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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It would be a logistics nightmare for cargo needing to travel beyond the Gulf side. I don't see it happening. Malacca St. at night is a nail biter for sure. You could save 1200 km of travel with the highway but lose alot of time offloading and loading if product is going beyond Thailand.
  2. The tax rate is higher for the rich after they woddle through all the loop holes. But, if you allow only the basic deductions and charge 15%. Folks complain about the rich not paying taxes, or very little. This would solve that.
  3. Glad I sucked it up and stayed with fed employment. Was able to keep my BC/BS overseas Ins.
  4. I'm in favor of a flat tax. Everyone pays, say 15%. Everyone from the poorest to the richest pays the same %, no loopholes.
  5. I don't have loads of cash, I have property and 401K. So explain to me why I should be taxed more. I heard about this a few days ago. Could be Chinese investors. What comes to mind first is bye bye ground water.
  6. I had a 15 yr mortgage. Sure you can do a 30 yr and pay more monthly, but that takes discipline, which many lack.
  7. There's a conspiracy afloat in the US to make more people poor. Probably not but it sure feels like it. Inheritance laws differ in states. In Ca if you want to pass down property to the kids, all but one property will have it's property value reassessed for property tax purposes. That means many will have to sell their inheritance because the new property tax will prohibit many from keeping the property.
  8. I understand life is harder than it used to be But........ Unwillingness to relocate to where the jobs are and pay more is one of my pet peeves. Guys would rather be poor close to home than to venture out and take a chance. I have family like that, lived month to month, rented all their lives, no money saved and now they're old with only SS to live on.
  9. Your words of wisdom earned you a laughing moji. You're 100% correct. I lived my life as you recommended. My lunches came from home, no new car. It depends on how you were raised. I have a friend 66 yrs old and can't retire. They took advantage of the good years and refinanced the home, bought expensive toys, took vacations. Now...just keep working.
  10. Again, that demands a definition. Some folks own property worth millions but are not rich.
  11. I understand you can save a bit by getting different ins. Roojai is all online, which I dislike and the repair shop was a ways away. I bought the lesser Ins at the place where I renew registration. My truck rolled into my gate and damaged 1/4 panel. My insurance wouldn't cover it because it was self inflicted. Bill was 9K, so nothing saved by being cheap on the ins.
  12. “While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement said, noting that the previous definition “could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine.” The definition wasn't a problem till covid vaccine entered the scene. You may not like it. My post stands.
  13. If you're going to do it, do it right. I'll be doing the same as you at BPH within the next few months. My insurance should cover all. If out of pocket, so be it.
  14. Really? The term “vaccine” also got a makeover. The CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html#storylink=cpy https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html
  15. Funny how the definition of vaccine had to be tweaked to make the covid cocktail a vaccine.
  16. Did we ( the good people of the US ) not have covid mandates before? Yes we did. Now, you can go ahead and try to wiggle off the hook with the true def of mandate.
  17. I never said anything you quoted me as saying. Not nice to fib.
  18. So, if your dear mother gets the new vax she should be fine, shouldn't she?
  19. I'm not diabetic, don't suffer from obesity, HBP. Don't take meds, so I won't be in line for the shot. I took my first 2 shots so I could travel.
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