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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. The rule is that your power bank should have a capacity of no more than 100Wh (Watt Hours) and a maximum voltage of 12V (Volts), although some airlines allow for up to 160Wh. But even those can ignite. The only reason that let those on is because if they do ignite/explode, the fire can be contained (vs. in the hold of the plane) assuming staff are properly trained. Probably just need to ban power banks completely. The technology has proven once again to be unsafe to fly.
  2. Do not ignore the warning signs... This is your final warning 😂
  3. They seem to know just about ever country they have ever flown too while on the run, but still can seem to capture them...
  4. There many Thais working in Korea illegally (as prostitutes, domestics, restaurant workers, farm hands, etc.). Korea has every right to deny someone entry if they can't prove their intent and purpose of their visit. It's not racism. It's call boarder control. And every sovereign country has the right to control immigration. Get over yourselves.
  5. Not a surprise... Banks are not too smart when it comes to underwriting credit. Plis, the amount of money departments spend on equipment is outrageous... They all have tactical gear like it's WWIII. Insane. And a waste.
  6. People still need to work... unless all businesses plan to close for 21 days, domestic travel will not see people taking 21 day holidays.
  7. From one autocrat to another autocrat wannabe... "You shall judge a man by his foes as well as by his friends"
  8. A 32 baht transaction a minute for how many minutes/how many transactions? Probably used his debit card online and someone committed fraud with his details. Banks will make good in any event. My wife had someone (gamestream.com) use her debit card details to the tune of 6000 baht (multiple small transaction in one day) and krungthai paid her back within 5 business day.
  9. 44/45 °C is miserable on any day. More of those days is not something I personally look forward to. But we endure. Not much more you can do.
  10. Thaksin immediately headed to the AGs office to ask for "fairness" on the latest sec112 charges against him... The AG of course "suspended" the charges pending further investigation 😂 The rule of law in Thailand... What a joke. Based solely on who you are and who you know (hierarchy and patronage). But the constitutional Court finds Pita guilty for merely campaigning on suggesting changes to the laws (which is an MPs job), and was branded for wanted to "overthrow the monarchy". The constitutional Court should now convict the AG for giving Thaksin a free pass on his sec112 charges.
  11. Nothing else better to do, Mr. PM? Because Thailand has far more pressing concerns that could use some attention.
  12. #donkey and soon to be banned from flying as well. Stupid is as stupid does.
  13. Thailand ganja laws are jumping around too much right now... Sit this one out Champ. At least until the dust settles on the direction of recreational weed.
  14. Ban or no ban... Anyone who wants a drink can find a drink. Anytime, any day.
  15. I mean, is not a bad idea. Albeit limited... Tourist (visa) only and if not breaking the law (helmet law, traffic/maritime law, etc.). What they should do... When you look at who is being hurt and dieing... It's mostly those engraged in adventure activities (motorcycles, boating, etc.)... Just require the outfitters to make all foreigners buy supplemental insurance at the POS (non waivable). Like when you rent a car, but without the ability to take a waiver. Then your risk reduction is properly focused, and the pool of payees captive. Given the numbers (total payees vs payouts), insurance underwriters could make a bundle, and you only make those most at risk pay-in. Just a thought.
  16. He's paroled. Not under house arrest. Those types of monitoring devices are not needed give his circumstances.
  17. Not a smart guy. Gets pissed over a parking space (learn self control) and makes a fuss (with a Thai), gets assaulted (locally conclusion of you know anything about making a fuss with a Thai). Stupid is as stupid does.
  18. 50k/hr would be a blessing on some roads during rush hour. Regardless, any limits are mearly suggestions without enforcement. If any municipality needs speed (and traffic light) enforcement cameras its greater Bangkok. The revenue would be a windfall.
  19. You only make that mistake once 😂 newbie had to learn the hard way.
  20. This is no surprise. Sugar owns these people. Normal sweetness to a Thai is like normal spicy levels... over the top.
  21. Riding motorized unicycles (and skateboards, rollerblades, etc.) on certain roads should be illegal. There was no shoulder and they where in the fast lane. Fine deserved.
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