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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 17 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    Yesterday I had the chance to test-ride a 2019 Street Twin. It's the first time that I actually cut a test ride short. Was pretty disappointed. Good that you didn't go for that bike guzzi850m2. I feel that it does not provide good value for the price they are asking. Lacks both refinement and performance. The former was quite surprising to me.

    Please define refinement, if I understand correctly the MT09 is more refined than a Triumph. Please explain.

  2. 20 hours ago, Spidey said:

    Thanks. very interesting and insightful. Not a dissimilar story to @marcusarelus really.


    Similar to the deprecating comments that my father said to me. As an only child, he used to say that I had always held him back and if it weren't for me being born he would have really made something of his life.


    Now @EVENKEEL here we have 2 posters who are candidates for worst poster of the year having very similar family backgrounds and regularly spatting with each other. Analysis please.





    May I first say WOW, perhaps we could have an award for poster with worst childhood. This should be an excellent incentive to be the best parent you can be. 

  3. 14 hours ago, hansnl said:

    Feel free to buy a few small metal spoons in Tesco, BigC or elsewhere.

    Good for the environment.

    I presume.



    I could, but that wouldn't address the carelessness of 7-11 employees. Forgetfulness can be forgiven but not if it's laziness. Sort of like the dilemma of walking on sidewalks with all oncoming pedestrians glued to smart phone. Yes, I'm able to navigate around them but is that right. Why should all the responsibility of walking safely rest on my shoulders. This the world we live in.  

  4. 10 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Tea spoons aren't small enough?


     Anything like spoons or straws that I can refuse, I do. One time a clerk tried to stuff some straws in a small bag containing two beers I bought.

    Straws are good, I've used those like chop stiks for yogurt before. Straws for beers are quite useful as well, makes drinking and driving more civilized.

  5. 12 hours ago, billybog said:

    are you for real...or just pulling a chain...a spoon????  come on.

    Don't believe I've ever "pulled a chain" or is that a train, either way answer is no. I'm very much real. But thanks to all the great feedback I'm making progress. 


    Now, if I could just get that Med Ganja lined up I'm set.

    • Haha 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, gjoo888 said:

    Why not wash a few of the plastic spoons they (normally) give you, and re-use them? Then you'll always have some around and do the planet a favor at the same time.

    I occasionally  do that, not for the planet but for my own and that of my baby girl's sake.

  7. 2 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    No spoon or anything that could be used as a replacement. How sad.

    But how awesome are those cute little plastic spoons that makes this portion of yogurt last longer than eating it with a soup spoon. And, and when you're finished no need to walk into kitchen with said dirty metal spoon. You simply toss it in the trash. I don't believe nay sayers are yogurt lovers or yogurt enthusiasts.


    But thanks to an unnamed posh hotel I'm in procession of some fine quality hoity toity small spoons which may work in a pinch.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Geez I don’t know about you but I as a working man lost 8900$ on my return compared to last year but maybe you belong to the top 1% so donalds tax scam worked for you

    Haven't done my taxes for 2018 yet. Not looking forward to it. I believe less money has been taken out during the year which may account for less return. If you saw a $8900. loss you're above my pay bracket.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Fair enough.  You're a believer...I get that.  But most of America is not.  And Trump has never cared about the rest of America.  That will be his downfall.


    [According to the Gallup poll, Trump is the first president to never have even one day where a majority of Americans supported him.]

    [And so while he may galvanize loyalists, Trump has consistently failed to win over Americans beyond his base.]



    But when the day comes you walk in to cast your vote, what are folks going to be thinking about? They'll be thinking about who will help them the most. A vote for Bernie or any other Dem will automatically mean your taxes will increase, at least the working man's taxes will increase. If you're on the low end of wages earnings then who know's. People may not like Trump but I'd lay my wagers in his favor come 2020.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Hank Gunn said:

    I don’t know if I’ll be the first, but I am seriously considering getting a medical prescription/card when I travel back to California in a couple months. I’d then have a starting point for applying for a prescription here. But who knows.

    I got one of those. As easy as walking in to the dispensary, talking to a "Doctor" on the phone and wha-la, you got it. Cost like $35. Not sure if that will help here.

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