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The Theory

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Everything posted by The Theory

  1. If it dies, you need to replace the whole light. If you decide to buy this type then get 1 or 2 extras. Kind of pricy though !! muse this type of it fits. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005002737631941.html?spm=a2g0n.detail.0.0.11644150l9j8P9&gps-id=platformRecommendH5&scm=1007.18499.231170.0&scm_id=1007.18499.231170.0&scm-url=1007.18499.231170.0&pvid=41e663d2-03a3-4bd0-b83e-4561450548b3&_t=gps-id:platformRecommendH5,scm-url:1007.18499.231170.0,pvid:41e663d2-03a3-4bd0-b83e-4561450548b3,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238110%231995&pdp_ext_f=null&pdp_pi=-1%3B1.48%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BUSD%3Brecommend-recommend https://s.lazada.co.th/s.g3G0c
  2. Then it is halogen 12v bulb only (not with reflector type). And you want to replace it with LED. Look for something like this that fit in space that you have. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.g3OSA i won't be able to help more since I don't have much information about the space.
  3. You are right if those old halogen bulbs are 220V. If you have a voltmeter it would be easy to find out. Or perhaps there is some printed information on bulbs that indicate the working voltage. But if the voltage is 12V (as Crossy mentioned) then no driver needed. LED light bulbs will do the job.
  4. Yes, transfer it in $US it will be in Thai ฿ if your account is regular savings account in Thai bank.
  5. However this is not the OP case, but keep in mind that you shall be asked for something unusual. A week ago, I was asked for bank statement for non-o 800,000 "extension". Never been asked before and the IO insisted that I need to get one for my extension !!!, but next IO asked for my old bank book !!! needed to see more than a year history of fund in my "CD" bank account !!!! Fortunately I did not have to get a statement (it won't happen in one or 2 days), but I had to go back next day and show my old book+a signed copy of it. Unexpected surprises. Even though you believe that your papers are in right order (because of last extension).
  6. My concern is if I can get 3 months non O in Chiang Mai. Or do I have to do it in Chaeng Wattana ?
  7. I thought to leave the country without renewing my extension. Can I start over by a visa exempt and apply for a new retirement in Chiang Mai ?
  8. My gf could not find my TM30 records and she did not have any screenshot of it. No idea what happened. We had to go to Muang Thani immigration. There was a nice IO and she could retrieve the data, but it took about an hour.
  9. Some contractors have just a big mouth, but at some point they admit that they have never seen this before: ????????????
  10. You are right, but setting new tiles over the old one won't work better than thin set over self leveling(if contractor knows what "self leveling is ????) In fact I prefer self leveling rather than having the old tiles under thin set since thin set will be fresh and not smoother than the old tile.
  11. If it is really a thin set shouldn't be any problem(easy remove), unless used thick cement under old tiles. I'm in process of building a house. One man contractors or small teams usually try to do short cuts to make the job easier and reach the end point ($$$) quicker. Just like my guy who replied that "it will become sticky" when I asked him to ad more cement to the concrete. (He Just wanted the work easy, not in correct way) As already mentioned, never pay in advance, there is no reason that you pay them without any job done. Always make the job on a few payments. For example: tell them that you pay them step by step (divide the work to at least 3 or 4 sections) and you keep the right that you can stop the work at any step.(not a contract). They usually get the job (making sure the job belongs to them, especially after getting a deposit) and after a few days try to do different work at the same time. Keep in mind that all contractors begin dancing and refusing doing the job right short time after start the work, even though you cleared everything before they start.
  12. As far as I understood No PCR test is required for transit (US travelers) via Narita (same terminal) to LAX. ATK test for US travelers not more than "1 day" before departure.
  13. For Americans ATK test not more than 24 hours before departure. Not a PCR test. Are you sure you really need a PCR test ?
  14. IMO Shopping COD is the best, but you need to know the "Total amount" of your package/packages at the time of delivery.
  15. ???? oh sure Perhaps employees in the back room using email addresses.
  16. I have 2 cam on my small scooter, rear and front. They are about ฿200-300 each, but they do the job for my small size motorcycle. I turn the key on and they start working. You can have a by pass switch to be able to keep them on while your bike is off. I did all wiring, USB.
  17. Is Chaeng Wattana building 2 still the right location for non-o retirement extension ? Or it has moved to Maung Thong Thani ?
  18. I never tied that office Some offices are 2 weeks only and depends on your generosity could be vary.
  19. Bank manager is the top boss. As long as "face" of bank is safe the manager law comes 1st. Open an account in a farang friendly branch, otherwise don't expect much. Today we went to a bank for my CD tax return letter (not really farang friendly branch). I was told that 2019 tax has already closed and I can not get it back. ???????????? 2019 already closed !!! ???? 2019 interest was high rate. They issued a letter for 2020 only, have a nice day.
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