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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 3 hours ago, balo said:

    use the hand sanitizer

    WELL, good luck with that.


    3 hours ago, balo said:

    I have been inside EU for a long time but will start flying out next month

    you have been inside EU for a long time? what is the EU? some kind of jail? 

    but you will start flying out next month? seriously? flying out of the EU at last?

    with the US first and than asia?

    what are you, donald trump? the U.N. chairman? king of holland?

    or just some kind of maple leaf on a frozen tree?

  2. great read.

    indeed the virus is spreading but i would'nt hurry to call the chinese

    authorities liars or propoganda monsters.

    they must keep the morals high and prevent the public from falling into despair and panick.

    it's easy to sit and criticize, but they are doing their best in this horrible situation.

    on the meantime they found new cases in a singaporean bank, and all indicates that

    this virus is here to stay.


  3. if you want to have more oxygen in your blood you need to change the city.

    go to a village in chiang mai or to hua hin instead of tking all those medicines.

    that is the only solution, as bangkok and other cities in thailand has too dangerous 

    levels of air pollution, as you can check on this site:



    • Confused 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, ThaiBrian said:

    My itinerary shows me going through China.

    in your case the best option will be to stay in thailand for the full three months. by

    than there is a good chance that the virus will fade away, as the collective immune system

    will learn how to kill it.


    if you travel now you run the risk of being put in quarantine, which means you will be

    forced to stay with other people who do carry the virus, with all

    the life risk and psychological stress that goes with that (that is why we see many

    videos of people in china who refuse to be taken to hospitals, and fight it violently - they

    know they will be forced to stay with other infected people, for many long weeks, only

    because they sneezed in the wrong place or the wrong time).


    once you will explain it to your parents, they will overcome the natural emotional need

    to see you now.

  5. there is nothing that thai authorities do, that is not a copy of farang policies.

    in this case they propably get their inspiration from "tourist tax" that some european

    cities impose on visitors, also in an effort to discourage tourism (for example barcelona

    impose those "city taxes" on each hotel booking, just because it can't handle the many

    visitors and want to get less of them).

    however, this is not the case in thailand, thailand wants and needs more tourists, and

    thailand is a cheap country that compete on price level, that's why this kind of tax is a

    very stupid idea.

  6. 22 hours ago, Kentwants2run said:

    I'm flying back in on February 12th.  I'm not worried about the virus - bring some hand sanitizer and keep your hands away from your face.  

    if you are not worried about the virus, than why will you keep your hands away

    from your face?

    be a man !! pick you nose !!


    truth is that you are worried, as you should be, and the evidence is : you bothered to

    write here !!

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    you can't even spell your own name.

    sir, the spelling of my name is a jock, but no need to get personal.

    you allready mentioned my teeth here and that is not the point.

    the point is also not the 1000$ i will lose.

    the point is: what is going on and where this situation is heading.

    the answer for this is not clear and it look bad.

    you are also worried and that is why you replied here again, with

    personal reference.

    a little bit more of self awareness will help you survive also this virus.

  8. On 2/10/2020 at 9:48 AM, triffid said:


    such scepticism should be applied at least as strongly to the official info put out by the thai authorities 

    with the thai we don't even start to believe, do it's not a comparison.

    what's worth mentioning is that few countries issued second level warning about thailand, including

    south korea.


    meanwhile, a thai medical web site published an alarming discovery about the virus: it's incubation

    period is not 14 days but can be up to 24 days, link:



  9. 2 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    Would I cancel my holiday in the US because there's a mass shooting?

    this relativity logic is twisted. first, experts don't know nothing about this virus, hence they call it

    'novel". it can mutate aggresively and resist any immune system defences.

    second, we don't know how mortal is this virus not only because we can't trust the chinese (some experts say the real number of deads from the virus is thousands and even tens of thousands) but also simply because most people who will die from the virus just got infected. it will take few more

    weeks until the new infected will start dying, and than you will understand.

     and last, you can't compare a new threat to old known ones, like mass shooting / car acidents, ext. we 

    allways must protect our lives according to the latest information available, and this virus is a new

    situation that demands new precautions.

    (and once you know and learned about a life risk, than you act accordingly. for example, i , and other thai people i know, never take any mini van taxi after i learned how angerous they are).

  10. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    It all depends on how receptive you are, in what level you get affected as well as your age and health.

    yes, genius, but you will know how "receptive" you are only when you will get infected ,

    and that is too late.

    and about the age and the other thai-chinese propoganda that says only old man die from this,

    and they fall ill anyway - well, than came the death of that 34 yr. old doctor...so what did the

    chinese propaganda machine said? that he died because he used "western" medicine, and not chinese medicine...so you better throw away all your antibiotics and run to china town to buy some pangolin pils.????

    • Sad 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    You on the other hand, will probably scare yourself to death before you even get the virus. ????????????????

    HA HA HA sooo funny...top experts tell you that this is a NOVEL virus, means they

    don't know how it will behave and mutate, they only know it moves very fast, to

    the level that even china chose to sacrifice a whole province - hubei - to save the

    rest of the country, but you know better, no, you will not get scared easily, because

    you are a pattaya wise man, and you have all the antibiotics ready.

    well done, proffesor, you cracked it ! 

    • Sad 1
  12. 9 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    recovered by only getting ordinary antibiotic

    no, virus, any kind of virus, has nothing to do with antibiotics.

    antibiotics might help to cure some illnesses that the virus caused, but

    not the virus itself. 

    only vaccination can stop a virus.

    do not die of ignorance.

    this virus is NOVEL - means brand new, scenitists can't predict it,

    or the way it will mutate.

    and as for now, there is no vaccination..

  13. 1 hour ago, UbonThani said:

    People with weak immune systems drop like flies everyday

    YOU can work for the thai propoganda machine.

    truth is that this virus makes people fall like zombies indeed, right

    in the middle of the street. you can find videos showing young strong man

    drop like potato sacks just like that in middle of the street or train.

    most of those videos were taken before the virus was named, so they are still

    on the net somehow, all the new ones were taken or never published.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 12 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Unless you can get a full refund just come , the situation is overblown and countries are NOT banning travel to Thailand

    countries did not ban flights to china either around 20 days ago, when i bougth this ticket.

    nobody can tell what will happan within a week from now, this is a fast

    moving virus and "novel" , means brand new type which cab't be predicted.

    so full or part refund has nothing to do with my health, what was i thinking?

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