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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'm doing fine, but thank you for wishing me the worst. It all depends on how you were raised.
  2. SS was never meant to be one's sole source of retirement funds. Unfortunately due to poor planning SS is the only lifeline many have.
  3. Just look in the mirror.
  4. I would think your time to be better spent researching tomorrow's KFC meal.
  5. I see you're living the dream.
  6. Maybe, maybe not. She could have been knocking on heavens door as well.
  7. I just went to my online SS account and changed my direct deposit account info to Bangkok Bank, No other paperwork was needed. But again I started my SS from the US not via Manilla. The downside is Bangkok bank recently put a stop on my debit card and online banking ability.
  8. Perhaps you like Susan better.
  9. I hate the whistle blowers as well. Especially when backing in to a parking space. Can't stand em.
  10. I take you're not a beach person. I have a big selection of Hawaiian shirts.
  11. Usually guys settle in Isaan because they follow the lady home. Few have the resources to leave.
  12. I just go about my business, minding my own business. Good restaurants, cold beer and warm sandy beaches. Nothing else really matters.
  13. No one even kids about the Round Table guys any longer.
  14. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14394413/Army-Military-ad-Trump-Biden.html Big difference in messaging. Watch it.
  15. Why do you feel the need to post drivel. Soo boring.
  16. Most expats do it opposite. Bring goods from home country into Thailand. Maybe bring some souvenirs back home with you for friends. I brought back a bottle of whiskey with scorpions and snakes. Kind of a novelty.
  17. I have personal experience in the Fed workplace. The place where DOD workers gathered awaiting job assignment was extremely mismanaged. We would have hundreds of guys receiving hotel accommodations, food money and pay awaiting job assignment. If I waited for the main office to schedule mandatory training I could be waiting for months. All the while the guys in the field were overdue for relief. I only hope the worthless office personal are shaking in their boots.
  18. You mentioned Trump calling military suckers and losers. I posted recruitment is up under Trump. Then you go off talking about DOGE and insulin.
  19. You're all over the place. Some would call that deflection.
  20. Recruitment for the military is surging under Trump.
  21. Where's your dedicated driver and your benz. In the shop?
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