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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. Well, he's a teacher with a full grown beard... my guess is 24 yrs old if he's a day. He sure isn't a teenager. If he was a teenager and dating underage teenage girls maybe there is leniency (depending)... but in this case he's just a dirt-bag who betrayed he's trust as a teacher. They probably should investigate his background in the US. Doubt this is his first rodeo.
  2. The Chinese are broke and worried about the economy's future (especially their youth), with less money to spend on international travel. They are staying domestic. That's why HK surpassed THA as the #1 tourist destination in 2023.
  3. Knowing full well he still has a lot of support from the poor, many of whom will be disappointed if clemency is not granted. Even most sec. 112 offenders are typically granted clemency eventually (usually on he Kings birthday). But after less than 1 month in lockup? You can say this about Thaksin, he is nothing, if he is not bold.
  4. No nothing has changed. The fundamentals remain. Read a history book. The only think that is certain is that THA will have another coup in it's future.
  5. Not happening. If I had a dollar for every half-baked comment or pronouncement, from self important Thai politicians, that never come to fruition, I'd never worry about money again.
  6. Exactly. And his 2 biggest enemies are the 2 most dominant institutions (the military and monarchy).
  7. No way will they allow more countries under a 90 day VER. The last thing immigration wants is people living full time in THA under VER (Visa exempt rules). It's already a cakewalk for VER countries to stay 60 days in THA on holiday (30 day VER and one 30 day extension for 1900 THB). Anyone staying longer than 60 days should have a visa. This is just a new PM plowing smoke at the tourist industries constant whining. If anything they should allow more countries under the already established 30 day VER program.
  8. Is thaksin sick? Does the Pope deficate in the woods? ???? Thaksin looked well in all those kickboxing workout videos he posted online
  9. Clever ploy pulled by many rich who end up in prison, faine illness and negotiate house arrest for "health reasons"
  10. Tired of this guy already. Just another elite involved in Thailand's disfunctional political morass... royalist, military, judiciary, elites, legislators (appointed or elected), take your pick, they are all far from honorable.
  11. I love me some me some ganja on occasion, but why act the fool and pull a stunt like this. Only beings criticism.
  12. Nothing like a little father/son bonding over some whore mongering, boozing and brawling #wholesome ????
  13. As reported in the RobbReport... so an oligarch's yacht (that's on the run from being confiscated) shows up, and RR reports it. Not sure just because half of the 340 villas sold in PKT in 2023 are going to Russians is a sign of an "ultra-rich" inflex more than its a sign of the times (i.e., Russians fleeing Putin's war). If Xi wasn't doing his best at preventing Chinese money from fleeing China, you'd see a lot more Chinese too.
  14. Thaskin coming or not coming is a meaningless distraction. But if PT allows a minority party (bhumjaithai) to take the premiership with PT support, then all this election will have accomplished is to alienate (and discard the voice of) 60% of the electorate. Truly pitifully, if true. Anutin is no better than Prayut or Prawit.
  15. The CC still needs to rule on the iTV fiasco... That's likely going to be Pita's death blow. But he is stubborn and until then isn't going away, and until then there is going to be only chaos and uncertainty. MFP can form a government, and PT can't form a government (with or without MFP). Not unless PT sell their soles and coalition with the devils (Prayut, Anutin and Prawit). Classic cluster <deleted>. Or should I say, "well played" by the junta ????
  16. That's a good point. I wonder how he feels about Thailand provide aid and comfort to the draft doggers.
  17. Seeing as Putin just raised the age for military conspirationto 30 years of age, we should see a lot more draft doggers.
  18. Truth is, Thai people at-large are incredibly docile and apathetic (particularly to politics), which has allowed them to be effectively controlled by 90 years of faux democracy constantly undermined by 12 successful military led coup d'etats. Their anger usually only manifest itself into violence when intimate betrayal or financial loss is involved (or they are drunk). Any coordinated sustained objected-based social unrest would quickly wither. The only people in ASEAN who have it worse is Myanmar and Cambodia (with one-party socialist/communist Laos and Vietnam not far behind).
  19. Just another junta puppet... The Pheu Thai party clearly got the message that no relative of Thaksin need apply.
  20. And the majority of Thai people will still be no better off... .p. s., Last months prediction was for 24 million by years end... How it's 35... Lol. The BS this country shovels is astounding
  21. What seems clear now is the ham-handed way the June 2022 legalization of ganja was hastily handled, that it was more akin to a down payment for Anutin's future support of the junta's candidates.
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