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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. 4 hours ago, hobobo said:

    Agree on one point only: they do not cover stupidity and recklessness. Self insurance? If you know that the worst that you'll suffer is a runny nose, go for it. But a friend who went this route had 11 years of "generous self insurance" wiped out in under a week by a massive stroke and the need for ICU. For me it's Aetna all the way!

    A fair point. Although the fine print is worrisome with many of these contracts. It’s not always recklessness and stupidity that voids insurance claims and it’s easy to say when your younger and feeling invincible. Health insurers are renowned for trying not to pay out and the fine print can be extensive. 


    I wonder which hospital your friend received treatment from?


    The high end hospitals will charge over the top whereas government hospitals will save a life for much less.


    It would be interesting and if would clarify your point if you mentioned how much your friend paid and to which hospital.


    The reason I ask is because I know someone who was in a government hospital icu for 3 weeks and the bill would have been 180,000 baht


    I admit the hospital fittings were to be desired although the hospital saved the persons life and the cost seemed very reasonable for Icu care


    im sure in a top end hospital this would have cost a small fortune


  2. 1 hour ago, tonboy said:

    Not to expensive, but if you look at the list of excludes...

    • Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    • For losses arising whilst driving or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle only 50% of the benefit will be paid and not more than 200,000 baht.
    • Bacterial infections.

    There are lots of exclusions I always wonder if self insurance is the way to go if one has some life savings that can be put away to one side instead of paying all those dollars every year just in case - besides only inpatient is covered usually, outpatient would be even more costly.


    You can purchase annual checkup packages that are usually discounted for bulk purchase of multiple tests etc and self insure. I think I will do this from next year instead of paying extortionate premiums with multiple exclusion clauses. I always wonder if they will pay out anyhow since it seems the insurers will look for any way not to.

    • Like 1
  3. Ok, thank you. So, in theory I could do either of these things.. 


    1. Apply for extension of stay 30 days prior to expiry date of 2nd May then go on holiday outside the Kingdom for 3 weeks and return with re-entry permit 1 week prior to 2nd May to collect the approved extension.




    2. I could go on holiday outside the Kingdom, re-enter with a re-entry permit and then apply for extension of stay 1 week prior to 2nd May and then simply wait 30 days in Thailand to collect the approval around end of May.


    Are both of these valid options?

  4. Hi


    I posted a question on the forum last year about renewing annual extension of stay based on being married to Thai spouse and in posession of a Non O visa although I would like to ask the wisdom of Thai Visa forum members for clarification on 2 details please. If anyone knows the answers and is willing to share I would really appreciate it ????


    Questions are:


    1. Is it possible to apply to renew the extension of stay nearing the permission to stay expiry date, or do I need to apply at least 30 days prior? for example if stamp in passport says permission to stay until 2nd May 2019, I can go apply 1 week before on 25th April 2019? 


    2. Following successful application of extension and during the provisional 30 day under consideration period, would I be allowed to exit Thailand for several weeks and return to Thailand to collect the extension on the correct date OR it is a requirement to remain in the country for those 30 days that are under consideration?



    Thanks for any info shared.


  5. 1 hour ago, HAKAPALITA said:

    Hope you soon find a level, im 73 and found that i felt deathly if i spent 3 months time in doors, so now ive got brown again, eat more oily fish n veggies and it works for me. Not nice, i went into cant be bothered mode, n couldnt figure out why. 

    Did you have any blood tests to see the starting point and increase?


    I have 3 decades to go to reach you and I have a medial injury. ????


    Thanks for the tips though.


    Good luck

  6. On 2/20/2019 at 1:34 PM, HAKAPALITA said:

    Get some more Sunshine and Salmon .

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Yes I wish it was that simple!


    However for truly low T levels due to medical reasons thats not going to be enough unfortunately.


    It requires medical intervention for life unfortunately. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/16/2019 at 7:12 PM, Moon37 said:


    I’m following this due to severe prostatic pain syndrome (SPPC), standing/sitting for average 30-45 min per effort of trying to pee. And the doc believes at 63, Testosterone levels play a significant role, plus all the other quality of life pleasures.



    I have a childhood injury and I will require TRT at a much younger age - If I were 63 I wouldn't be all that concerned since it is inevitable and its a good age to get to before needing searching the net for this info. Its a bit of a shocker when needing it at much younger age.


    Good luck


    Going back to the main point of the thread, I do hope the pharmacies do stock this well in future as is sounds to be in highly in demand and I wont want to pay costly hospital med prices for life!

  8. Thanks for replies. Its good to know others have already walked the beaten path. This is something I didn't expect at what I would say still a young age so its yet another complication to manage with additional time and costs.


    I had  a full blood test from a big name hospital and I have low T and E levels and also low Vit D. I will likely require TRT although I think for doc to prescribe this is last resort, I agree although i don't want to wait too long right!


    First I was told to increase Vit D to normal levels and test again.


    I know there are forums with much younger guys who have needed TRT for other reasons from younger ages (I also have an injury that may affect these levels) although this is a bit of a shocker when totally unexpected at a younger age group as I've already experienced rapid loss of some muscle and strength and rapid gain of abdomen fat over the previous months.


    Hope meds are readily available and inexpensive as the hospitals mark up are very costly. Thanks for the replies so far.








  9. Apologies in advance for gatecrashing the topic although it is related.


    Any advice in getting a correct diagnosis? I live a clean life, no drink, no smoking, no drugs other than medical prescriptions and good diet. Im mid 40's but Im having symptoms of low T and high E for past 6 months and getting worse...


    Any advice in getting a correct diagnosis of any underlying condition affecting T and E levels and treatment at affordable prices and would this be covered on medical insurance?


    Any advice appreciated.

  10. I have had various symptoms on and off the past 12 months or longer although recently things escalated. 


    I don't drink or smoke and I eat a really well balanced diet, no sugar, low fat and I have  clean lifestyle (maybe need a bit more exersize that's all) etc although I've put a lot of weight on and Im experiencing other low mood, irritability symptoms. I'm in my 40's and I have a history of a kidney issues and I suspected adrenal gland issues.


    I went for a private T hormone blood test and it was on the low side so I want to find a good Endocrinologist in Bangkok preferable close to the Onnut/Srinakarindra side of Bangkok although I am prepared to travel a little further if need be.


    The nearest large name hospital to me is Samitivej Srinakarindra I am wondering if I should go here or not. I have some medical insurance but not sure if this is covered or not so I am expecting to pay my own way.


    I saw this old post from 2013, I'm just wondering if the same advice applies or if I should seek the closest doctor at Samitivej..



    I have a feeling i'm going to need to source ongoing treatment also and I know that meds can be costly at the large hospitals.


    Any advice/experiences would be appreciated.











  11. I used to like Koh Samed years ago and it was a place I fell in love with when I first arrived many years ago when the little wooden huts were a few hundred baht to stay and a weekend there was like a weekend on a deserted paradise island out in the middle of the ocean..


    ..it seems that will have changed by now, commercialized, thousands of tourists crammed into little boats..


    ..Im glad I got to experience it when I did  before the crowd. Find somewhere else for future, shame as it truly was a tiny jewel.

  12. A limited company needs to be officially closed otherwise someone is still liable for any matters relating to it and official penalties will be building up for non compliance.


    You might get away with 'walking away' from a company as some respondents have stated although if you have any long term commitments or reason to stay in Thailand I would recommend closing it down officially or transferring it into someone else's ownership rather than having something outstanding that could potentially come back to bite later.


    On the other hand if you are leaving the country never to return that's another matter however I would still do the right thing and close it officially as you never know what might turn up in the future and especially so in the age of technology and data collection and sharing.

  13. 1 minute ago, macanello said:

    Paying a mortgage here every month of 20,000 baht and the car payments are 13000 Baht. Dead money isn't an option for me as the capital is being used constantly and being used in this country.

    It looks like you need more money.


    Welcome to Thailand!


    PS - Don't shoot me I'm only a messenger

  14. For a decade or so globalization was being promoted..


    ..and this is just one of the symptoms of a global crackdown/pullback on immigration. Trump and Brexit are showing the way...


    ..others are free to follow suit.


    Three steps forward one step back.


    Things will come around again but there will be casualties as there are always.


  15. I thought that the options to extend an extension of stay based on a Non O visa include either showing 400k THB in your bank seasoned for 2 months prior or showing 40k THB deposited to your Thai bank account every month?


    If Im correct then it wont matter how often you make transfers as long as the 400k is there for 2 months prior to your application and remains in your bank whilst under consideration.


    Maybe someone else would confirm or elaborate.




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