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Posts posted by NightSky

  1. TNT is quick and fast although to get the good rates you need to register with a Thai company.  FEDEX 25kg promotional boxes are the lowest cost for smaller amounts and can be used to put about 30kg in each.


    The cheapest method is likely going to be Airmail although more admin to do. Don't go for the first quote and get quotes from different airlines. If you need assistance with importing / exporting between Thailand and UK ping me a message.


    I haven't used sea freight from Thailand.


  2. 7 minutes ago, hobobo said:

    You can go visit him at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, give him a shoulder to cry on, a bit of therapy, and maybe pay his hospital bill... Just saying

    That's a little extreme..


    ..Im thinking more of giving every guy a fair and decent chance instead of being judge, jury and executioner from an arm chair and without knowing the full story.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, sanemax said:

    12 posts .

    Its up to people to back up their claims , too post links .

    Its not up top others to search .

    *Donald Trump is the new Jesus Christ .

    If you dont believe me , do a web search .

    Point proven *

    Claims were backed up, which you ignored.


    Besides no one has to back up anything, its an open forum discussion.


    If we are being over critical you misspelled 'two' as 'too' and your punctuation is extremely poor.





    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, sanemax said:

    No the Pound didnt drop 25 % on the day of the referendum , the Pound was about the same rate a week after the referendum , maybe you are getting confused , because the referendum wasnt in Feb 2016 ,it was in July  

    My mistake the referendum was in July and the GBP dropped 25% since 2016.


    The point is the GBP has dropped 25% since 2016. Thanks for scrutinizing every word that is typed though.



  5. 11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK , where and when and who promised that exiting the E.U would be easy ?

    Who promised that the UK would get a "easy and favorable" deal ?

    You claimed that the person who stated that was lying , so, who was/is lying ?


    Just one click away you can find all sorts of interesting stuff on Google..





  6. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK , where and when and who promised that exiting the E.U would be easy ?

    Who promised that the UK would get a "easy and favorable" deal ?

    You claimed that the person who stated that was lying , so, who was/is lying ?

    If you want those questions answered why not do your own research?


    Google is one click away.


  7. I wear an N95 mask when outdoors.


    Indoors we keep the windows and doors closed, use air purifyer and about to add filters to the aircon units.


    The air quality is very poor in Bangkok at the moment I would give any area a miss that has high pollution since then the authorities might wake up if the tourist numbers begin to fall. Its also better for your health of course.


    Im hoping the Chinese will be more aware of the health risks of pollution and start skipping Bangkok for their tours so that the authorities take note and take action.


    • Like 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, colinneil said:

     You mate live in a dream world, whatever your on is addling your brain.

    You asked me a question and i responded although im not sure why I wasted my time now.


    You obviously have a belief that everyone lives the same as you do, there really is no need to get personal about it.



  9. 15 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Where do you get your facts from?

    Living expenses on a par boll+++s.

    My electric bil is a 10th of what it was in the UK, water approx 125 baht per month, i was paying that every day in the UK.

    Food is plentiful and a damn sight cheaper than the UK.

    I get my facts from almost 2 decades of real life experience of living in Thailand and also travelling back to the UK 2 to 3 times every year and running a business in both countries and managing properties in both for that time..


    ..and you?


    In fairness the expenses probably depend on your standard of living and what you actually purchase and consume. To me, the costs are on a par with what they would be in UK. Compared to what the prices were in Thailand a decade ago there is no comparison. Things were cheap back then and the exchange rate was excellent whereas today's prices have increased, the baht remains strong and exchange rates are as low as they have ever been for the GBP.


    Some individual bills that you receive may be cheaper here or there however the overall cost of living is on a par for me.


    Of course if you choose to eat rice three times a day, every day then this will be cheap. Don't get me wrong I do love my rice although three times a day becomes a little tedious after the first 5 years.


    Oh, it also depends on which part of the UK you were living too I guess - so boll+++s right back at ya mate!

    • Sad 1


    Living expenses in Thailand are relatively low,

    Not sure I agree with this, living expenses are on a par with those in the west for the past few years since the gbp fell through the floor. Maybe the usd, euro and other currencies are doing better but for how long. 


    In addition healthcare prices increase every year in Thailand. 

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