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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I was taught striking a woman is the act of a moral coward. I have never hit a woman, never will.
  2. It is only 1-2 months in CR, you are exaggerating. Nothing that a couple of air purifiers can't fix. Two years ago, I didn't even need to switch them on.
  3. IMO the OP is definitely over-medicating for sleep. He needs to change his mindset. Worry less about sleeping to a pattern. I nap in the morning or afternoon if I feel sleepy. I do take a Codiphen ( drowsy antihistamine ) on average once a week if I feel I really need a good night's sleep. I have exercise routines. I avoid alcohol. Being unable to sleep is frequently the product of an overactive mind. My trick in dealing with that is to manufacture pleasant fantasies to pass the time, it's surprising how often that will lead to normal sleep. Hope this helps.
  4. I never said i was a bookkeeper. I said I had the qualifications. I've never said I was a mental health professional, that seems to be a figment of your imagination. I certainly was an analytical chemist, before I became a researcher. As for being a shepherd, I have marked lambs, mustered for shearing, drenched sheep, and put them through dip troughs. I left crutching and mulesing to the professionals. Not as a farm worker, just helping a station owner when he was short-handed. Happy now?
  5. Like the definition of assets, it looks like YT has not heard of capital gains tax either.
  6. Atherton Tableland is quite liveable.
  7. IME it is quite possible to live and sleep with an aircon set at 27 C. That's because aircons remove humidity. Perth, Western Australia can be 40 C, but quite comfortable when it is only 10% RH. If the OP wants life at 25 C without aircon, I suggest Doi Inthanon here, Dalat in Vietnam, or the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. There is also a place in Java, but I have forgotten its name.
  8. I have a sneaking suspicion Trump's assets are mortgaged to the hilt, and it's a house of cards ready to collapse at the first puff of wind. $600 million in fines, interest and fees is more like a hurricane.
  9. Please stay away from Chiang Rai, there are enough idiots here already.
  10. Trump made quite a lot of money during his Presidency. Every time he played golf, which was quite a lot, he played at one of his loss-making golf clubs. His security detail had to be accommodated on said resorts. On average, the US taxpayer was billed $800,000 every time he teed up. As a golfer myself, it might not be so offensive if he did not have such a sh!tty golf swing.
  11. NY fraud - $366 million E Jean Carroll - $88 million Legal fees - $50 million Interest on judgments - $100 million Equals $604 million. Debt in cash, the US legal system does not do barter. James can sell Trump's property assets for the cash required to satisfy the judgment. She won't be waiting for years to get the best price, or paying any attention to spurious valuations. Trump's creditors with loans and mortgages outstanding will be scrambling to bail out their investment before James drops the other shoe. Most leftists can add up numbers, unlike a poster who does not even know cash is an asset, and tries to bullsh!t his way out of his own ignorance.
  12. As other posters have said, make a will. I have a joint account with my GF, she can use that to support herself while probate is being settled. It's got enough for a couple of years. If she's reasonably smart, she will have enough to live on for the rest of her life. If she is not, it is not my problem.
  13. Trump does not use a teleprompter because he says the first thing that comes into his head. It's a combination of non sequiturs, going off on tangents, blatant lies, and gibberish. What's really depressing is poorly-educated Americans accepting his nonsense as gospel.
  14. He is not having a good time now. Trump has posted an appeal against the judgment. He has not posted the bond. There are several possible conclusions from this action. 1/ Trump does not have the billions he has always boasted about. 2/ He cannot find anyone who is dumb enough to post the bond for him, and is hoping one will turn up before the 30 days expires. 3/ No bank thinks he is a good credit risk for a loan to cover the bond. 4/ He is negotiating with Putin or the Saudis, it depends on the price they will demand for lending a hand. If he does not come up with the bond by the end of March, Letitia James can start seizing assets. The appeal becomes irrelevant when she completes the process of seizure. I don't imagine she will be dragging her feet, as Trump does.
  15. True. My favorite car is a Mitsubishi Magna AWD, you may know it as a Diamante. My son still has it with 350K on the odometer. At the time I bought it, $50,000 cheaper than any Benz AMG. One of the most under-rated vehicles ever made. I had a friend who drove a RWD Merc, he commented on how stable the Magna felt in the wet. Now tell me - is there a Merc in their stable of a similar body size, which would ever stir your pulse like the i30N? IIRC they were infamous for failing the moose test.
  16. Have you ever driven a Kia Stinger or Hyundai Kona N? Having driven both, and a Merc, the German feels ponderous. From your perspective, solid. The Kona N has 4 modes - economy, normal, sport, and N. The N mode is also known as the Jesus Christ mode. As in, plant your foot, then exclaim Jesus Christ. That mode is really designed for racetracks. If I won the lottery, I might consider a BMW. The 7 series is a lot of car. Mercedes - never again.
  17. Biden made a clean sweep in the same state. You are talking about a candidate that 40% of Republican voters did not vote for. Take that into November, he'll be defeated in a landslide.
  18. You are basing that on the observation they make fewer retractions? Logic is not your strong point.
  19. It must be nice to sit on your shillings' worth of knowledge and feel superior to others.
  20. Have you surfaced in China yet? Obviously, you haven't sobered up.
  21. This is one of my favorite Country and Western songs........
  22. That's still better than the attention span of most Trump supporters.
  23. IMO it will be the status quo for some time to come. The education system is heavily biased towards respect for authority and obedience, until Thais learn how to question, business as usual.
  24. His eyes are focusing, Trump's are not.
  25. I am not a Biden supporter. However, given the choice between Biden and an adjudged rapist who is under 91 criminal indictments, Biden wins every time. Take a look at the photo you posted again, and compare the eyes and facial expressions of the two guys behind Trump, and in focus. It's chalk and cheese. If the Republicans ever found the spine to jettison Trump, Nikki Haley would be a much more viable challenger.

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