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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You do sarcasm as woefully as you do everything else. I can only conclude you are bonking the boss's ugly daughter, it's the only reason I can think of for not being fired already.
  2. Graham is a Trump toady. A lickspittle. He does not have a mind of his own to speak with. Enough said.
  3. You obviously don't look any further than your nose. There are 5 non-Trump topics i have posted in recently. IIRC you said to another poster when you are in a hole, it's best to stop digging. Want to try for China on this one?
  4. Another Trump apologist. Moral vacuums.
  5. Between 2% and 8% of rape claims are proven false. Your post also discounts the fact the majority of rape victims never come forward. Liar. Misogynist. All-round Mr. Nasty. I'm just wondering, as with Trump, how low you can go.
  6. One of the reasons for the breakup of my second long-term relationship were her two children. She doted on them. OTOH, I thought they were overindulged, spoiled little sh!ts. Well, not so little.
  7. Accusing me of spreading disinformation is like Stalin accusing Churchill of genocide. I'm pleased you find my posts tiresome. You know where the ignore button is?
  8. BS, tovarisch.
  9. Shoving one's fingers into a women's vagina is rape, just as much as using one's penis. That's what the jury found against Trump, and why the judge called it rape. And you have the gall to infer I am creepy. Pot kettle black.
  10. Kremlin trolls are echo chambers for each other.
  11. Why is it silly? Imagine the furore if Melania announced publicly she was voting for Harris.
  12. Considering the last post you made to me, that's pretty well guaranteed.
  13. IIRC you were the guy picking 3 polls out of more than 20.
  14. One private hospital, one government. Nearest golf courses are 70 km away. I am not aware of any really good restaurants, like one gets in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai. Heaps of shopping, it's good for cheap food and small items. It's said you can buy almost anything in the market warrens if you know where to look. I would say it's a boring place to live otherwise. IIRC, everything closes down about 8 pm.
  15. Opinion pieces by Republicans don't matter either.
  16. Vance is weird. Trump is creepy. I try not to think of Trump naked, although the emperor does have no clothes.
  17. There's more than 20 polls. That's a lot of removing.
  18. You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't you? I'll put the thread title question another way. Does Melania love her smelly, obese husband, with a mouth like a stunned blowfish, truly, madly, deeply?
  19. Is that a Pravda poll, tovarisch?
  20. You seem to have grabbed it by the pussy.
  21. Fine. Do you think your opinion carries more weight than dogsh!t on a sidewalk?
  22. Can you see the pigs whooshing past your window? Sorry, I forgot. Kremlin basements don't have windows.
  23. Good heavens, I swear BMT is mellowing.
  24. It's an expression I picked up from John Cadogan on his YouTube channel. I did not say it that way to my GF. I continue to marvel at armchair critics, bruising themselves with jumping to conclusions. Here's another expression from Australia. Nicky woop, drongo.

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