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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. The thing is, you're like a broken record. Anytime anyone doesn't stop talking and pushing a narrative I am always looking for what their angle is. I'm pretty sure Lister's agenda for pushing so hard for expats to seek council was to drum up business for so called tax experts. What's yours?
  2. Calm down Bob. That was Mrs Smith and her BF.
  3. I'm a fan of a few tokes myself but these nupties get what they deserved. There's no reason to be smoking in such public places. I really hate walking with our kid and the pot smoke is so thick.
  4. It's an open forum. You're only giving your opinion....right? Same as everyone.
  5. Probly. Those pot fiends are the worst.
  6. I just go for Firestone. They wear pretty good.
  7. I'm glad you finally took her back Bob, she was getting on my nerves.
  8. Why are the T's always so angry?
  9. Crime or fear of crime was not my meaning here at all. Although when I was living in the middle of no where I always had a vehicle in my name in case of my lady goes nuts.
  10. Yeah sure, why not.
  11. Save your energy for the 4 vixens.
  12. I grew up on a dairy and the cats got fresh milk.
  13. To say you live in Isaan can mean several things. You can live in a higher end housing development. But for the foreigners who follow the little lady to the rice fields and build a mega home, do you feel uncomfortable living next to the poor rice farmers? Your trip to Makro probably exceeds your neighbors monthly income. You have a new pickup, top of the line furnishings, maybe a pool. All the while watching the old ladies digging for land crabs for their next meal. Guys cutting grass for a few skinny cows kept next to their shack during rice season. Oh and lets not forget living with her extended family and possibly in your house. Oh, I mean her house.
  14. I would suggest maintaining a US number in Thailand. There are many options. I have ultra mobile which gives me unlimited wifi calling in Thailand. It's convenient when your boots hit US soil you have phone service and data.
  15. Who really cares? I don't.
  16. We should have seen the downturn coming. I made a sizable withdrawal from my 401k beginning of 2025 for vacations and such. A good time to invest as stocks go down.
  17. You'd have to be blind or an idiot to think he's a her. I said nothing about smarts
  18. Usually order all seafood dishes. No problem. Too spicy? I still eat it with daughter's delight at my tears. Mai pen rai
  19. I'd find a KFC. Report back.
  20. No head kicks with foreigner down. I'm surprised.
  21. Waiting for the "Gov hospitals are as good as the private ones" brigade.
  22. I'm doing fine, but thank you for wishing me the worst. It all depends on how you were raised.
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