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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. On 1/22/2020 at 9:22 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Unless you are in Samui or applying at a couple of other rogue immigration office you will not need a medical certificate.

    thanks, that's really helpfull, because i think i just got the corona virus...or wait a minute...was it just the beer?

    anyway, i really thank your helpfull answers here. all is ready for my second attempt to ask for the non-O visa, but i would like to use the opportunity to ask yet another question: is it allowed to leave thailand 

    during the 90 days wait on non-O visa, before applying for the retirement visa?

    which means, if for example i get the non-O visa, and a month later leaves thailand for two weeks, than

    come back and apply for the retirement visa - is that OK with the IO's?

  2. On 1/16/2020 at 10:13 PM, Martyp said:

    Go to a hospital or local clinic and tell them you need a medical certificate for your visa application. They should know what you are asking for. 

    I needed a medical certificate for a Thai drivers license. I, of course, didn’t know what that involved but I went to a local clinic. They gave me a cursory medical exam and signed a certificate.



    thanks, but the real problem is that i never hears about this requirement, and i am affraid that

    when i aventually i will get to the immigration office with all the neccasary documents, they will still ask me for this letter and that certificate...as i allready happaned to me once !!!

  3. 9 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Some odd immigration offices want a medical certificate that can be easily obtained at a clinic.


    That is required at many immigration offices for proof of residence. Most offices want a copy of the rental agreement (aka contract) and signed copies of the owners house book and ID card signed by them.

    but i can't be a residence before i get the long term visa, can't i?

    and what if i rent a condo for long term - as i did before - but the landlord do not

    want to give me his ID card? and rightly so, why does he has to do with my visa problems?

    than what? i don't get the visa but they still expect me to sign a long term rental aggreement?


  4. 2 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    Just out of curiosity, where is a medical certificate officially required for a 1 year extension based on retirement? 

    question is WHAT KIND of medical certificate? that certify that you are fit for retirement?

    that one is fit to watch T.V. 6 hours a day?

    OR that you are in perfect condition to live among such a healthy country as thailand is?

    or is it just a certification that you are from the same gender you were born with, so you

    won't steal jobs from the local ladyboy work force?

    it is getting worse and worse. can easily spend one week of traveling back and fourth

    to immigration offices with no result. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, DPKANKAN said:

    I just did my 90 days in Kanchanaburi. Renewal due March. Asked about everything as no Embassy letter now. Was given attached as the requirements.

    Actually in writing!!


    David .jpg

    when you say 90 day i guess you mean the non -0 visa. than i read the requirements you menioned and again i find new pazzles, for example, what is "medical certificate"?

    never heard on that one.

    and what the hell is "rental aggreement with landlord i.d. photocopy"?

    my "land lord" - the owner of the condominium building - looks so nervous and scary that

    the last thing i can imagine is to ask him for his i.d. photocopy. he could not care less

    if i will stay or leave his property. so what than?

    my fear is that i will have to travel back and thourth to the immigration office, with all new requirements and documents that i can't provide, and aventualy will not get any extention

    and will stuck with 800k BAHT  in the thai bank.

    what a nightmare !!

  6. 55 minutes ago, thequietman said:

    So .... those of you who have gone through 'agents' - is your stamp real and proper?


    Won't you be a little worried when a real immigration officer has a look through your passport?


    Is it worth the risk?


    They have now arrested an officer at CW - how deep will this go? and if your extension/visa was processed by the same guy, then there may be a knock on your door. ????


    Good luck to you all.

    one good thing in thailand is that they blame the immigration officer and not the tourist / foreigner. i know of similar stories in other countries where the tourist got into jail and paid huge fines, just because he had fake stamps in his passport, even if he was;nt aware to that.

    • Like 1
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  7. i STILL did not apply for an extention based on retirement (non O visa), and i am glad i did not,

    as every few days i learn about another requirement, and i guess how frustrating it would be

    to go all the way to the immigration office with all documents ready, just to discover

    that another paper is missing.

    this time i learned that i must come to the application with a rental aggreement, and that the

    period must be no less than 3 months, and that hotel addresses are not accepted

    and also the property owner better be thai or foreigner with work permit.

    so my question is: seriously? is that really neccasary? also in bangkok immigration?


    and the second question is: is it neccasary to show that the source of funds comes from abroad, also

    when renewing a retirement visa extention? for example, i i got the first extention, and a year later

    i add funds to the thai bank account to the required 800K baht, does this addition also need

    to be from overseas??? OR CAN I DEPOSIT CASH?


    AND one last pazzle: the requirements list states that all documents regarding the bank letters must be

    prepared and signed by the bank ON THE SAME DAY OF THE APPLICATION...( Documents under 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3

    must be issued and updated to be the same date of the Application )...HOW on earth is that possible?

    must i go to the bank to prepare all those documents and than run quickly to chaeng wattana immigration office, before

    the day is gone?

    • Like 1
  8. strange..i've just concluded my calculations of total amount of money that was stolen from me over the years in thailand, by room cleaners, travel agents, hotel managers, bus rides, ext., excluding ex. girlfriends, and the total amount is around 700,000 baht indeed.


    another story i remember now is that of a young thai woman who got a nice loan from a farang, 800,000 baht, to open a restaurant with his help.

    she went to the bank in koh samui and withraw the amount in cash as he instructed her, and took it back to her hotel room. than she went down for a couple of minutes to buy some groceries. when she returned the money was gone. she could not understand how they knew the money is there. i explained to her that it is called 'cash follow robbery". it starts from the bank , with or without the help of a banker, by criminals who follow large cash withdrawls.  

  9. 17 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    "but hey, what i you just got promoted? or close a nice deal? or heritance? or just bougth the right stock in the right time? than you might become a liar"

    What are you talking about? If you were honest when you checked the boxes about income and net worth, how the h**l can you become a lier because of a promotion or inheritance? Nobody has a crystal ball, but normally when working, when moving to another company or you get promoted, your salary will probably increase,right? Maybe you became the owner of your parents house when they passed away. It happens all the time.

    If this is so scary for you, then ask your bank if your info needs to be amended. How hard can it be? 


    I DID ASK the bank if i can change the form, and they answered : "no, but you can fill another one".

    this means that the bank will have two forms which might contradict each other, hence 

    can be used as a proof that the information "is not xcomplete and accurate" as the form

    requires to sign below.


    was i 100% honest when i filled the form? hell no. just like banks and bankers

    are never 100% honest.

    but this form really made me confused, since i thougth that i fill it for the retirement visa extention, so i wrote that i am retired, which i/m not...but did not mean to lie.


    now i am not paranoid, but if you will see how difficult banks are these days, you will also

    be very carefull.

    you see, some of the poster here are or were propably salary man , and don't see what is

    the problem with taxes, capital, ext. you just get your salary and all taxes are paid, right?

    WRONG !! real life people, i.e. business owners who pay those salaries, live in a complately different

    world, where taxes are much more complicated, and even capital and cash flow are not

    regular and difined, and when you'll grow up you will also see the trouble in such forms.

  10. 14 hours ago, phkauf said:

    Day by day Thailand is slipping ever so close to a Cambodian style "Democracy" and it seems that Prayut is learning how to take out the opposition from Hun Sen. Yes there will be elections, but only after all the opposition parties have been disqualified and leaders jailed - that's where things are heading in Thailand.

    reminds me of that country that calls itself "leader of the free world" and 'spread democracy" all over the planet. at least in thailand it is still not done by bombing and shooting millions of people, and not by jailing 3% of the population

    (in September 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners).

  11. 1 hour ago, Max69xl said:

    Don't be paranoid. This isn't a biggie like you and others think.

    i am not paranoid and i don't think it is "biggie". it just makes me think about doing more business in thailand. you see, i came to this bank with good will, i wanted to open investment account, i wanted to help the thai economy bla bla bla...now that i see the arroggant and rude attitudes i got from thai banks, i will

    take my money else where, or just keep it in my overseas account and buy from there investments in the thai market, like ISHARESthailand and TEMPLETON thailand...those arrogant stupid thai bankers will not get commisions from those transactions, and i will keep in thailand only the minimum amounts neccasary for my living expenses. don't feed donkeys with tiramisu !!

  12. 1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

    such is the structure of global banking where 99.9% of all foreign remittances pass through NYC.

    i know the KYC regulations and i have few bank accounts in other countries who apply those KYC. no bank ever gave me a form like bangkok bank did. AS YOU can see from the form, it is asking for the very personal questions of your "income" and than "net worth", and ask you to choose to which group you belong, like in the asian caste system.

    the problem with the bangkok bank form is that it is rigid, and closing on you legaly, as you are forced to sign that "all information is true complete and accurate". but hey, what i you just got promoted? or close a nice deal? or heritance? or just bougth the right stock in the right time? than you mught become a liar

    in the eyes of bangkok bank, and this form  - very stupid form indeed - gives them the right to sue you, and win (well, in thailand the foreigner allways lose, so it won't mattar).

    when i tried to complain about it to the quite nice young banker, she called her older nasty superviser, sho just told me in harsh voice: "you can't get the signed form". her tone was: "you don 't like it - take your money and f... off". she could not care less. in response i just got up from my chair and left without

    saying thanks (did you notice that thai bankers never say thank you? they just get your thanks without response, as if it is them who do you a favour for even going to work).

    • Sad 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    I agree. There's no problem what so ever filling in a piece of paper at the bank. This will probably happen to loads of americans because of the money laundering paranoia in the US. Bangkok Bank is just doing what they're told to do. 

    it is not just a "piece of paper". anyone calling a bank form - or any other legal form - "just a piece of paper" is ignorant of how the law system works, all over the world. 

    the world is acctually ruled by "pieces of papers". you can lose and win billions of dollars only because of "pieces of papers". the only proof you have to your house is just a "piece of paper". even the money you have in any bank is just "piece of paper" - names as bank statement , passbook, ext.

    if one day you will come to your bank and will find that your account disapeared, the only way you have to prrof it is by "pieces of papers".


    and now, once we understood this, we can continue to count the mountain of problems the bank - any bank - can give you, with this or that "piece of paper".

    acctually, this days you can get arrested in many so called "free world" countries like EU USA and UK, just for carrying 20-30 thousand dollars without the correct "piece of paper".

    for more details watch youtube " UK border control 2020".

    • Sad 1
  14. On 1/9/2020 at 10:24 PM, topt said:

    For someone who on previous threads was quite vocal about the issue of tax reporting it seems like you have a very short memory.


    Even for someone as paranoid as you seem to be I cannot believe you gave them detailed genuine information......:wacko:


    I have had to fill in similar forms for western financial institutions. Personally I make it as general as  can so it is pretty much worthless. I doubt as others have posted that the staff member you were dealing with would have even bothered to read and understand your answers.


    If you are that worried close your account as you suggest and keep your money under the mattress...............


    Oh and CRS will happen, just a question of when. Perhaps you may want to find another banking jurisdiction....

    seems like you are being following me and i made you thinking...but

    it's nothing personal, mate, take it easy.

    we are just trying to help each other on new banking developments.

  15. 22 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    Are you by any chance from the US? If so, this is about the money laundering paranoia. You don't have to worry about the form. Why would you become a liar just because some of the numbers you filled in have changed? Just ask the bank if you need to officially change them. I guess they will say, no need. Don't listen to paranoid posters telling you to change bank because of this. They don't know what they're talking about. 

    this is not just about "money laundry paranoia". it is also about "account blocking and other bank headechs paranoia". banks, as greedy as they are, are using this CRS / FATCA mass to fine their customers all kinds of fees and penalties. for example, some european banks charge now 5000 EURO fine for "reporting false information". which means, if i declared that my income is 5000-1000 euro, but few years later my income became 10000-20000 euro, and i did not report to the bank 0 boom, 5000 euro fine.

    other banks say that if you did not report to them within 30 days about any change in your info - they will lock / block your account , which means more fees to lawyers to deal with the bank.


    if you will check the bottom line on the bangkok bank form, it says : "i hereby declare that al information here is complete and accurate..." - which sounds like a preparation for a juicy law suit from the bank, in case the information "was not complete". those things happan now all the time in EU and US, and thailnd will follow as usual.

    • Sad 1
  16. 23 hours ago, david555 said:

    And on top of that I seems to being much 20 € bills ….that is already an indicator police get suspicious more , especially  when connected to customer related payments (in his particular Dutch coffeeshop case …) ????

    i don't think we are talking about the same dutchman.


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