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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 7 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:


    How much is real estate in Ontario, Canada?

    How much is a restaurant meal in Ontario Canada?

    Can you get a tasty sit down street food meal with a free glass of water for 40 Baht in Ontario Canada?

    Shall i compare beer prices in Ontario, Canada, with beer prices in Munich, Germany from convenience stores?

    I am sure the German prices will be cheaper, for better tasting beer.

    So, basically your point is what, and the whole world swings in roundabouts.

    You actually drink the free water, yikes

  2. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    Blaming California's educational problems in illegal immigrants is nonsense. California used to have the best educational system in the country, maybe the world. Then Californians voted in proposition 18 that capped taxation and forced huge slashes in the education budget. Studies repeatedly show that on balance, illegal immigrants are a net benefit to the USA. Of course, measures could be taken, like imposing a living minimum wage and penalizing employers who hire illegals with jail time and fines. But I haven't seen Trump proposing anything like that. I wonder why?

    Again I ask do you or have you lived there? Please don't parrot studies about the benefits of illegals. Minimum wages didn't used to be meant to equal a living wage. Everyone seems to think illegals only work in the fields or such. Today that's not the case.  The laws are already in place, they just need enforcing. 

  3. 2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    It may be obvious to you but it's wrong. On the one hand anti-immigration faction claims immigrants are taking jobs away from American workers or making it possible for employers to pay very wages. On the other, they're spongers. If there's one thing the evidence shows is that these immigrants are not spongers. 

    Do you or have you ever lived in a part of the US that was impacted by the illegals? In Calif the educational system is failed, low wages, before I started working for DOD I held many manual labor jobs in Ca. and I had to compete with the illegals for that. And you'll have them in the Emergency Rooms being treated for the common cold, while those of us who pay for Insurance and need care get to wait in line with the illegals.


    We hear terms used like well statistically speaking, evidence shows...…. I'm giving cold hard, lived it, experienced it explanation of why we can't keep this up. 

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    You both sound like a couple of clueless trolls, to be honest.  Either that or you haven't really thought the issue over adequately.

    Consider the retiree that has his UK pension locked into a fund in, say, Gibraltar (2.5% interest PA income tax).  The pension fund could be easily $250k and provide a comfortable, if not lavish, lifestyle in Thailand.


    There are no methods that I am aware of that will allow that pension fund to be transferred to a Thai bank anyway.  Apart from that, who in their right mind wants to commit 800,000 Baht to be sat in a Thai acount, especially when one is at retirement age?


    Consider then that many such "pensioners" (I use the double apostrophes as, for example in my case the "pensioner" may not be of  normal retirement age but, instead, may be an ex-military chap receiving a pension from age 40 or 55) have already established themselves here and have bought property and/or businesses. 


    These "pensioners may, in many, many cases, already have bought property worth millions of Baht in their wives' names or, perhaps, bought a condo or two.  This would surelysatisfy the requirement to show that they have invested in Thailand and that they are not here just for a "live by the seat of your pants" lifestyle.

    Surely, the Thai government should be able to see that one size does not fit all?  That not all farang live hand to mouth?


    In my opninion, if someone who can otherwise qualify for a retirement extension can show the equivalent or higher value savings/pension fund, proof of purchase of property (either as an individual or as the source of funds for the purchase of said property(s) in the case of a farang married to a Thai), then that should really negate the need for tying up 800k that could be otherwise used to set the wife up an a small business or towards something where it can generate more income.


    Just my 2c. and I hope not too harsh.

    If it is crazy to park 800,000bht in a Thai bank, isn't it even more crazy to buy houses and put them in your wife's name. I've bought land, built a house, and bought a second house without a thought of ever recuperating a single baht. It's for my daughter, hopefully.... and, I have contingency plans if this should go south. So for those who banked ALL their money on a happy life in Thailand, I guess you f&*ked up.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    Well if you get next day service in Los Angeles after putting together all the docs that's fine. This is from Washington DC O-A page:


    Processing time : (with completed documents)
    In person   5 business days
    By mail      minimum 15 business days


    But it seems that the Thai Elite may be the way to go if you value your being able to live reasonably effortlessly in Thailand to be worth about US$ 3000 per year and no having to stay with the rellies (Aussie-speak)


    LA (Hollywood) is turn in paperwork today and tomorrow pick up.

  6. 23 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    Spending around 6 weeks in the USA for no other reason than to get a visa even if every 2 years is not 'simply' even if I'm going to the USA anyway. My USA trips are 2-3 weeks and 6 weeks is way-y-y to long.

    And for those of us who regularly visit the US yearly, me for seeing family and taking care of rentals a 2 day, one night stay in Hollywood isn't bad. 

  7. 1 hour ago, David Walden said:

    If you have the required Bt 800,000 in your currency in a  US bank or a bit more you can apply and receive a Multi entry "O" retirement visa in your own country and not have any money in any bank account in Thailand ( as I do).  A few hoops to go through costs Aus $275 = UD$ or whatever currency.  You need a bit of paper work,  A police report, a medical certificate it takes about 10 days.  It's the same in in most western countries.  That's how I get my Retirement Visa.  The Thai web site shows you how to go about it and is very good.  In Aus you do it through the Thai Embassy.  When you get to Thailand you just waltz through with everything in order.  The visa you get is multi entry only for the 1st year.  If you leave and return before the 1st year expires and you can do that as many times as you want you will get an extension to stay for another year each time you enter.  So Multi entry "O" is good for one day short of 2 years from you 1st arrival.  If you leave after the 1st year the visa will lapse you cannot get an extension on top of an extension (TIT).  The extension bit is not available after the 1 st year.  You must get the extension before the 1st year concludes.  One day is enough.  If you visa is dated till a certain date it will lapse the day before.  TIT 

    Isn't it true that to extend for 1 more year, money needs to be in Thai bank. If that's the case one could simply return to US yearly, get another 1 yr NON OA visa showing money in US bank instead of extending in Thailand.

  8. 3 hours ago, Becker said:

    So when the serial liar in the WH tells yet another whopper that would make the most jaded used car salesman blush the media shouldn't fact check and report it?

    These days it would be refreshing to simply hear the news without the spin. I as an adult can decide what I want, these days the news is there to sway out perspective on things. No need for a reply, 

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Becker said:

    I don't "think" anything about what you like, I just go by what you post and judging by your attacks on and contempt for the main stream (read; sane/moderate) press I'd say you don't like a free press if it attacks someone you support.

    You attack news organizations like CNN all the time but strangely enough there's never a peep about the sycophants at Fox News.

    The free press should simply report the news without any spin, how about that. From the start the liberal news agencies have been after Trump like rabid dogs nipping at his heels. 


    Just report the news and let the public decide for ourselves.

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