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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I get very mild euphoria for about 5-10 minutes. Pain relief lasts 5 - 6 hours.
  2. Has it occurred to you that may be because they are more honest when they make a mistake? When have you seen Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity or Alex Jones ever admit they screwed the pooch?
  3. Neither of our experiences are statistically significant. It would not surprise me to see Trump go down eventually for tax evasion, just like Capone did. He does meet quite a few mob boss criteria. I forget who it was said the IRS is to be feared more than the KGB and Gestapo combined.
  4. I know two Americans who think Trump is a danger to democracy, and one who thinks he is better than Biden. When I asked him how many criminal indictments Biden has against him, he went off into the political interference weed farm.
  5. And go where? An independent mechanic, who probably has even less experience?
  6. You may be right. IMO my mistake was buying the Merc from an Asian. It's hit or miss whether their vehicles are serviced on schedule. If you are doing your own servicing, you have an advantage. Suppose you buy a 200 SLK Mercedes, secondhand. It will cost you the same as a Korean or Japanese matching product, brand new. Any technological improvements MB makes are reverse engineered into an Asian counterpart within 18 months. All Toyota or KIa engineers have to do is buy one Merc for study purposes.
  7. Nothing strange about getting rid of a vehicle that let me down twice, in dangerous conditions. Perhaps my sense of self-preservation is better than yours.
  8. Engineered longevity? Not in my experience. All Benz has going for it is the cachet. Step into a Hyundai Kona N or Kia Stinger, they are better cars at significantly less cost. Show me a Benz that is within a bull's roar of a Hyundai I30 N, in that class, positively pedestrian.
  9. I guess Trump being angry and yelling a lot doesn't count when the Biden blinkers are on.
  10. Trump's deal would consist of letting Putin have what he wants, and allowing genocide in Ukraine. Stalin did it once before, Putin would be no different. If Ukraine is smashed, so is Russia. It has a ruined economy, and will probably be a vassal state of China within 20 years. Either that, or a failed state. Its education system collapsed in the 80's. Putin wants Trump back in, he's a puppet.
  11. Get yourself checked for gender identity.
  12. I base my opinions on facts. You seem to base yours on nothing but your own assertions.
  13. IIRC Biden cleaned the stage with Trump in the second presidential debate of 2020. He has even more ammunition now, it's like a Barrett against a BB gun. https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/ourcriminalhistory/escaped-convict-william-buckley-the-man-who-gave-us-buckleys-chance/news-story/1488b401e816442b6255e4069f6a1e1a
  14. Come June, I don't think Trump will have a pot to p!ss in.
  15. I am 80, I have my morning and afternoon cardio exercises, plus golf and swimming. IMO my regime has reduced the need for medications most people my age are prescribed. My comment was more to demonstrate I still have a good memory for what people have posted, or attached to their avatar. Stay well.
  16. I don't believe them because this is February, and the election is in November. By then, either Trump or Biden could have had a stroke. IMO the event is far more likely with Trump, given his dietary preferences, and his stress levels. OTOH, I do put some store in exit polls.
  17. IIRC you describe yourself as reclining in a seat of perpetual indulgence, which is somewhat at odds with your statement you are busy. Let me know when you are ready to cease deflecting.
  18. The day I start believing opinion polls is the day I surrender my brain cells. If Biden is doing so poorly, why is Trump wishing the economy would crash?
  19. Nikki Haley is keeping quiet about her stance on abortion. Unlike bigmouth Trump, who is crowing over the SC vacating Roe vs Wade, and claiming responsibility. Trump has to claw back about 7 million votes, when he has several self-awarded handicaps. The female vote will swing against him. The unions have realized he does not represent them. The military knows he wants to downsize them. He has spent truckloads of campaign funds on his legal bills. As they say in Australia, a drover's dog could win against Trump.
  20. I was not quoting you, I was asking you a question. Which you presumably don't want to answer.
  21. IMO Thailand has shown it is expert at fence-sitting. China is helpless. Its navy fleet cannot project power more than 1000 km. If anyone blockaded the Malacca Straits, 500 million Chinese would starve to death. It imports everything - food, energy, iron ore, coal, copper. Other nations are restoring the manufacturing sectors they exported to the Chinese. For me, Thailand is a pretty safe place to be, apart from the homicidal maniacs on the roads.
  22. Yes it was, 83000 km. Looking back, I should have realized the odometer was probably tampered with. I have owned Mitsubishi's that have done over 300,000 km, IMO Mercs are overrated.
  23. It was a joke, Joyce. If people respect me, I give them respect back. if they don't, I don't.
  24. You're competing with georgegeorgia for the most non sequitur posts in a week?
  25. I think it was Churchill who said the difference between Communism and Fascism consisted of whether it was a left or right jackboot doing the trampling of individual rights.

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