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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. The last time i went to immigration there was one western white guy (i think maybe american but not sure) he was wearing pale colored knee length cargo shorts. So far no problem.


    The only problem was that this poor guy chose material that shows water marks..


    ..you know where this is going..


    He was literally stood in front of about 100 or more people with his hands on both hips, looking around like a mere cat..


    ..with wet patches all around his arse crack. Soaked!


    I saw more than one person gigging.


    To the OP, are you sure you know exactly what the locals were laughing at?

  2. Those U turns are scary on the main roads. Traffic oncoming at 80-90km/hr whilst motorbikes and cars inch their way into the fast lanes hoping the fast lane traffic will pull up and stop.


    It doesn't help that more motorbikes and cars then cut in front of all and block all view of said oncoming traffic making danger even more apparent. 


    Tackling air pollution and road safety should be number one priority.  



  3. On 1/23/2019 at 3:15 PM, KhunBENQ said:

    A poster wrote about a sign he found at BigC or so, that currently there are problems with importing pork products (no only from China but also from European countries).


    My last visit to Villa market in Udon was somewhat frustrating.

    Cold-cuts, salami, smoked ham from Germany and France all empty shelfs.

    Related or not?

    Or just too many foreigners on holiday?

    In our local Tescos in Bangkok all the Western goodies have been out of stock for some time including Rich tea biscuits (PANIC!)


    Although I notice the Chinese pastry shelf and the duck shelf is full... what the ****! 




    hmmm, theres something fishy going on and I ain't coddin

  4. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Not so bad out today in BKK thus far...


    Similar to yesterday midday and afternoon, though it got bad again last night, before improving during the day today.


    When conditions are changing day to night and such, the PCD's prior 24 hours average reporting is meaningless in terms of current conditions.  The current conditions are shown below.




    Why are there no sensors on the east side of Bangkok I wonder..?

  5. According to Google dictionary the use of the word 'leniency' would imply that first some crime was committed or some wrong-doing would it not!


    1. the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency.
      "the court could show leniency"

      mercifulness, mercy, clemency, lenity, forgiveness; More





    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    Granted, it was an ova-reaction. 


    But, seriously, the guy is running an honest business to support his family - then some jobsworth comes along and threatens his livelihood... WTH did they expect?  



    Although I totally agree, the approach was all wrong out in public arriving with his henmen henchmen (and women) and trying to be all authoritarian.


    Egg'oes were bound to be cracked.




  7. 11 hours ago, whitefarang said:

    I would not recommend anyone coming here . I stay on a marriage visa . Been here around 15 years . Came here when my Thai wife and Thai son when he barely could walk . He had to fight his way through education , completed his Mattayom not long ago and is on an international university now . And he got in not because he had such excellent teachers at school . That came from him and I doing what those " teachers " refused to do . To educate . 


    Fifteen years of troubles with immigration . Every time there hassles with having to hand in extra non required documents . I been asked how many times a week I have sex with my wife . The freaking brutality . Been asked to hand in old passports . For what ? They refused to tell me . The abuse of power . Translation of my foreign marriage certificate refused suddenly , having to go head over heels to some ministry of foreign affairs to get a Thai marriage certificate with the expiration date of my visa near . Maps of the way to my home not good enough anymore . Messing with my file , altering it . 


    Asylum seekers get a better treatment than guys here bringing in money and good will here . My son fully agrees with me . This country doesn't like Farangs . When he finishes uni we are out of here .


    Done with the never changing bull .Below I see a link to some article...Thai immigration reveals new requirements for.... There we go again and that raises a question I would like to ask . I am on a marriage visa . 400,000 on the bank . In case immigration ever raises that amount let's say from 400 to 500 thousand are guys like me exempted ? 


    good luck everybody .


    If that happened and you were asked those questions it is a disgusting way to be treated and I cant blame you for wanting better for you and your family.

    • Like 2
  8. I recommend going to MK restaurant one a week and order all things 'green' with maybe a bit of liver or fish or both, throw it all in the stew pot. Its tasty, healthy, not expensive and it fills you up AND its a nice treat for the other half too.


    Good luck

  9. 5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    So he's jumping to conclusions.

    Surely this is fake news (regarding the definite cause), and is only likely to start panic among those who know no better.

    Soon we will see anyone coughing up blood blaming it on the smog, rather than a genuine medical condition.

    I get what you are saying although It could be a genuine nose bleed due to dry sinus and irritated by pollution although..


    ..but yes it is 'fear mongering' although if this is what it takes to start to change people then maybe its not a bad thing?


    yesterday at the end of our soi the usual guys were there with their BBQ bellowing tons of smoke into the air..


    ..the old yellow buses were up and down the narrow soi what seems like every 60 seconds bellowing out black smoke..


    ...around the corner on the main road I saw an old motorbike drive passed with literally black smoke pouring into the air due to burning oil..


    ..etc etc...


    No one seems to care since no rules are enforced let alone established. 


    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, hobz said:

    I can't even convince my girlfriends family to wear seatbelts in the car...

    That's because this is Thailand and anything you say here doesn't count and you don't know about the 'spirit voodoo magic' or the Thai way. 


    This is the 'Thai way' and you're just another farang here so button up mister..


    ..until the ***t hits the fan of course and you're proven correct yet again and for the umpteen time,  but you're now expected to pay to clean up the mess yet again with no thanks..


    ...repeat this process until you're skint and


    ..Welcome to Amazing Thailand ???? ???? 


    (before anyone quotes my post, YES can you smell the sarcasm in the air)



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  11. 19 minutes ago, dave moir said:

    I'm frightened to wipe my arse when I go to the toilet in case I'm accused of working!

    thats funny...


    After 15 years in Thailand I visited my home country last year and I did a bit of 'work' out of a family members garage and i remember at the time I looked down the driveway thinking I hope no one will spot me doing this...


    ..but then of course I thought what the f***!, Im in my home country I can do anything I like!


    Im a free man again, a first class citizen!


    After many years the 'system' can brainwash you. Frightening eh!

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