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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. My local dispensary has THC oil for 600 thb. Not bad, use it for sleeping. It's in Ban Chang area
  2. LGBT do these events to try to antagonize and create situations. Why would someone trying to assimilate into society go out of their way to draw attention? In hopes of being able to play the victim card.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/media/former-trans-kid-shares-pain-suffering-mutilating-gender-affirming-care-ive-gotten-no-help Cole began to question her identity at the age of 12. Her parents were advised by medical professionals that she would commit suicide if she wasn't "affirmed" with medical intervention. "My distraught parents wanted me alive, so they listened to my doctors," Cole previously said at a hearing. Then, at 16, Cole detransitioned. Two years later she continues to experience painful side effects from the medical interventions. I can't understand why some parents want to mutilate their kids.
  4. Did you even read the entire OP, I mean click on the links within the OP. It's obvious you haven't
  5. https://nypost.com/2023/06/01/hunter-biden-laptop-photo-archive-published-on-new-website/ C'mon man, take a peek for a good laugh.
  6. Hope dr jill gets a good scolding for not having joe's arm.
  7. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
  8. No, they don't have it good. They're raised to fail. Has nothing to do with "back in my day" For me working before and after school, weekends that was just life. Set me up good for work ethic. I was the one with the neat car and motorcycle in school.
  9. As a teenager I did all those jobs. You'd be hardpressed to find a white kid doing dairy work, picking crops these days. Americans have gotten soft and lazy, part of the problem is the gov handing out to many freebees.
  10. So, alot of fat women are being asked how far along they are? You ever asked a woman how far along they are only to be told they aren't pregnant.
  11. My time in the Navy I lent money $20. for $30. due the following payday.
  12. Why is it the left always wants to get personal? Where was the hysteria in my post. I simply reported info the OP neglected. Me, personally I think it's criminal which is why these birther hotels were being rousted.
  13. For some the "sense of community" is synonimious with her family and friends treat the house as their own. The other thing is where I was living most appeared to be poor and that's not fun. I live in an industrial area now, folks have good paying jobs, drive nice cars. Much better than the boys sitting around drinking Lao Khao kind of environment.
  14. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/feds-raid-l-maternity-hotel-birth-tourists-n315996 NBC News was on the scene as Homeland Security agents swept into The Carlyle, a luxury property in Irvine, California, which housed pregnant women and new moms who allegedly forked over $40,000 to $80,000 to give birth in the United States.
  15. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/maternity-tourism-how-chinese-couples-buy-us-citizenship-for-their-babies/ Ada Lin's family paid $27,000 to a Chinese agency with a website that advertises the advantages of giving birth in America. The agency helps arrange U.S. tourist visas, lodging, and medical care.
  16. It's interesting sitting along Soi Bukhao watching the old guys walking about, There's some with some serious full body and face tatts. Getting a face and head tatt is serious.
  17. So, what is that new train station by Utapao to be used for? Just curious as it's new but never used by the looks of it.
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