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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    In any job you were in, if a fairly significant and powerful person repeatedly called your work crap, lies, fake, failing, corrupt, etc etc and in doing so was fake themselves and in breech of the constitution, you would more than likely not remain unbiased .   In fact you would not be blamed (by normal rational people) if you went all out as a journalist to make the life of your bully and abuser an absolute nightmare by doing all you could to report the truth surrounding the individual. The only thing US journalists (other than Fox and Breitbart) owe Donald Trump is an unswerving  and loyal dedication to bringing the SOB (presidentially used term) down.

    Nothing new here, that's all they've been trying to do since the elections.  Their (News Media) main goal has to be to bring him down. If it's not about Trump, then it's some silly thing about the First Lady.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Becker said:

    What's the view akin to mine? That if a person makes it clear he has no interest in a topic but still posts in it he is confused?

    Yes, news about the man-child is of great interest since the amount of people who hate his guts is growing day by day. You can parrot your hero all you want and call it fake news but however much you try to avoid it the truth will eventually come out.


    I take this as entertainment when bored. Makes for fun reading. Continue beating the drums.

  3. 1 minute ago, Becker said:

    Well, it's not written by someone in Thailand and thankfully the rest of the world have no use for Thailand's idiotic defamation laws. People participate in the threads that interest them and no one gets people more fired up than the man-child these days. If that offends you then why don't you just avoid these threads? I know, radical idea but why not give it a try?

    So if one doesn't hold a view akin to yours, they are told to go away. But you're right Trump news is a best seller. Especially anti-Trump news. And if their is none, no problem, they simply make it up.

  4. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    That's like saying right-wing Christians oppose grown men sexually assaulting 14-yr-olds, but then support men who do just that.   .....oh, I see now.  Both ClutchClark's missive and mine are true.   They must be a conflicted bunch.   I'm glad I'm not a Republican.   If so, I'd have to compromise my moral standards constantly.  Their motto is: Party loyalty over moral decency. Loyalty to Trump over doing what's right for the USA.


    addendum: 'Party loyalty and person-worship over doing what's right.'   Hmmm, where have I heard that sort of logic before?   ....oh, that's right, a certain mustached angry man from Austria, about 75 yrs ago, took over a political party, and all hell broke loose for the ensuing 7 years.


    Well, one good thing that came out of the 3rd Reich's domineering actions:   Germany, 20 years after the war, became a strong economic power.  Same for the other defeated war-mongering force:  Japan.   So, maybe right-wing biographers in the 22nd century will look back at the damage caused by Trumpsters, and conclude: "It was an awful administration, but at least the US went back to resume its role as world power in the 2040's."



     A genuinely disturbing comment.

  5. On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 3:26 PM, pegman said:

    "Nest Egg"? Who needs a nest egg? They have guns and their bible. Let the super rich have all the money it's the new social contract there. Sprinkle in some cheap talk about the "American Dream" plus liberal dashes of race baiting and all's good. While these nit wits are bamboozled by Trump's lies about how he will be paying more tax truth is he will be making out like a bandit. Meanwhile the average/median adult in most industrial countries are a mile ahead of Yanks in terms of wealth.

    Median Wealth in US$

    USA.          $45k

    Aust.          $220k

    Italy.           $138k

    UK.              $112k



    Explain what is meant by wealth.

  6. On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, Berkshire said:

    You Trump guys continue to vote against your own self-interest.  After a few years when it's clear that economic growth is not nearly enough to offset the deficit, how is the US gov going to pay for all these tax cuts?  One word--entitlements.  We're talking social security, medicare, federal/military pension, etc., all getting cut.  I hope you guys have a big nestegg. 

    I have some. It was never my intention to totally rely on Uncle SAM in my retirement years.

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