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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Nobody likes a quitter. Grow a pair and have a beer.
  2. If you think my post was in defense, your reading comprehension is lacking
  3. I'm leaving town on a jet plane, going to go support my home country a bit.
  4. The invasion began when biden took office, his words encouraged a massive flow of people from all over the world to cross the border. For 3 yrs the American people watched the hordes pouring over, seemingly unchecked by current admin. Heck, biden just recently visited the border. Before he was to busy to care, now its election time and he starts to care. Now, it's all political. I don't know the bill...really. Was it good?
  5. When a Thai commits a crime they somehow always confess. Bet the police aren't used to dealing with a plea of innocent.
  6. What about the illegals shouldn't be here for any % of them to commit crimes. By entering illegally they have already admitted to committing a crime. Your argument is intended for the uneducated progressives.
  7. The main reason I book directly with airlines is if there is a glitch you have to deal with the "other people" The Airline won't help you, or that's been my experience.
  8. There are many examples of poor business practices here in Thailand. I shake my head at auto repair places that are in shambles with dirt and old sh*t laying around. Local foreigner bars that don't open till 1500.
  9. Soo, it's the criminal element who go the marriage route then.
  10. Please take note to whom I was quoting. I did it for a chuckle, sorry if it hit a nerve. As far as the taxes are concerned, I'm not going to alter my spending habits based on fear mongering.
  11. I extend 30 days prior to give myself time to have an agent clean up the mess if necessary.
  12. They would prefer well off individuals such as myself and you who have enough money we don't have to go the cheap marriage extension route.
  13. And which agency would this potential employer call to verify the legal status of a potential new hire. Sort of like fighting crime by jailing people who buy a car not realizing it was stolen. Instead of jailing the car thieves we'll jail the guy who thought he was getting a good deal.
  14. Any crime committed by an illegal is too much. I don't need a stupid graph to justify crimes committed by an illegal. they shouldn't be here....period.
  15. Bangkok Bank will charge me for deposits or withdrawls in a different province.
  16. Yes, bout the only good thing for me is my growing 401K, but Calif is like a social experiment gone terribly wrong.
  17. The Swiss.....Really. They should stay out of thee news. Let the Kiwi's headline for awhile.
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