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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Did you learn that piece of nonsense about welfare from the Bible? There's very very little elgibility for undocumented aliens. Just more right wing beating up on the poor nonsense.

    Another comment which goes nowhere. You do understand he was referring to migrating to the US the lawful way increases their chances at success. Yet, somehow the bible get referenced. Amazing.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, djayz said:

    Just for info: I was at GlobalHouse (Chokchai) today and noticed they had what you're looking for - throttle on the main bar. Honda, priced at just under 10k. As I'm happy with my machine, I didn't think of checking if it's a 2 or 4 stroke. 

    If Chokchai (the middle of nowhere in Nakhon Ratchisma province) has them, I'm pretty sure GlobalHouse stocks them nationwide. 

    Thanks for the heads up. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    First let me repeat to you what I wrote with the salient sentence in boldface.

    "This is just ridiculous. It's based on the assumption that if someone's speech is nasty and offensive, it's also honest. Yet the fact is Trump is the most massively dishonest person in public life today. No one else comes close. You, like so many other dupes, are actually victims of "truthiness."

    Now for a brief lesson in logic, If "A" then "B" is not the same as If "A" then "not B".

    Aristotle pointed this out about 2400 years ago. Time to catch up on your reading.

    Again you ramble on avoiding the post you addressed. The sickness of hating Trump is robbing you of common sense. Carry on, I'm off to do some fun stuff.

    • Thanks 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    This is just ridiculous. It's based on the assumption that if someone's speech is nasty and offensive, it's also honest. Yet the fact is Trump is the most massively dishonest person in public life today. No one else comes close. You, like so many other dupes, are actually victims of "truthiness."

    "Truthiness is the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.[1][2] Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions.[3][4]"


    Are you saying that if one's speech in your opinion is nasty and offensive then it's a lie? As Nyezhov has so eloquently stated "if the shoe fits"

    • Like 2
  5. For those of us who make our living standing our 4 hr bridge watches conning a ship around the world, well it's mind boggling to think this could have happened. I work for a Company who doesn't always transmit on AIS and I've had countless times I've had to call a ship when I'm "stand on" and ask their intention. At 4 NM they still aren't aware of the situation. Things can turn ugly real fast if you're not on top of things alllll the time. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, jayboy said:

    I will more than deny. It's a lie. Hilary Clinton never trafficked this untruth.


    It's true that one of her campaign staff, Mark Penn, floated the concept of Obama's "otherness" with the implication he was not quite American given his upbringing in Indonesia, multi-ethnic Hawaii and having an African father. But this stopped short of suggesting he was born outside the U.S - and in any event, this was never taken up by Mrs Clinton's campaign.



    To simplify, Clinton's campaign started it.

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Name calling?  Did I call you a name?  I will say that anyone who still believes that Obama wasn't born in the US--after all the evidence presented clearly demonstrating that he was--is at the very least, ignorant.  Or to put it another way, stupid.  Would that be you?


    As for the "closed doors" bit, it's funny that Trump supporters will be happy to repeat unsubstantiated/fake news, but will question everything that might contradict their narrative.  But just for your benefit...


    [Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski revealed Monday morning that she once confronted then-candidate Donald Trump off-camera about his “birther” campaign against Barack Obama—and that he told her privately: “I know it’s bad. But it works.”]



    [“I peddled birtherism. I knew Barack Obama was born in the United States,” Nunberg told Yahoo News during a podcast interview.]

    [When asked by a reporter why he breathed life into the right-wing conspiracy theory alleging Obama was not a U.S.-born citizen, Nunberg cited Trump’s poll numbers from a 2012 presidential exploration he worked on.

    “Donald Trump shot to number one in the polls,” answered the political operative. “It helped him into 2012. He would tell you when he went to Iowa in 2013.”  Claiming the conspiracy theory allowed Trump to maintain “a consistent group of supporters,”]



    Please stop it with the he said, she said crap. Everything here is just a personal opinion, get a grip. I get it, you love barry, good for you. And, you spent wayyyyyy to much time on this response.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Morch said:


    Being of the view that women (an entire portion of the population too) can be grabbed etc. is deplorable. It got nothing to do with "puritanical", but going on about morals or how entire portions of the population are mistreated or disrespected, while defending Trump is rather amusing.


    Got to appreciate the mind games Evangelicals pull in order to go along with this. Same applies for them family-values-and-all-that Republicans. 


    Now you're being theatrical, making up things. So now according to you Trump wants to grab an entire portion of the population. You guys are amusing.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    No,  it was never a legit issue.  The thing is, Trump knew it.  And behind closed doors, he admitted that he never believed it but says "it works."  He knew there were pockets of deeply racist Americans who were desperate to believe it.  And it's these same people who are his most hardcore supporters today.  The incredibly racist--and incredibly stupid--Americans who cling to the hope that Obama wasn't qualified to be President. 

    Wow, you were there behind closed doors? And, again with the name calling. I thought we had rules here. Oh well, cling to your barry memories and buy the books.

  10. I live in Phala Beach, love it. But coming here for a holiday is a bit different. You'll definitely need transportation. To me Jomtein beach is better because there is more to do there and nearby Pattaya. Before the Hate Brigade start in I want to say it has a lot of activities for adults and kids alike.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

    One of the most sophisticated warships in the World and the work horse of the US navy and they cannot detect or see a merchant vessel. Kind of scarey

    The Navy has multiple look-outs posted and multiple officers on the bridge. They've stopped teaching basic seamanship. Civilian Captains are getting a little spooked with these accidents. Electronics are great tools but looking out the window is king. Your eye will see the change of direction or speed before the radars will.

  12. 10 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Let us  know when- we'll send a  tuk tuk to meet you- who will drive you to Issan.  I doubt you would spend a dollar for anyone other than yourself. Another  one who thinks they are better than anyone else but is one of the cheapest charlies there are. Don't forget to go to Toronto to get your O-A visa so  you can avoid putting any money in a Thai bank.

    That's my plan, not in Toronto but Hollywood. Very doable, eliminates putting money in a Thai bank.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The question is not whether it's better than sexual harassment training but rather is it more useful than what they would be training for.

    As for my qualifications, it's the internet. Anybody can be whatever they want to be. I prefer not to indulge in unverifiable representations of my experience and don't have much use for them when cited by others.

    Kind of thought so, I work closely with the USN fleets overseas and see first hand how they operate. It's not pretty.

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