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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. Why are you quoting Old Testament? I don't think many practising Christians would be impressed. You do know after that it's all 'turn the other cheek', right? It's Islam that's cast in stone....
  2. I feel that a death penalty is necessary to deter at least some of the more thoughtful potential criminals, and he should face it. But I'm horrified at the number of comments asking for the perpetrator to be tortured. Anonymous forums like this really do highlight the incredibly thin veneer of humanity that a few millennia of civilization have covered humans with, so ready to be shattered. All that separates us from the beasts really is opposable thumbs....
  3. Well done, you got my point. Not most East Asian countries, and in fact I'd say not most countries in the world. So it's not how it's usually done, is it? So stop patronising them.
  4. Welcome to Thailand. If you expect a governmental organisation to vet applicants before giving them authority and a firearm, go live somewhere else. ????‍♂️
  5. This is not and never will be a H&S bound first world country. And a lot of farang live here contentedly because of that. Keep your sanctimony to yourself.
  6. They were putting out cones when the idiots came flying down the road at them. Unless you know the exact circumstances of this case (you don't) don't try to judge, you read like a barrack room lawyer anyway.
  7. Masterfoods pierces the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers (to quote from my favourite film).
  8. ATM is h4xxor3d. Russians have cleared her account by now. ????
  9. Anyone who plays markets knows that it's just foolish to try to predict the very bottom or the very top. Experts may often or even usually be able to know if a trend will continue or soon reverse, or manipulate a market to make it do so (and of course that includes currency), but I doubt any denizens of this forum work for Goldmsn Sachs or the like. ???? Anyway, cross fingers for you. I will wait up to a week to make my monthly inward transfer because I hate to buy on a falling market, I'm expecting some small upswing, but not looking for the rate to break the recent high, just something to make me feel better, because the high came too early for me. ????
  10. You obviously haven't been home many times in recent decades....
  11. Huge amounts of money are being made from Project Fear. Now selling snake oil.
  12. I didn't appreciate that. Although in writing, say, a novel it would sometimes be quite appropriate. But anyway English teachers don't teach conversational and colloquial English (TESOL teachers for example) ? You must be able to guide students to be able to not only speak naturally but also to understand what they hear. Anyway, we don't need to do this to death. I'm done.
  13. I was talking about English as it is spoken, you saw that. And that, of course, defines correct English. Not what's printed in old grammar guides and what's taught by old English teachers. Looking down on the common people who slowly shape the language day by day as 'semi-literate' is a bit Professor Higgins, isn't it? I'm telling you that 'would of' is now common parlance. Therefore it's correct, as is the alternative. I'm as sorry as you, but I'm not in denial.
  14. Sorry, but 'would of' is now colloquially completely (and sadly) acceptable in place of 'would have' in the UK now (so probably everywhere). You must be a long time away from the old country!
  15. Oh, what it must be like to be rich AND wealthy. I'll have some of that. ????
  16. Not locals though. Only immigrants usually. I lived in the Middle East for 13 years. Seen it all.
  17. Back on the leash. Much less chance to make huge tea money I imagine.
  18. Only increasing the RTP's unofficial takehome pay. ????
  19. All the old f*rts here saying people don't want to party until 0400h. How out of touch with youngsters can you be? ...
  20. That only means you probably don't drink anywhere near as much alcohol as your beer drinking friends. One large glass of wine a day, 250-750 Baht. For 250 Baht they could drink several large bottles of local beer, Federbrau or Heineken, or two 1 litre cans of the nice dark German beer whose name I forget. I've given up wine here because I like to drink at least two or three glasses with a meal, and not the local muck. ????
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