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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. These are the recollections of a single person, when Hitler was not yet in power. Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control Please tell me how this definition differs from what Hitler was, or Putin is.
  2. Recommended reading is "One more Sunday" by John D. MacDonald. It demonstrates how Christianity is made into a commercial operation, identical to Trump asking for campaign donations.
  3. The Nazis were left wing? Who taught you history?
  4. It would take up too much of my time to hunt up something i saw a couple of years ago. Either take my word for it, or don't. I don't care.
  5. You're saying Hamas and Hezbollah are not rabid in their desire to kill every Jew?
  6. Apparently Trump has privately asked " Do these people really believe this sh!t?" Like any other group, Trump will cosy up to them while they are useful, then throw them under a bus when they are not.
  7. You don't know how powerful propaganda is, to credulous minds. I was working with two Egyptians and one Lebanese guy in Port Hedland, at the time of the Six Day War. In those six days, Israel defeated three Arab armies, took control of territory 4 times its original size, and became the pre-eminent military power in the region. The three guys were listening to radio broadcasts from Cairo. They were convinced the Egyptian army was hammering on the gates of Jerusalem. Even one or two years later, they were still refusing to accept the Israelis had taken over the Sinai peninsula.
  8. I used to go hunting in outback NSW, took plenty of books with me. No mobile towers out there, no internet. A station landline phone was the only way the outside world could be contacted. Radio reception for about 20 minutes at 6 am and 6 pm. I was out there when the planes went into the twin towers. When I got back to civilization, I thought the world had gone mad.
  9. Person is sexist male, it should be persibling. I never get in the way of anyone on ASEAN, who shows determination to make an idiot of themselves.
  10. That may be true, but it's Hamas, Al Fatah and Hezbollah who are calling the shots, and massaging the message.
  11. True, and ever since, Palestinians have sworn to wipe out Israel. They have never accepted the 1947 UN mandate which established the state of Israel. Trying to reason with Palestinians on this subject is like trying to reason with a rabid dog.
  12. The Benz I bought broke down in heavy traffic - twice. The second time, it was because a Benz dealership had diagnosed the cause of the breakdown incorrectly. Charged me 15,000 baht for a new alternator. I could not get rid of the bloody thing quickly enough.
  13. The devil is in the detail. By my calculations, each aircraft was bought for $21 million. A new Boeing is between $200 and $300 million. It's highly likely the Russians would only be buying the newest aircraft. Even allowing for the reduced value of used aircraft, I suspect the leasing companies were given a choice - sell to us at our price, or we will expropriate the planes, and you'll get nothing.
  14. I would expect refueling of any aircraft, regardless of nationality, to be normal commercial practice. However, if Thailand was maintaining and repairing Russian Boeings and Airbuses, that is a different matter w.r.to sanctions. It's also worth remembering many of these Western-made aircraft were leased, and have been illegally expropriated by Russia.
  15. From experience, I can say buying a used Benz is not a sensible decision. Simple reason - servicing costs and spare parts are 3 times that of most other vehicles. A dealer that refuses to let you have the VIN details is a huge red flag. Walk away.
  16. Words will hurt you if an unscrupulous leader uses them to incite his more deranged followers to go after you. And your family. I suggest you take a look at an interview on YouTube featuring Andrew Hitt, one of the Michigan fake electors. In it, he admits to being terrified of the consequences if he did not go along with the scheme. As far as immunity goes, the argument is ridiculous. As other posters have noted, Biden could order Trump to be assassinated if presidential immunity was upheld.
  17. There have been some very substantial data hacks in Australia. Carmakers, government agencies, universities. It's a long list. As they say, past returns are not an indicator of future performance. IMO it's only a matter of time before some smartie figures out how to breach phone banking security.
  18. We compensate with more brain cells. How many times do you hear a Brit whinging about a woman who did him wrong, compared to an Aussie?
  19. GAPO - Gorilla Arm Pit Odour. Having traveled on the London Underground, there's ample justification for the jibe. We are a superior species. Brits have never forgiven Aussies for beating them in a number of sports, despite their population out-numbering us by almost 3 to 1.
  20. I find my smartphone quite useful for things like reading books ( IMO Kindles are obsolete ), playing music, or having video calls with friends and relatives. They are multi-functional. I have not worn a watch ever since they came on the scene, and they are all I need for the occasional photo or video. I won't use them for paying bills, due to security concerns. Thais being among the most social people on the planet, smartphones must have been like manna from heaven. My only gripe with them is at checkouts, I swear people using them to pay take far longer than cash or a card.
  21. Aussies are bigger than Brits, according to data posted by PZ. I would have thought the struggle for Brits would be finding Thai ladies who can endure GAPO.
  22. Your phone is stolen, the scammer has a photo of your face, or you obligingly have stored your ID or a personal photo on the phone. What then?
  23. I can't recommend a hospital in Bangkok, but I would walk out on any doctor who tried for surgery. Unless an X'ray shows a break way out of normal, setting with a cast and a prescription of calcium tablets should be all that is needed. Pain medication optional.
  24. I think I can embrace change when it makes sense to me, and is obviously beneficial. I took to a Kindle like a duck to water. OTOH, as I got older I have become risk-averse. That shows in my investment profile. I can put a card in a Faraday cage. That way, exposure to skimming is minimized. I don't know if phones have similar protection, and have no intention of finding out the hard way.
  25. My condo bill for electricity is between 400 and 600 baht/month, depending on how much I use the aircon, which I set at 27 C. As other posters have suggested, the OP's bills are obviously padded by the condo.

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