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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. How about one who we could be proud of having. The difference between harris and Haley's ability to speak is staggering.
  2. Ole biden is now polling at 39%, jees louise, that's a sad number for the Dems.
  3. McConnell pointed to a letter from the Capitol’s attending physician, Dr. Brian Monahan, when asked by reporters Wednesday to discuss two recent incidents when he froze while speaking to television cameras. Monahan, citing brain MRI imaging, EEG study and consultation with several neurologists, said McConnell shows “no evidence” of suffering from a seizure disorder, stroke or Parkinson’s disease. This is from the OP. McConnell's doctor found nothing wrong. Just like biden is in excellent form.
  4. Early or not Haley has alot of promise. Finally a female that ticks off some boxes and would be a possibly awesome president.
  5. Who peed in your cornflakes this morning, yikes.
  6. No one knows what they'll do in tragic situations until they're confronted with that said situation is what I'm saying. Now you can take your moral compass and ............
  7. Only domestic flights out or in at Utapao is Samui, Chang Mai and Phuket.
  8. I've been to Goa which has a high per capita earnings and it was nasty and dirty.
  9. It's a tough question and one that couldn't possibly be answered until that tragic moment ever arrives. If you straight off say you definitely would not, then you don't have kids.
  10. Too bad your parents or grandparents were to lazy to make the journey to America. My parents weren't. Yes, I'm American regardless where I was born.
  11. First off mass shootings isn't just school shootings, it's criminals committing crimes. Build more prisons, prosecute the bad guys using guns to commit crimes. Defunding police has emboldened the criminals IMO. We have enough gun laws, now lets enforce them. What has happened in the US to increase the school shootings or mass random shootings? There has to be more to it than too many guns. I think mental illness is a place to start.
  12. That's how it starts until it's true, much like a certain laptop
  13. Watching the 2 on stage talking, walking, Trump just looks much healthier and more energetic. As you get older a bit of padding helps to make an old man look healthier. And Trump outshines ole biden on the cognitive stage.
  14. You're like a broken record. biden has already hit his expiration date as POTUS. Let him enjoy the rest of his long life retired. Misgivings about the octogenarian’s age were shared across the board, with 89% of Republicans concerned about Biden’s age hindering a second term and 69% of Democrats feeling the same way, per an Associated Press-NORC poll released Monday. https://nypost.com/2023/08/28/staggering-77-of-americans-think-biden-is-too-old-for-second-term/
  15. Too bad you object to the truth being said. The majority of Americans believe biden is to old for a second term.
  16. And again you deflect, getting tiresome.
  17. Now you're off on a new tangent. Should the US have a barrier to force people to knock? Yes. Obama did it and it was fine, but because Trump was loud, it was wrong.
  18. harris is vp because she ticked off the boxes, she was given a chance to shine with the border and she did basically nothing. I've listened to her babbling as has the world. She's a joke. Not a bad gig if you can get it.
  19. You don't think harris would be on call if joe gets a second chance. Man, she would sleep with the game shoes, send me in Coach. America knows biden is too feeble and harris is to lazy I guess you would call her. Why the low poll numbers.
  20. Which could be the game plan for harris.
  21. Being alive and healthy enough to serve as POTUS are 2 separate issues.
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