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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. No, you can't correct me, you don't know the people that I know. Silly generalisations like 'Thai women say' aren't in the least helpful.
  2. Reminds me of a great joke that ends 'doesnt matter, there'll only be me and you there'.
  3. Fair comment. If you like to cook it's a blessing. My (British) wife would probably eat som tam every day if I let her, its her favourite Thai dish! If you don't mind me asking how much does a western native-English speaking teacher in a regular Bangkok school earn a month? 50,000? Just curious. And I guess less in say Pattaya or Hua Hin?
  4. ???????????? I can see it just floating away...
  5. I ordered and collected mine from the local hospital where I was jabbed. It came after around 3 weeks. 50 baht cost.
  6. That's a really excellent suggestion which simply never occurred to me. ???? There are several courses within a few kilometres of me, I'll start the mission soon. ???????? I believe some Almix products are total herbicides so make sure you get the correct one or your lawn will look a lot worse.... Two packets from inside the box to 10 litres of water.
  7. I think it's a tough choice to try to live a long retired life on only state pension, if you don't have to. I don't envy anyone who has to do that. I believe many people defer their retirement because they don't think they can live maybe 30 years on what the state gives them every month, plus stretching out whatever they've been able to save over their working life.
  8. I wasn't particularly referring to international tourism. Thailand had certainly been heavily weighted towards that particular invisible export, but that's not the only sector of the economy that's suffered for over two years. I agree that it will be mid next year or later before there's any hope for significant increase in overseas tourists.
  9. You should have said that. It's under 4000 now, not 4000.
  10. It's likely that that room will cost more when he comes to renew his lease, once the economy is picking up a little. Landlords have been reducing rents over the past year, a previously 4000 Baht room in Hua Hin is now around 3600, but they often won't give a full 12 month lease right now.
  11. This is a pretty realistic costing. And I agree that health insurance shoud not be shirked here.
  12. At 66 I just took a 12 year old half-lame almost deaf soi dog from a rescue organisation. And when he pegs it I'll take another. They need and deserve TLC.
  13. Only state pension? No private pension? From UK it's 40000 if you paid the state for every month of your pensionable life. That would be som tam every day...
  14. I can see that you consider yourself the total expert on pools but you DON'T necessarily need to run a pump for minimum eight hours a, day. For a smallish pool (say 54,000 litres) with a pump correctly rated to the pool size, and a short not too angled pipe run, even four hours can be enough for a pool with little usage. And in these circumstances buying a variable rate pump is not worthwhile. If you swim every day maybe six hours. If you have pool parties maybe eight.
  15. An 'investigational vaccine'? You should get more up to date.
  16. Ignorant of the fact that vaccines are not being touted as a way to prevent infection.
  17. So you're saying that people who arrive on retirement visas are actually not permitted to open bank accounts? Try again.
  18. Yes. Hard to understand that so many are still so ignorant
  19. He obviously meant stuffed, not bloated, just picked the wrong word. ????
  20. Say "Bangkok Post" three times and Prawit will appear and take all your luxury watches.
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