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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. The article was about the 2 swiss guys. Sure, any foreigners behaving above the law deserve to suffer consequences when caught - including, but not limited to jail, deportation and blacklisting (as does anyone caught breaking the laws of civil society).
  2. Good. Taken out the trash 🗑️ but the thing about trash is that it always has a way of piling up, no matter how often it's taken out.
  3. Tourist. Absolutely. But not if on a long stay visa/extension (retirement, marriage, etc.), NonB, LTR, or Elite.
  4. The swiss guy who broke the old ladies nose deserves jail time following by deportation and blacklisted.
  5. Thailand really will give just about anyone an entry visa/stamp (regardless or means or intent). And yet they wonder why so many shiftless, directionless, foreigners end up never leaving and creating problems. This entire story (which the more you read, the more it smells of disingenuous nonsense), is a microcosm case-study of what's wrong with Thailand today.
  6. They had better be supportive, as you have no visible means of supporting yourself. As an unskilled laborer (receptionist) with a lazy streak (working part time), you'd probably have had an easier time helping your parents retire (assuming that's truly your aspiration) by staying in the London metro-area, where good jobs and wages can be had.
  7. Thailand to the UK (on knife crime)... "hold my beer..." lol If he knew Thailand, he'd know he's going from the frying pan into the fire when it comes to knife crime.
  8. Same as it ever was, and nothing will change, expect for a few sacrificial lambs to appease the hoi polloi... If you got the money honey, you can get just about another in T-land. Rich foreigners in sea side villas opening store fronts, included.
  9. You reap what you sow... Illegals are easier to employ than any others. And that's what Thai businesses want. Labor they can exploit for cheap. If they cared otherwise, the laws would be changed and/or properly enforced.
  10. By the looks of him, I'll say Indian descent. Ruparelia is a Hindu surname, specifically associated with the Lohana community. He certainly does not look broke. Someone is bankrolling him.
  11. By the looks of him, my vote is Indian Daddy will buy him an Elite Visa. Fund his lifestyle. We should all be so lucky.
  12. He wants to live in THA as a 22 year with no work experience (other than as a receptionist)... what kind of long-stay Visa does he think he will get? Back-to-back-to-back EDs (not as easy as it use to be), Non-B (assuming he can even find a job he wants or can keep), or have daddy buy him an Elite Visa, seem like his only options. I think when this guy finally wakes up to the realities of THA immigration law, and job prospects for unskilled labor, he'll be heading home soon.
  13. What's so delicious about this particular webfact is that it flies directly in the face of the PMs pronouncement from last month that said THA wants to be the leader in this space #asleepattheswitch
  14. 22 year old Indian from UK moves to THA on his family's money after realizing he can't make ends meet on his own in London because he has a terrible job. So brave, so noble... just the kind of directionless foreigner THA needs more of 🙄 #makethailandgreatagain
  15. It's easy to hate on foreigners because there are more than enough knuckle head foreigners doing dumb stuff to hate. We're not all bad, of course. But if you do bad, you deserve to lose your Thailand privileges. With prejudice. I'm always looking forward to the deportation of any knuckle head foreigners. And Phuket has many worthy of deportation.
  16. Nonsense. Rates are far better anywhere but Thailand. No, this is Hi-so money coming in ahead of the TRD announcement to Tax foreign source income earned after 1 Jan 2024
  17. All part of the original deal Thaksin cut for himself/family...
  18. Either the baby came early, or the airlines failed to follow their policy. If it's the later, Its a daring women to fly so close to her due date. The parent's need to adopt the name Sky 🙂
  19. I don't know about Taiwan. Thailand does not follow jus soli. The baby gets the citizenship of its mother/parents.
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