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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 9 hours ago, Thailand Noobie said:

    Good luck with that one. At pattaya city hospital treatments are very poor and doctors do a lot of wrong conclusions, thank God I don't need to pay anything but still its annoying to go several time with the same problem to ptt city hospital. 

    Not so funniest part was Wednesday I get to ptt city hospital because I had Dengue fever 3 weeks ago and last thing doctor said was that if I have any skin problems I need to go back. And I get them so I went to hospital and the doctor said I have syphilis and I said <deleted> can not have. But she insisted that we take blood test and that we did. After 3 hour I went to doctor again to check the results, there was another lady doctor and she was looking in to computer, I saw her eyes that she had hard times to tell something, so I just told her this ain't syphilis isn't it? And she say yes it's not, but she didn't know what's wrong and just says to me that it will disappear with the time.... right.

    So again, good luck with ptt city hospital when you need to pay double or even triple payments.

    and you paid seven or eight times more if you will count how much you paid the girls

    who gave you that syphilis !!

  2. so let's see if i got it right.

    a dutch man complained he paid more than thai (but still much lower than what

    he would have paid in his first world country).

    than the thai authorities are checking the case.

    and their solution is: let's make it an official and permanen to charge all tourists

    higher prices than thai.

    this will stop all future complaints for sure, and hey,

    we can even make some more extra money !

    great genius typical thai solution.

    because who has the money? farang has the money.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. a friend of mine who is married to a thai woman and lives in thailand many years, told

    us he was robbed, few years ago, by a taxi driver, when he returned from a fligth

    in suvanbhumi airport.

    he said it was day time, he took a taxi from the upper floor of the airport (not

    registered like in the bottom floor).

    not so far from the airport, the taxi stopped somewhere, another man got into

    the car and they robbed him from all his money, with knife point.

  4. This is an ancient chinese way to control the population.

    In ancient china everybody wanted to report everything to the authorities, not

    just for financial or political gains, but also just out of "good feeling" chinese

    get from feeling part of the people with power.

    problem was that it became so popular and such a nuisance to the authorities,

    that the authorities had

    to pass law against reporting to them.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    Olde Engberink writes a letter to the Thai Attorney General on July 14 in which he insists on criminal proceedings against Van Laarhoven and his wife.

    49 minutes ago, Just Weird said:


    INDEED this officer Olde Engberink is the one who started this mass, and is

    the one accused of revenge motivated actions.

    He later was removed from his position to a lower one.

    but even if one attorney from one country "insists" on "criminal proccedings"' it

    does not mean the thai authorities must start it. do you know the case of thai workers

    stealing expensive jewelries from saudi arabia? the saudis also insisted on criminal

    proccedings, after the thai suspects fled to thailand, but thailand never even arrested them.


    did you also read how the dutch police agent in thailand was surprised when

    they arrested the couple, and told them : "we never asked you to do that"?


    and did you check what are the list of crimes mentioned in the money laundry act 2015

    of thailand, the crimes that can lead to money laundry act?

    tax evasion is not one of them. and anyway the dutch was never even a suspect

    of tax evasion or drug crimes in thailand !!

    so how can thailand sentence him to 20 years in jail for crimes he never even

    was a suspect in doing here ? the right thing to do was arresting him and

    deporting him to holland, where he was still a suspect, 

    but than thailand would not get his assets.

    it's as simple as that, and if you ave serious eye problems.


    and if you don't think that 20 years in jail, plus 12 years to your wife, is a draconian and brutal

    punishment for tax evasion, or even money laundry, than maybe you do belong in

    this merciless country.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

    "the dutch never told the thais that he is being investigated for serious crimes, you can read about it in the link below.

    Wasn't tax evasion/investigation mentioned?  This is an English-language forum, why do you think I could read Dutch?


    "...and no, 10 years maximum jail for money laundry does not mean 10 years for "each one of the 15 offences".

    Sorry, it does mean just that.

    you can translate the article in google...it is interesting...will answer most of your questions

  7. 1 minute ago, Just Weird said:

    the state gets the lot.

    haha...you are too naive...and who is the state? you are not in europe.

    here in thailand the "state" is...well...go figure it out yourself.


    2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    That is not how it's done in Europe!  Assets cannot be confiscated unless it has been proven that they were attained illegally.

    yes this is YES how it is done in Europe! assets can and are confiscated once the authorities

    decide it is time to do it, BEFORE the trial and BEFORE verdict.

    the reason for that is very simple: to make it difficult on the suspect to hide his assets.

    than, only AFTER the assets are confiscated, starts the investigation, and some of the assets

    might be released gradually, if the investigation proves they are not related.

    this is how things are done in europe, and that is what the dutch authorities

    tried to do in thailand, but they did'nt imagine the brutal - and draconian - ways

    thai works.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    "but he was not found guilty of any crime by the dutch authorities, that is why there could not be any money laundering offence in thailand, because his money was legit and legal (according to dutch laws) from the beginning".

    At the time of the Thai prosecution did the Dutch authorities tell the Thai authorities that he was not guilty of any crime or did the Dutch tell the Thais that he was being investigated for serious crimes?   Obviously, they told the Thais that he was suspected of criminal activity, that is what instigated the Thai ML investigation.


    "also interesting to mention that the maximum jail sentence in thailand, according to thai law, for money laundry, is no more than 10 years. so how did he get 100 / 75 / 20 years?  the answer is simple. the thai courts don't really follow the thai law". 

    Yes, the answer is simple, 10 years per offence, just as it is in any other country, so the Thai courts did follow the law.  He was charged with 15 money laundering offences, not just one, so he was liable for up to 150 years.


    "...and that's what's so scary about thailand and it's "justice" system".

    What is just as scary is people who refuse to acknowledge the actual facts of a process, or the reasoning behind it, even though in this case it may seem that the Dutch were a bit hasty in putting this man in the firing line that he may otherwise have avoided.   

    the dutch never told the thais that he is being investigated for serious crimes.

    you can read about it in the link below.

    he was never a suspect in any crime. there was only tax related investigation

    and the dutch only asked to confiscate his assets before interrogation, because that's

    is how things are done in europe.

    but instead the thais were quick to give him and his wife those heavy outragous jail sentences,

    deciding he is guilty of laundring drug money,

    all i say here is based on what i was reading about this case, i don't

    have any other information other than what i read on internet .


    and no, 10 years maximum jail for money laundry does not mean 10 years

    for "each one of the 15 offences".

    such a twisted interpertation of the law happans when

    the law agencies themselves are breaking the law, or trying to prove something

    which is hard to prove.

    absolutely disgusting and terrifying story which

    should serve as a warning to anyone thinking of investing in thailand (and by

    the way, i personaly hate cannabis and against legalising it).





  9. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    No, but the Dutch may have a lot to say if the case had been swept under the carpet as a result of bribes being paid (that didn't happen) and that was my point!

    well, the Dutch authorities had and still have a lot to say about this case, but

    not because it was swept under somewhere but the other way around - because they

    were and still are shocked by the severe sentence their citizen got.

    they did'nt even asked to arrest him, just to confiscate his assets as

    a preparation for investigation, because this is how things are done in europe.

    but the thai authorities were hurry and happy to  confiscated all his assets

    and gave him and his wife those heavy , propably illegal even according to thai laws,

    jail sentences.

    you see, when such huge amounts involved, they don't care even about the bribes.

    there is so much money to be made from commisions on sales of his assets, that

    they were more so quick, once the dutch gave them the green light, to take all

    his assets and throw him in jail, just to make sure he stays there and don't ask

    for his money back.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    The money laundering was committed through Thailand, allegedly, as every recent report has emphasised

    but he was not found guilty of any crime by the dutch authorities, that is

    why there could not be any money laundering offence in thailand, because

    his money was legit and legal (according to dutch laws) from the begining.


    i know it is hard to get it, but i did read about this case, and i can conclude why it

    is hard to get - because thai law is not based on justice, nor reason, and not even

    on thai law itself, instead, many verdicts are given according to the feeling and sentiment

    of the judge / prosecutor / top police involved, and even

    the assets that are about to be gained from the case.


    to clarify more, you can check the money laundry laws of thailand.

    laws that thailand itself created, and changed according to international developments.

    there is a list of crimes which will lead to money laundry charges, among them

    is indeed drugs , bribes, and even, yes, prostitution.

    only problem is that the dutch man was never found guilty of any drug related crimes 

    in his home country.

    he was only a suspect of tax evasion / irregularities - in holland, not in thailand.

    and tax evasion is not a reason , in thailand and in most countries,

    for money laundry persecution.


    also interesting to mention that the maximum jail sentence in thailand,

    according to thai law, for money laundry, is no more than 10 years.

    so how did he get 100 / 75 / 20 years?

    the answer is simple. the thai courts don't really follow the thai law.

    instead they follow a "feeling" or special circumstances (in this case

    the will to show to "the world"' i.e., european western countries and even International

    financial institutions, how thailand is so tough on drugs and money laundry),

    and that's what's so scary about thailand and it's "justice" system.

  11. 6 hours ago, LaoPo said:


    I agree with you...where it not that Van Laarhoven probably didn't have much choice.


    He couldn't have the weeds money income put in a Dutch bank since Dutch banks do NOT accept bankaccounts from individuals, when they know they're in the weed/hash business, whether it was/is legal or not.


    That probably caused problems for him and he had to find other sources to stash his money.


    If you're not financially educated abroad or don't know the financial specialists and accountants he was probably blind for eventual problems in Thailand. He should have hired the very best off-shore financial specialist who know how to deal with such kind of money.

    I assume he did not and took most or all of the money to Thailand.






    i am sure he had financial team working for him in holland.

    you simply can't make those amounts of money in europe without a good accontant.

    and you simply can't "take" such amount in cash; it must go threw the banks

    who also check the source of money,

    but than yeh. he came to thailand and propably could not imagine the levels

    of corruption  he will encounter.

  12. THIS case is really amazing and scary, makes me think

    twice and thrice if i want to visit thailand even as a


    even if this guy was guilty in money laundry in his country, 20 years

    jail sentence, in his age, is like a death sentence.

    and if thai authorities are so concern about money laundry, why won;t

    they punish also the banks involved? acctually it is impossible

    to transfer from holland such large amounts of money without

    the proper tax documents. very very strange and suspicious story.

    should be famous all over the world, so people will be carefull when

    investing in the LOS

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, musiclover said:

    I  have no idea if that is important. I guess you can come from any country if you were able to provide the necessary details regarding income etc

    The mortgage was taken out in 2005.  Perhaps they have tightened rules since then. 

     I had to provide details of my income stream which had to come directly from the income provided to the bank, actually bypassing me. The bank would not except copies from me but wanted directly from the income stream provider In Uk as full confirmation 

    SO the bank wanted the income stream documents, but not the income itself streamed

    into your thai bank account?

    that is interesting...

    and yes, rest assured that coming from the UK helped a lot.

    they would never give mortgage to indian / malasian, because they

    know those are micky mouse countries...

  14. On 8/27/2019 at 9:55 AM, Angry Dragon said:

    not so odd.  theft is a criminal matter, and the police are required to investigate (whether they do so in most cases is another question).

    i complained to thai police - both tourist police and the local station - about a theft

    of expensive items in kept in a hotel storage room.

    the police answer - we can't interfere because it is " between

    you and the hotel..."

  15. 10 hours ago, musiclover said:

    Yes.   I had no problems at all in getting a standard mortgage.   15 years 

    had to provide UK paperwork re income ,but no other problems .50k a month, paid off now

    Standard retirement visa

    I cannot remember the name of the bank. It was the nearest bank to walking street.

    YOU got mortgage in thailand but can't remember the name of the bank?

    only that it was the nearest to walking street?

    in pattaya ???

    LOL  hillarious !!

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