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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 8 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Works for you?

    Oh, so Huawei dominates the global 5G network but Trump holds out for the Wall!


    The US gives in on the South China Sea but Trump is determined to get $5 billion that will not even cover 100 miles of the Wall!


    Forced technology to China proceeds but we're gonna get part of a Wall!


    China pinky swears not to steal IP but here comes that Wall!


    Made in China 2025 is changed (to Made in China 2035) but THE WALL!


    And for those of us living in Thailand who might care, because of Trump's fixation on THE WALL, thus hiding his cave in on China and goosing more debt out of the Fed for his precious stock market: the US dollar has dropped from around 33 baht to the dollar to around 32 baht to the dollar in less than a month. Don't watch Mr. Tariff who turned out to be a surrender monkey. Watch Mr. WALL!



    So, no wall funding will fix other problems. just more lefty rhetoric. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, zydeco said:

    This is all a distraction.  Just like every other time Trump starts yelling about "the Wall." It will grab all the media attention and nobody will notice that he is about to surrender to China on trade. Watch it. The trade "agreement" is just around the corner and nobody will notice it. All because Trump wants "his precious," the stock market, to continue its path to an even bigger bubble. I am now sick of the sight of this man every time he pops up on television or the news. He needs to go away, quickly.

    Works for me, go Trump.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    Never been asked that at Sakhon Nakon. I've always started using the money once I have the Under Consideration stamp and never asked to show bank book on returning to get my extension stamp. 

    I bought my Truck and motorbike there and would get my Residence Letter there, 1000 bht for a letter. I think other places it's more in the 300 bht range.

  4. 4 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

    How in God's name do you draw that conclusion??? The existing barrier is a good idea, and supplementing it and adding to it in strategic places wisely is also a good idea. There is a whole host of measures that have been discussed that would work for border security, all of them better than this simplistic low-technology wall idea. The wall is symbolic and for Trump represents the ultimate ego stroke.  

    And that's exactly what Trump himself said recently on TV. he himself said many locations don't need a barrier because of natural barriers. And the 5 billion is just a starter. The only problem with Trump's plan is it's coming from Trump mouth. If we had a Dem president the money would have been approved without all this drama.

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 minute ago, keemapoot said:

    I didn't hear him advocate any of those things. I heard a lucid, well-articulated appeal to reason from a guy who looks like he could be a Trump supporter. He also pointedly refrained from saying "Trump," and referred to the government as advocating the wall through fear-baiting, but we all know who really is behind planting these illogical fears in many American's conscience.

    Listen to yourself " from a guy who looks like a Trump supporter"???? What, as opposed to a clean shaven guy in a suit without southern drawl.

  6. 16 minutes ago, mikebike said:


    So according to this we'd be better off disbanding the Border Patrol because stopping illegals from entering is illogical. We'll stop repairing the barriers we have because after all, what good does it do. That's an outstanding plan.


    Or, we can continue to let Trump do what a president is supposed to do like protecting the citizens of the US and the borders. I know what I'm favor of.

  7. 9 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Maybe it's just me... I get excited and vote for good policy. 45 was exciting with bad policy and you lament his election yet seem to be encouraging more of the same. Bernie is not exciting, but his policy and consistency are.

    People vote for what's good for them. You call it good policy, but for who....well, you of course. For folks who rely on the governments help aka handout and freebees, it makes sense they will vote for the most liberal who wants to redistribute the wealth of the workers and the wealthy. You also have crazy rich libs, Hollywood for example who side with the most liberal viewpoints... Because they're so out of touch with reality.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    It's just so bizarre the incoherent thinking of border alarmists. On the one hand they say that America is without protection to keep it from being inundated with illegals. Yet on the other hand, illegal immigration into the US over the southern border has declined precipitously. So what's keeping these would-be illegal immigrants from crossing the border? Magic?

    As I've posted before, arrests of illegal aliens at the southern border is up 78% in the month of Nov. 

  9. As much fun as it's been having Trump as POTUS, I seriously doubt he'll run in 2020. But who knows. I just want to recoup my lost investments. If we can get the stock market back to record numbers and job growth continues, GDP stays healthy...….Trump will have a real chance should he decide to run for another term. After all people vote with their pocketbooks.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    You linked - without quoting any specific part - to an article that says the "sanctuary law" isn't to blame.  


    “California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said. Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it’s “highly irresponsible” to blame the law for the officer’s death.


    Furthermore, the sanctuary law deals with the sharing of information and honoring of hold requests between local law and ICE, not between local law and the FBI.  Here's the text of the law: SB-54 Law enforcement: sharing data.  I don't see anything in that text that prohibits local law enforcement from cooperating with the FBI and honoring their hold requests if a person in custody is suspected of having committed a federal crime.

    California’s sanctuary law includes more than 800 exceptions for violent crimes and felonies and bars police from asking people about their citizenship status.

    Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have informed federal authorities.

    So, after his first DUI, not knowing he's a gang member he's not deported. Why all of a sudden now he's a recognized gang member, I don't have a clue. Point being, a non gang member won't be turned over to immigration because local law enforcement can't ask immigration status, no matter the crime.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, attrayant said:


    How sanctuary cities actually work.




    At 1:30 in the video it is explained that fingerprint records must be electronically sent to both the FBI and ICE.  Do you have information saying that cities are refusing to do this?


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