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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So you wear both the popped collar and checkered shirts. My daughter gets upset if I even look at checkered shirts at the mall to buy. I notice everything. And what better place to voice my observations than right here.
  2. Next I'll start a thread about why the checkered shirts are so popular amongst the oldies.
  3. I use Cablz XL, it allows sunglasses to hang in front when not using.
  4. Kids shouldn't be forced to wear masks by their parents. Let the madness end.
  5. Pastries, chocolate and ice cream is a demon for many of us. I like to think I'm not alone. I try to avoid all, so I can have a few beers a day. My main staple which I really cant do without is bread, butter and cheese in the morning, mix it up with cottage cheese and fruit when I have it. Dinner is usually salmon, baked chicken or sometimes meatballs or steak with mashed potatoes or rice.
  6. It saddens my heart when I see little kids going to school all masked up. Wished they would stop the foolishness.
  7. Ah the history of a redneck....... read and learn In Scotland in the 1640s, the Covenanters rejected rule by bishops, often signing manifestos using their own blood. Some wore red cloth around their neck to signify their position, and were called rednecks by the Scottish ruling class to denote that they were the rebels in what came to be known as The Bishop's War that preceded the rise of Cromwell.[28][29] Eventually, the term began to mean simply "Presbyterian", especially in communities along the Scottish border. Because of the large number of Scottish immigrants in the pre-revolutionary American South, some historians have suggested that this may be the origin of the term in the United States.[30]
  8. Collar up for sports can make sense. It's the old guys trying to strut like a kid again at the mall holding hands with tilac that gives me a good chuckle.
  9. Do you use starch for the crisp look. I'm a beach guy so being a redneck isn't an issue.
  10. That was the leather jacket with collar up look.
  11. So, if someone else is in danger you won't help. And you say we should self police.
  12. Didn't know the term popped was used for the silly collars starched up.
  13. That didn't work well for Daniel Penny, he's facing manslaughter charges.
  14. So, it would seem old guys have their collar ironed up for fashion? Does it make you feel younger?
  15. Good old Joe, I used to feel bad and embarrassed for joe, now I just chuckle. Can't wait for him to debate.
  16. possible about about other operations. My only operation is getting cash, think it's like a 20 thb charge for using wrong ATM.
  17. My Bangkok Bank ATM works in all other ATM as well. Funny yours won't.
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