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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It's healthy to leave Thailand every year for a month or more just to regain your perspectives on life. It feels good to leave Thailand and usually feels real, real good to return.
  2. That Swiss biker killed by hit and run in Sattahip is not news any longer. Have your "go bag" on the ready.
  3. Yes, Davis is a dick. But, for all of you who consider Thailand to be your home, you'd best mind your p's & q's. This whole situation has been blown way out of proportion. On the one hand I like how they have the ability to kick a foreigner out at will. I for one wish my home country had the balls to do the same to foreigners. One set of rules for citizens and another level of rules for visitors. The other hand says as I've always felt that Thailand is not my home, just a place I happen to spend my time. I'm lucky to have kept my house in my home country and not to reliant on the Thai gov.
  4. Really, we have to kiss their asses so we don't get run over?
  5. Thank you for proving my point. Always a pleasure.
  6. How about I have enough grey matter to write a short, concise sentence to convey my thoughts vs. the guy who thinks his long rambling page of thoughts is of importance. You're not alone here thinking like that. You'll fit right in.
  7. I guess my meaning was more inline with Thais trying to make some cash off foreigners who find themselves in uncomfortable situations. I can see instances where the Thais may even try to instigate an event in hopes of a payday.
  8. Mr. Yellowtail did an outstanding job addressing your concern.
  9. Maybe some good will come out of the Swiss guys stupidity. The Russians will now be in the spotlight more.
  10. I understand lately these foreigners did extremely stupid things, the swiss guy and now another one. My point is us foreigners here should be on their best behavior as I can envision some Thai folks trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill if you get the drift.
  11. Is that one of the Hardy Boys series?
  12. I just want to commend all the posters here. Pretty much everyone is down to one liners here, job well done.
  13. To find out who's the most educated poster. We're almost there, we got 3 posters who are neck in neck in the race.
  14. Well Bob, haven't had a beer or a cigar in a week. I loved that, a few ice cold beers with a cigar. But it gets old and I just stopped. The destruction of my family for a little strange just isn't worth it, what would my kid say?
  15. This post got me 4 pages and folks are still arguing about who's smarter. I'm sure the blowhards will continue with the zzz fest posts and that's just fine because in the end this is just entertainment.
  16. This Swiss guy is such a dick. Now all kinds of people are coming forward and telling stories about him. On the news it showed a beach full of people in front of his place protesting him. Pic of him flipping off an ambulance driver.
  17. You keep on marching to your own drummer. Cheers.
  18. I used to really like reading the newspapers. Living up NE before the smart phone craze exploded, going into town to buy an english newspaper and going to have a cold beer while reading paper was a good day. Reading about things and learning is great. Unfortunately this is not the case with most posters here. Oh no, they will retell a story that took place 40 yrs ago in a far away place. I've got friends who when they tell a story it gets so, so long winded and full of useless details that don't interest anyone.
  19. If I can save just one human being from making a long boring post I feel it's worth it. For the sake of mankind. Brotherly love, no not the kinky kind. You answered yourself in the first sentence, it's a public forum. You can thank me later.
  20. And, here you are. See you replied with a one liner, good for you.
  21. You just had your say in under 30 words. Job well done.
  22. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. Give yourself a pat on the back.
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