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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Then why don't these people keep it private. They have a right as I have a right to laugh at them.
  2. I was expecting a different kind of story about a banana lady, I've seen a few and the bananas weren't for monkeys.
  3. Tell me more about the best food in Thailand, beautiful women I understand, not the food.
  4. The ole "it's quite possible" routine. Many things are quite possible.
  5. I don't want him to run 2024. But not because he scammed some kids who are lost causes anyway if they enrolled in his college. He simply has too much baggage. Time to cut him lose, there's others with similiar policies but better statesmanship. You don't seem to understand why Trump won 2016, not really.
  6. Image released of a stack of boxes similiar to what every American probablyy has. It goes on to say documents were found in the ballroom. Does not say boxes contained these documents. So you're telling stories saying these boxes contained classified docs. Stop the lies. Just to add to the silliness of posters. If these boxes had been searched, I'm to believe photos would not have been taken of incriminating evidence. I'm to believe the agents searched these boxes, put everything back in and then restacked the boxes for a nice photo shoot. C'mon man......
  7. Every school like this promises that. That's not evidence,
  8. They got an education to last a lifetime, what sane person would pay money to go to Trump University.
  9. I'm just stating the obvious. Posting a pic of boxes means nothing. If this can get him out of the 24 race, roast him I don't care. Posting the obvious doesn't make me MAGA.
  10. How do you know those boxes contain classified docs? But, good for making up stories. That stack of boxes looks similiar to my stack of boxes.
  11. So, you're OK with a president that's pretty much a joke the world over. Biden's fubs are almost a daily occurance. BTW this is about biden, not others.
  12. This shouldn't even be news any longer, the world knows biden is a few sandwiches shy a full picnic basket.
  13. So, the pics are real but the laptop is disinformation. It gets confusing.
  14. You mean all those pics of HB and his hookers and drugs aren't real? huh
  15. In the not too distant future when the masses don't have job due to the rage of the machine. Do you honestly think the gov of any country can afford to just hand out money. Oh no, they'll alot tiny cubicles, open bathrooms, food will be what they have to give. The future is grim.
  16. Filipinas are all about coming to the US. I'd bet every lady in PI has a friend or relative in Calif. One nice thing about Thailand is the ladies are content at home.
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