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Posts posted by Kurtf

  1. I definitely think the speed limit should be raised. This will mean more idiots that don’t know how to drive, have never been taught road rules, will die. I’m all for that. It boggles my mind that Thai drivers have no idea why the road has lanes painted on them. And Thai drivers seem to think every  turn in a road means they HAVE to cut the corner. Staying in their own lane.....hahaha. That’s only for  Farangs. Solid lines, dotted lines, all same same for Thai drivers. I laugh when I hear about the death toll on Thai roadways. Ohh and have you heard how the government is going to come up with some magic to reduce the death toll over the New Year weekend. With zero road rule enforcement......impossible. I see cops standing on corners watching illegal U turns, pick ups over loaded with passengers in the back. Mai pben rai.

    • Sad 1
  2. You might consider drugging him and then shoving his apparently lifeless body in a wheel chair and wheeling him into the plane and voila when he wakes up he will be in jolly old England again.

    Sorry for making light of your problem. It is after all HIS life and not yours. If he wants to stay here until the bitter end then so be it.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. On 11/13/2019 at 10:20 AM, villagefarang said:

    In my experience, many of the people demanding perfection from Thailand and the environment are people who neglect their health on so many levels.  Many smoke, drink, are overweight, drive dangerously and have anger problems.  


    I do sometimes have slight allergy like symptoms but have no heart or lung issues and I do modify my exercise and lifestyle depending on the weather and how I feel.  If I am wrong and my environment knocks a few years off my life expectancy, and I die at 90 instead of 95, like many of my relatives, I will accept that.  My mother smoked most of her life, only stopping in her later years, and still lived into her 90s.  One of my greatest worries, is living too long.


    I am happy to let people make choices about their own lives and how they want to live but I expect to be allowed the same freedom of choice.  The internet being what it is, we mainly hear from the angry unhappy folks and I simply want to represent my own personal opinions which are somewhat less negative.



    The worst part about living too long is that you have to struggle with the pain of your friends and family dying off.

  4. As previously mentioned 3% is the norm. However, RE agents in Thailand do little to nothing to earn that. The post the house on their website, then sit on their asses in their office waiting for someone to spot the house on the web and ask to see the house. I’d much prefer to pay 7% to someone that actively searches for buyers and promotes the sale of my house.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. On 11/11/2019 at 4:21 PM, MRToMRT said:

    The article and the sentiment behind it is an excellent one. So why do about 70% of the posters nitpick fault with it or with Thailand? 


    Colonialist attitudes are not dead on this forum. Farang (read "White) "supremacy" of the mind seems to rule the roost here.

    You obviously have not lived in Thailand for very long to know that the government's best published intentions seldom come to fruition. All the good intentions in the world aren't worth a damn if not implemented vigorously.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/10/2019 at 8:46 AM, MrMo said:

    The Ministry should look carefully at the "english" speakers that are employeed in English speaking roles.


    Amongst the Thais, the level of proficiency is generally poor.


    Amongst the foreigners employed, many have heavily accented speech.   I have encountered a number from my country, England, who teach English in Thailand and whose strong regional dialects makes it extremely difficult to understand.

    Reminds me of the 14 months I spent in Scotland. I tried chatting up a young lady on a park bench and inquired where she was from. She told me she was from Germany and came to Scotland to improve her English. Really cracked me up because I was having a hard time understanding the Scottish accent.


  7. On 11/9/2019 at 12:26 PM, hotchilli said:

    So stop employing Thai teachers who have no capacity for teaching English after leaving University training.

    Stop employing foreign teachers whose language skills are less than adequate.
    Start by raising the standards of teachers and the students may have half a chance at a decent education.

    Past years have seen an endless supply of the no-fail Thai system passing off new teachers as qualified, and an endless stream of foreign teachers who cannot speak the English language enough to teach it.

    I have been told by a native Thai that those wishing to work for the government that the bottom of the barrel is school teacher. Those that can not qualify for any other job end up being teachers.

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