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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Another worthy item to know when flying which surprised me, international flights landing in the USA do not offer free alcohol. I used to fly Bangkok, Narita into Houston. Once you get on the plane at Narita you are paying for grog. It was around $5 a can, I'd pay for 6 on the credit card and if you are nice to the ladies serving they won't ask you for more money. If I remember it's a 10 beer flight.
  2. My company did get us cheap tickets but would pay for lounge access at Angola coming of the rig. They also paid for 2 free drinks, the coupons were waiting at the sign in counter. While we're on the subject of airport lounges don't bother going to any lounge in Saudi Arabia, NO ALCOHOL, bloody waste of time, only have Budweiser no alcohol (disgusting drink).
  3. How did you pay COD or pay online? I don't see how checking it would help, the delivery guy won't take it back if you don't like it.
  4. Don't let it get you down, try to ignore these people, they are miserably people. Sadly there are more and more of these miserable foreigners coming here.
  5. It Only happens because the foreigner does something stupid Have you had 6 Thais jump out of a car and attack you, did you do something stupid? Thailand has been my home for more than 20 years, never been attacked by a Thai, never been abused by a Thai, I've never had a disagreement with a Thai. Some of the foreigners are outright nasty people, they deserve what they get. Come down to soi Buakhao, check out the many stupid foreigners. I wish there was car load of Thais to teach these foolish foreigners a lesson, some manners. Show some respect towards the Thais, we are visitors here.
  6. That's because some of these foreigners are bitter and miserable. They've married a bar girl because they were desperate to live in Thailand, moved to the village. The misses is out and about everyday, shagging the Thai boyfriend, hubby left at home moaning and complaining on social media.
  7. Oh dear, Russians are competing with the Pom's in the crazy people category.
  8. Ha, ha, I may have sat at the bar and had a few drinks with you over the years, I'd fly every month.
  9. Never got to see the 1st class bar upfront but spent a lot of time down at the back bar (business). My favorite airline flying on my all time favorite aeroplane. Emirates A380. Flew many times Dubai to BKK, BKK to Dubai. Couldn't resist the Grey Goose within the mini bar in the flat bed business Like you say, arrived well lubricated.
  10. My company buys the cheapest tickets at times so cheap I can't upgrade. Anyway, when I started flying Emirates I was only a silver member. Emirates allow silver members with economy tickets in the business lounge Dubai
  11. Business lounges are located departure halls. If you can somehow get from arrival to departure the business class lounge will ask for local boarding pass.
  12. Sorry you are right I corrected that.. I'm not influenced by their marketing but many weak people are.
  13. Its good marketing that makes them buy it. These people are brainwashed Marketing tries to brainwash us all
  14. Who doesn't like iphones, technology, it's evolving people which is good. I reckon its the foreigners making them change. KFC, pizza, burger joints, crap I don't eat.
  15. I probably have the same diary but I knew what it was like before I called Thailand home, I knew what I was in for. I did my du diligence, researched before residing but strangely some foreigners are coming here and wanting to change things, wanting to make Thailand the same Sh1ty place I left behind.
  16. Sadly, some are nasty, cranky, horrible people who continually mooan and complain about Thailand. God, I'm so glad I made Thailand my home 20 odd years ago when it was the perfect place on the planet. I just have learn to ignore the many awful foreigners that are arriving these days.
  17. Thank you for your feedback and what you are saying is correct. I made mention it may have been faulty but the OP just wanted to argue. Thanks for your efforts over the years taking care of people. 👍
  18. Well, this has turned out to be your typical AN thread, lots of speculation. I'm sure you've asked Dr Google as well. Go to the quack and get yourself checked out.
  19. So if you are still alive it could be faulty.
  20. It's either faulty or you are dead. Temperature is too low for life.
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