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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I do it differently to the procedure you describe. On the top RHS is my user name. Clicking on that produces a dropdown menu with "Ignored Users" near the bottom. Clicking on that takes me to a field where I fill in the poster name, ignore posts, block messages etc. More than one way to skin a cat, apparently. IMO the ignore function would be improved by blocking ignored posters from adding emoticons to my posts. Or anyone else who puts another poster on ignore. There's a couple of sad sacks who stalk me that way.
  2. There is another scam at smaller outlets many people are not aware of. It involves adding water to fuels containing ethanol. Ethanol blends are actually a mix of hydrocarbon, ethanol and water. The industrial alcohol added is an azeotrope, 95% ethanol, 5% water. Adding water increases profit, as long as the single phase does not separate into two phases.
  3. Leaving an engine turned on while filling up is a safety risk. It means more of the electrical circuits in your car are active, Petrol fumes and a short anywhere are not a good combination. As our EV friends never tire of reminding us, an ICE fire is 60 times more likely to happen than in an EV.
  4. Another day of defending the indefensible. So pathetic.
  5. What makes you think I don't know how to use the ignore function?
  6. I ignore him. Best thing to do is give him no oxygen whatsoever.
  7. Half the population? What proof do you have 50% of people are anti-vaxxers? IMO it's a very noisy, anti-science minority.
  8. The approval ratings for Harris are a bit more than her disapproval ratings. OTOH, the disapproval ratings for Trump are through the roof. Harris has policies. Trump has vague, rambling promises. Flip-flopping on abortion and immigration. As phony as a three dollar bill. So the solution is to try to drag Harris down to Trump's level, a campaign based on hate. Thanks for the contribution.
  9. My Mama is not Russian, tovarisch.
  10. People in Trumpworld believe a lot of things.......
  11. Your wife?
  12. I'm sorry, did the length of my post exceed your attention span?
  13. You prefer terriers, or St. Bernards?
  14. There are some intersections, where there are signs prohibiting a left turn on red at peak times. Not that I have seen them observed very often.
  15. One person already has. Let me know when you change feet.
  16. It's inevitable libido declines with age. Best thing is not to worry about it. Do something if one is so inclined. Viagra and Cialis have health downsides for older people, such as elevated heart rate and low blood pressure. That's not a healthy sex life.
  17. Trumpers have no sense of humor, and would not recognize a p!sstake even if someone held a vacuum hose to their wedding gear.
  18. It depends on how long you are prepared to wait. Sales are down by 20%. If the industry doesn't start discounting to move stock, they will probably go down further. There are a lot of repossessions going back to Bangkok at present, something's got to give.
  19. So what happens if one has a retirement visa, and a re-entry permit? I suppose if it is accessed online, it will work about as well as 90 day reporting does.
  20. IMO the term "trophy wife" fits to a T. At least she's a bit more real than his BS golf trophies.
  21. IMO it would be interesting to know who is more unfaithful in Thailand, the women or the men. I'd be betting on the men, but i can't be sure.
  22. What's that saying in share trading - the trend is your friend? Certainly looks like it for short sellers. A rise of two cents. The other expression is "dead cat bounce".
  23. Yours need a wheelchair.
  24. RFK Jr. is an anti-vaxxer. On that metric alone, he's an idiot.
  25. I can remember an American, seriously wealthy, who came to Chiang Mai occasionally. He lived for the most part in Pattaya. He had motor neurone disease, spent most of his time in a wheelchair. He had a harem of 4-5 women looking after him. He paid each of them 30,000 baht/month. One of their duties was dancing naked in front of him, singly or as a group.

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