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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. Items can more and more be bought over the Internet with crypto. Generally speaking, if you are buying something priced in a currency (say USD) not your own the amount you pay online in another currency (Sterling, crypto, whatever) varies against the current value of crypto, Sterling or whatever to the exchange rate ruling on the day (fiat) , or the price at which you bought your crypto (just like using cash USD while on foreign vacation). Just because the SEC says crypto is not a currency doesn't make that so for consumer purposes.
  2. Except when you start talking about currency or crypto value 'in the markets' as you did you aren't talking about purchasing power on the high street. Anyway, I was only pointing out the similarities, which do exist.
  3. Didn't you just describe foreign exchange? ????
  4. No. Banks already make use of blockchain, and they will adopt/assimilate crypto after their own fashion. Crypto is NOT going away. I'm not a crypto investor m, so have no dog in this fight, just watching.
  5. Because most don't care but still want to run their mouths....
  6. You can only learn how to behave after you've been given the chance. Mistakes will be made. Correct?
  7. I find I get plenty of smiles and respect, and I certainly don't go out of my way to demand it. There again I do walk around with a friendly face all the time, life is good.
  8. If you know your rhyming slang, buffalo do 'grumble and grunt' .
  9. "She said she needed me to come and play with her buffalo".
  10. Isn't this 30 year lease for land to live on fantasy? I thought it was 10 years only, with two ten year extensions written in (note: fees to be negotiated each time), and landowner expected not to refuse to agree the extensions....
  11. One thing I dont think others commented on. Delivery people still need to make money in the rain, don't let rain stop you ordering. Bike riders in Thailand must take riding in heavy rain as part of daily life in the wet season. If they decide to work on a wet day, please support them.
  12. You are one of the founder member of The Mean Society?
  13. Thank you, that's perfectly state. Carer, but actually powerless, wishing it were you instead, frustration with wary insurance companies, the realisation that after 45 years together nothing else is important at all other than just being together. Happily we have had a lot of years with me working from home, and then 6-7 years retirement, and we've always just enjoyed lazy time together. Many people aren't as lucky. Thanks again, your post was really appreciated. ????????
  14. A lucky man. My wife and and I are the same. But aggressive cancer has reared its ugly head.
  15. Hm, yes Makro, not click. I replied as have most here, with stories about their customer service in store. I see the difference though.
  16. As usual with these stories, my experience was different. I took a rubber gas hose with regulator for return and refund with the receipt, but slightly out of the return period (I had been away from home due to wife's illness). I'd bought the wrong one, my fault. I was refunded in cash there and then. Had to wait 4 or 5 minutes for the girl to check with her superior. I was told in future they would not refund outside the return period and I said OK and thank you very much. Maybe I just have a friendly face....
  17. Why not, might balance out the all-too-predictable Anglophobes ("anyone except England", right?). Let's be even handed about this.... ????
  18. I'm a Londoner 18 years away from home. I think Brits have a lot to whinge about now judging by the news I read. I don't see me going back. My best friend went to Oz in the mid 60s when we were about 7 or 8, when his mum and dad 'took the shilling', I hope they had a good life. I've liked most Aussies I've ever met, except when they try to brag about sport. ????
  19. I can imagine the Aussies reading this and crying that they can't whinge about the British in Thailand.
  20. Yes very much I do believe that torture is never, ever the act of a civilised society. Death penalty but not barbarism, because HE is the beast, I am not. Clearly you prefer the law of the jungle, and you should live there. ????
  21. Why are you quoting Old Testament? I don't think many practising Christians would be impressed. You do know after that it's all 'turn the other cheek', right? It's Islam that's cast in stone....
  22. I feel that a death penalty is necessary to deter at least some of the more thoughtful potential criminals, and he should face it. But I'm horrified at the number of comments asking for the perpetrator to be tortured. Anonymous forums like this really do highlight the incredibly thin veneer of humanity that a few millennia of civilization have covered humans with, so ready to be shattered. All that separates us from the beasts really is opposable thumbs....
  23. Well done, you got my point. Not most East Asian countries, and in fact I'd say not most countries in the world. So it's not how it's usually done, is it? So stop patronising them.
  24. Welcome to Thailand. If you expect a governmental organisation to vet applicants before giving them authority and a firearm, go live somewhere else. ????‍♂️
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