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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I have always had trouble with that spelling. My instructor was the reigning Southern Pacific Open Champion. He said I had reached brown belt level. I suppose there are always people who take cheap shots. I'd say you're the kind of guy that would sneak up behind someone. A coward puncher.
  2. I am not sure what you mean by loyalists. Xi and Putin are examples of rulers who only get told what they want to hear. IMO Trump has the same inclinations. Early on, Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Any competent adviser in foreign policy would have told him that's never going to happen.
  3. H2S is nasty stuff, because it paralyses the olfactory nerve. One can't tell when they have had too much. It's as lethal as hydrogen cyanide. For me, hydrogen fluoride is the nastiest. I have never used breathing apparatus, but I always made sure the fume cupboards were in working order, and used the PPE.
  4. Perhaps you have not noticed the "best people" Trump hired and boasted about all got fired when they could not kiss his butt to his satisfaction. Total nonsense is saying Trump went with his advisors, the stable genius always thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. As far as the swamp goes, Trump did not drain it. He got rid of the alligators, and restocked it with crocodiles.
  5. Whenever I see the word patriot or its derivatives used in a post, it reminds me of Dr. Samuel Johnson's apothegm: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".
  6. One thing you can say about Liverpool #1, it did invent the egg and bacon butty. One of the very few English food offerings that are edible.
  7. Fact check: Promised wall would cost $8-12 billion. Mexico would pay for it. Current cost $15 billion, funded by the American taxpayer. New wall constructed: 455 miles. Total border length 1950 miles. If I was Harris, I would be calling out Trump's math problem too.
  8. Up sh!t creek in a barbed wire canoe, without a paddle.
  9. I haven't seen a post from a SAS guy yet. But then, they don't need to say anything. I am not a hard man myself. However, I do know them when I see them. They have an aura.
  10. BIFF is an onomatopoeic slang term for boxing. People get into a boxing ring with gloves on, to sort out their differences of opinion. OTOH, it may be an abbreviation for Big Idiot Fat <deleted>.
  11. Nick Fuentes has experienced what so many before him have learned the hard way - sooner or later, Trump throws you under the bus, and has zero remorse when he does it. Anyone who signs on with Trump, knowing his history, is either blinded by the prospect of advancement, or as dumb as a can of soup. However, they seem to keep coming. Perhaps there is an ample supply of both attributes.
  12. Probably not, too old and slow. The best advice I got from my jui-jutsu instructor was - walk away. While I would most probably lose, I might do serious damage. I know all the weak spots.
  13. Like your thinking, you may get a free shag. Purely to help a friend, of course.
  14. White coat syndrome.
  15. I rate your chances at about 10% she is being truthful. You really are naive if you expect the other women to tell you she is not doing barfines. The first lesson one learns in Asia is, you get told what the person you are talking to thinks you want to hear. There are some women in bars who do work for tips and lady drinks only. They would earn anywhere between 50 and 300 baht for about 8 hours of sitting around. Sometimes nothing. OTOH, they can earn anywhere from 1000 -3000 baht for going with a customer for an hour or two. The temptation of easy money. I don't rate your chances very highly, but you never know.
  16. The usual practice is to test an unobtrusive area of the plastic with the solvent. It's quite easy to tell if it is attacked.
  17. I have found acetone to be the most effective solvent for removing sticker adhesive, PROVIDED THAT it does not attack the underlying substrate. IIRC I bought a 1 litre container on Lazada.
  18. I judge people on the basis of their character, not the color of their skin or the shape of their eyes. Such things are genetic adaptations to an environment. Lincoln lived in a time when such science simply did not exist to inform him of his ignorance. Trump does not have that excuse.
  19. He seems to have a lot of statues commemorating him. Do you think Trump will ever get a statue, or have a ship named after him?
  20. IMO they still don't, in TrumpWorld. They will probably be next, after the immigrants and Hispanics. Back to Africa, you poisoners of our blood. I wonder what he will do with Indians, the local ones.
  21. I get it, the gallows and the chants of "Hang MIke Pence" did not exist, Trump never said "He deserves it". Trump was prevented by his own security detail from going to the Capitol to urge the protestors to disperse peacefully. Yeah right. Noted you slither away from harassment, intimidation and assault resulting from Trump's "free speech". Rewrite history all you want. Fact is, if Trump loses in November, the courts will write the correct history for you. Have you donated to his campaign yet?
  22. AFAIK women's restroom do not have male urinals where one can waggle their willy. Women have cubicles. They have to pee sitting down. Willy waggling would occur in the privacy of a cubicle. Perhaps these biological differences between men and women escaped you, leading a sheltered life.
  23. I will be asking the cardiologist. I assume I need the procedure which includes ultrasound when I have a check next month.
  24. What are you babbling about? Are you ingesting magic mushrooms? Since when did Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Mussolini have USA links? IMO the majority of law enforcement officers do their jobs fairly, given they have to deal with a lot of bottom feeders. It's also a given there is a small minority who enjoy the power, and abuse it. As Lord Acton said, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You seem to think calling out examples of abuse is equivalent to condoning criminal conduct. False equivalence. My GF ties my shoes for me, because I have back trouble. In your case, I would recommend professional help.
  25. Get real, assaults and excessive force by law enforcement officers and prison warders are quite common. It's a fine dividing line between them and criminals anyway. Why is it police body cameras frequently seem to malfunction? You think George Floyd was an isolated case?
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