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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Russia's problem in defeating sanctions is it has very limited pipeline capacity to China, unlike the gas and oil pipelines it had to Europe. It will take 7-10 years to build them across hostile terrain. The Russians don't have the money. That leaves shipping, which is vulnerable. No Western insurer will touch Russian oil cargoes. Nations around the globe are hastily rebuilding their manufacturing and supply chains to reduce their dependence on China. As far as blockading Taiwan goes, the US has nuclear submarines, and much better logistical abilities than the Berlin Airlift, which came as a huge shock to the Russians. The proposition China has near monopolies on materials such as rare earths is a bit of a myth. Rare earths are actually not all that rare, as the attached chart shows.
  2. Station police cars and bikes at school crossings. With speed cameras. Get them there, not sitting on their butts at a checkpoint. Fine every driver, four wheels or two, that goes through them at more than 15 km/hr 2000 baht. Confiscate the vehicles of anyone who can't pay. Sell them if the money doesn't appear within a week. IMO it would only take a month for the message to get through.
  3. The political history of Taiwan is complex, it has had many masters, and an indigenous population which is not Chinese. Apart from any sentimental reasons, the CCP wants Taiwan because, as a vibrant democracy, it is a propaganda eyesore sitting on China's doorstep. China also wants Taiwan for commercial reasons. It is the world leader in cutting-edge chip design and manufacturing. IMO China is just sabre-rattling, for domestic consumption. It's seen the cock-up Russia has made of invading Ukraine, and that was not across 100 miles of water. The Russians did not have to worry about nuclear submarines either. Then there are sanctions. China is totally dependent on energy and food imports to keep running. The Chinese navy cannot project power more than 500 miles from its coast. One US aircraft carrier stationed at the Straits of Malacca would strangle China in a month.
  4. I don't know, ancient history. Trump and the GOP appear to be operating on the principle (sic) that anyone who is not for them, is against them.
  5. IMO you are confusing support for Harris with an absence of support for Trump.
  6. So? It does not make him a good interviewer. His soft-ball lobs to Trump were about as impressive as Tucker Carlson with Putin. Embarrassing. You have probably never heard of Andrew Denton. One of Australia's best interviewers, he would have Trump filleted and laid out to dry, without Trump even realizing what had just been done to him.
  7. Perhaps you have never heard of the term "selective intelligence". No doubt Musk is very smart when it comes to electric cars. It does not mean he is smart in everything.
  8. IMO Trump is probably overstating his assets, and understating his liabilities. He owns 17 or 18 golf courses, most of which are hemorrhaging money, and leveraged to the hilt. Many of his properties are leased, not owned. He could not raise the money for the deposit to appeal the NY fraud case. Even when the appeal court reduced the bond to $150 million, His lawyers were trying to convince the court to take the bond from some shonky California entity. Anyone who shakes hands on a business deal should count their fingers afterwards. Ponzi died broke, in Brazil. Madoff died in prison. Perhaps Trump will get the trifecta.
  9. The correct spelling is "gouging". How do you know it was Harris posted that herself, and not some staffer or journalist?
  10. The criticism is ridiculous, coming from them. The punctuation, syntax, spelling and grammar many use indicates they did not make it out of primary school.
  11. IMO losing again will be the final straw, although he will probably do the " I won " shtick despite the votes saying otherwise. He can never admit to losing. It should be the final straw for the GOP. Supporting Trump after two losses would be my definition of mass insanity.
  12. She's gone from a prosecutor to AG to Senator to VP since 2003. Now tell us all about your stellar career, which enables you to sit in judgment so easily.
  13. I'd say many of the 22 republics in the Russian Federation - Georgia, Chechnya, Dagestan etc. are taking note of how poorly Russia is performing in Ukraine. They are probably fed up with their citizens being drafted for the meat grinder as well.
  14. Harris is smart enough to realize Trump digs himself deeper with every interview and rally. Saying the Freedom medal is better than the Medal of Honor is his latest exercise in stupidity. She's also smart enough to know handing Musk a knife is not a good idea, his bias is obvious. As is yours.
  15. Quite frequently, sociopaths are teetotal. Hitler was too. It's a control issue, they don't like the feeling of letting themselves go. Although it may not look like it, when Trump offends the norms, it's deliberate.
  16. IMO you'd be cunning too, if your government support was a pension of 600 baht/month when you hit 60 yo.
  17. He will keep appealing the various verdicts for years to come. It would be ironic if he avoids jail, but ends up broke via his legal bills. Given his reputation for not paying up, IMO there's not a lawyer in all America who would take him on without getting the money first, unless they were broke and desperate.
  18. If I encountered a doctor who won't listen to me, I would change them. It's only happened once, with a doctor who should retire.
  19. Lock them up too, as betraying the Constitution.
  20. It baffles me how there are still people making excuses for him. Are there free lobotomies in the USA?
  21. Didn't Trump play the same song sheet before the 2019 election, when he knew he was losing to Biden? Laid the groundwork for the insurrection months before. This time around when he loses, lock him up. Call out the National Guard to put down any d!ckheads that try it on again. Stop messing around.
  22. Imbeciles believe Alex Jones. Morons believe Trump. What puzzles me is how people can donate money to these two pustules, when they are probably struggling to make ends meet in low -paid jobs. Which is all they can get.
  23. After Trump filling the media with verbal and written diarrhea, some silence should be taken as relief by sensible people. Perhaps Harris has the sense to keep her mouth shut, while what Trump says becomes progressively more unhinged.

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