive past pond on your left as ground can be very wet. and you may get stuck"


    Brain Health & Just Perfect

    We are pleased to have one of the Chaingrai HHH founder members to Hare the June Hash "Brain Health"

    Brian is coming up from Bangkok to hare this hash so if you can make the hash please support the hare

  12. Try www.satthai.tv they have cards receivers for K+ and also Skynindo,

    which has better channels inc HD and is C band so not problems with

    the rain, regards Worgeordie

    Wor Georgie

    The K+ package is ku band not C-Band

    Looks good, can this be had in the north east of thailand......strong footprint etc ??


    You can pick this sattelite up with a 65 cm dish

    Are those English language channels?

    Yes the package as about 25 channels in english

    But beware

    The package was on c**d sh*re till last month when we lost about 10 channels,now since

    last week all the channels on the package have all gone blank, only the vietnam FTA channels plus Luxe Channel are available

  13. Hi Grant

    The universal channel is not listed on any of True Visions packages (Google their web site.)

    The best law & order channel in my opinion is CI investigation but im sure you can only get this Channel on Astro.

    If you Check your remote you might find that you can have the channel in Thai or English,check Audio on your remote

  14. Hash House Harriers

    The Chiangrai “Start slowly and taper off “ Hash

    S2ATO the Family Friendly Hash

    Founded 15 November 2003

    Report of HHH Run# 92: Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Location: Hua Doi area north of the Thoeng Road (1020) near km stone 9.

    Hares: Do It Yourself assisted by Do It Better

    Following the recent spate of emails discussing the nature of our group and the subsequent resignations of the GM, Hash Scribe and Hash Cash, there was considerable concern whether we would have a hash this month and if so whether anyone would show up for it. As it turned out such misgivings were misplaced. The durable Hash Beer, Do It yourself rose to the occasion and produced a fine trail with assistance of Do It Better, a motorcycle and Google Earth. Twenty seven hashers showed up including ten children.

    At the word “Go,” Nam Ron aided and abetted by the other usual FRBs On Fire, Able Semen and Bushwacker, took off leaving his three boys, Buffalo Bill, Ranger and No Name in a cloud of dust. However to give credit where credit is due, he did provide the boys with poles tipped in red paint which would conveniently obscure the blood from any injuries they might incur.

    The hash otherwise evolved in the usual manner. The second tier far behind the FRBs included Fired Up, Hard Wired, Special Needs, Special Services, and your faithful correspondent. The abandoned boys came next not much ahead of the four Powder Puffs. Shocking was conspicuous as ever in the middle along with Sperm Bank and the Lost Samurai in the middle. Not far behind came the ladies headed by Wild Woman, Pat on the Back and Nok Easy whose constant chatter made them easy to monitor. They had been forewarned by the hare that there was a fragile bamboo bridge to cross and everyone was eager to get over it before Shocking arrived.

    Back in the circle, Shocking amply filled the place of the absent GM. He began by appointing yours truly and Able Semen, scribe and deputy to the vacant office. He himself took over the Hash Cash’s job with Fired Up deputizing. So now the Mismanagement Committtee under the awesome leadership of the most popular GM ever, consists of Nam Ron, head of trails, the Hash Beer Do It Yourself, the Hash Scribes myself and Able Semen plus the new Hash Cashes Shocking and Fired Up.

    In the absence of any virgins or new members to name and with the threat of double kneestanding down down punishment for anyone who swears, hashers soon discovered that there was nothing to do in the circle. So it soon broke up. Sperm Bank reported that his four Powder Puffs complained that this was the most boring circle ever.

    Wirgin Bluce

    Newly reappointed Hash Scribe

  15. I don’t know Scorp, seems to me your best play is to head straight for the car after the walk, even the reported debacle of last month is not repeated. :)

    When we want the monkey.

    We will rattle the nuts

  16. As i read this

    Before it was TT&T phone line and internet line,now 3BB have come along and installed their own internet line.

    So if you dont want or need the phone line you can have it disconnected ans save yourself the standing monthly fee of 107 baht,i have done this in 2 houses and the internet line is working fine without the phone line

  17. No person in this thread has asked the price of everything. One did ask the price of a movie. Pretty common thing on here to ask a price of something. But suddenly, he can't afford a movie because he asked. I guess from here on out, whenever anyone asks the price of a hotel or anything else, we just tell than that they obviously cannot afford it.

    And yes, people do consider costs when they plan to attend an event. Or make a purchase . Just because there is money in the bank doesn't mean that you should run out and throw it away until it is gone. Some people stick to budgets, regardless of the amount they have. Does it mean they cannot afford it? No. It means that they know the value of money. It might even mean that they have children and grandchildren that they would like to do something for, in addition to taking care of their own lives and futures. Those are decisions made by intelligent people who get intelligent answers to honest questions. Pretty common practice amongst the normal people on this planet.

    It is a forum, remember? And it seems to me that not too long ago some guy was bemoaning the lack of participation in that forum and now the same guy is trying to make sure that some people say to hell with it.

    :clap2::clap2: Well said Kandahar

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