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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You deport the illegal immigrants who are criminals, or a drain on the economy. You let the illegal immigrants who are picking America's crops slide, because they are keeping food prices down in US supermarkets. Legal immigrants will not. Is this making too much sense for some?
  2. If it has happened twice on the same model, I would suspect a design fault.
  3. A bank interest rate of 21% tells me Russia is not strong. Having to import 10,000 North Korean troops to fight at Kursk tells me they are not strong. Having their vaunted tank fleets annihilated on the battlefield by $200 drones..... Food inflation at 10%........ They sell next to no gas, the main pipeline through Ukraine is closed. The oil they sell is at a steep discount to world prices. They send their troops into battle with two weeks' training and bullet-proof vests made from cardboard....... Their main customers, China and India, refuse to pay in rubles. The ruble forex trade has been suspended to prevent shorting. Yes, I am telling you Russia is not strong.
  4. I have to wonder how you can say that with a straight face, considering Trump's crimes.
  5. Comparing Biden's slips with a person convicted of sexual assault, and called a rapist by the judge, is not embarrassing. It's obscene. The only person you are embarrassing is yourself.
  6. This event will give legs to Trump wanting to ban Muslim immigration.
  7. It's true the Russians have made some progress recently, at horrendous cost. 15,000 Russians were killed in Afghanistan over the space of 9 years, which resulted in the downfall of the Soviet Union. The current butcher's bill dwarfs that in only 3 years. Now we have the Russian Federation, where Putin is drawing troops from satellites. He has shied away from conscription in Moscow and St. Petersburg. History repeats itself.
  8. The support in Eastern Ukraine comes from Russians who were transplanted there by Stalin, after he killed off about 6 million Ukrainians in the 1932 Holodomor. Putin did the same thing in Crimea after invading in 2014. Why do you think Ukrainians are fighting so hard? Answer - they know Putin wants to finish what Stalin started.
  9. What they say on Russian TV reminds me of Hitchen's razor. " What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
  10. My GF plucks her armpits, must hurt like hell.
  11. I can't say I have noticed leg hair on any Thai woman I have been with, my back would have felt it if they were shaving.
  12. Really. The Russian economy is a basket case, with the official bank interest rate at 21%. The ruble has lost 40% of its value since the war began. You need to wake up yourself, tovarisch.
  13. IIRC there is a phone app that can be installed. It takes a reading from a test strip. Perhaps Sheryl can comment on the accuracy.
  14. Assuming they can even read English. They can check the logo and company name against the Australian Business Number ( ABN ) to authenticate the screenshot. My guess is it would be all too hard.
  15. Thanks. I have screenshots with proof of pre 2024 savings. Bank accounts, financial institutions.
  16. So I can transfer 500K in income tax free, then claim any excess is pre-2024 savings?
  17. What is the total tax exempt amount for someone over 65?
  18. My Australian bank has not said anything about a Thai TIN. Of course, they don't know, because I transfer funds through WISE's Australian branch. Any savings you have prior to 2024 are tax exempt when transferred to Thailand.
  19. Halong Bay in Vietnam is a Unesco-listed world heritage site. It is truly disgusting how badly it is polluted with floating plastic, mainly polystyrene.
  20. In other words, you've got nothing but your own crapulous opinion, with no facts to support it.
  21. Paracelsus said "The dose makes the poison". The amount of plastics and plasticiser we ingest is unlikely to be significant. OTOH, plastics have been found at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Not good.
  22. RIP innocent people. I don't remember Bourbon Street being that wide, or having tram tracks.
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