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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Happens often at my house to. 😂 I find guns everywhere, the owners come back the next day or two to pick their guns up.
  2. Yep, thanks for confirming my 'strange egg' theory
  3. Wow, you are one strange egg. I see they closed down another one of your postings yesterday, the Aussie one. I reckon you hold the AN Forum record for getting your postings closed prematurely. BTW, I thought I read somewhere you were Australian or living in Australia 🤔
  4. This is the reason why immigration are so strict at the borders. They're fed up with these fools disrespecting the IO authority. Try going through Australian immigration in the above condition, things won't go down well. Sadly, some of Thailand's tourist have never grown up, the bottom of the barrel, rejects, uneducated troublemakers, most having mental health issues.
  5. Mr, Gullible, your thoughts are wrong. Innocent victim 😂 I reckon the OP is story telling, not evil immigration at all. Something is not quite right with this thread. Probably just another attention seeker.
  6. Perhaps, maybes etc should be banned from this forum. It is what it is, he meant what he wrote 'in line'. Some comments on AN, people just want to make up little stories. PERHAPS he wasn't at Phuket at all, maybe he stuck in Afghanistan or Sri Lanka 🤔
  7. Show us a photo of you standing in line, why did they single you out? Are you dressed sensibly, groomed well, etc.? Some people look like and act like troublemakers, immigration have been trained to identify problem people, have a good look at yourself. What is acceptable in your home country may not be acceptable in Thailand. We are seeing more and more weirdo foreigners coming to Thailand these days, they are just protecting their country. Is this a case of the 'why me' syndrome? Too many foreigners arriving with what I've described above or have mental health issues or similar.
  8. Living here for 20 years, never seen a Thai crap in the street. Worked for Reliance in India for a few years, saw a couple of Indian woman dumping in the street.
  9. Interesting to see where they're spending my house and condos taxes.
  10. ^^^^^ Yes, as above... He's been removed from the beach. https://www.facebook.com/groups/438849630140035/permalink/1304707463554243/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  11. ABSOLUTELY.... Good spotting 👍 I'd say lots of lonely guys here that need help. He's one of those AN forum guy's looking for attention. He's a harmless one though, just posting nonsense, annoy baiting etc. posting about bigger manhood, bus crash in Pattaya killing dozens and looking for feedback regarding gym sparring partner wage etc. Some of the guys here that are lonely and need help will purposely antagonize, they thrive on the attention and get pleasure annoying you, then when you reply professional with logic or calling them out they get hostile, replying with nasty comments. Lots here with mental health issues.
  12. I love the entertainment, keep up the great work. 👍 BTW, My PCX is always full of fuel and sadly mornings (11am) when the old fools are about the bars ain't open, got to get the beers from 7-Eleven.
  13. This is the reason I don't get involved with discussion on AN forums. Your chats above are pointless, a never-ending conversation. Its full of people that want to argue, antagonize and say nasty things This forum has too many narcissistic people that do not understand or appreciate a larger situation or problem, they purposely change the conversation, always avoiding the subject
  14. Was he? That's the story of a psychopath, the murderer, the wife. Would the father have committed a gruesome murder with his children's assistance, probably not, so I'd say it's the mother with the bad genes.
  15. My comments may be strange to the uneducated, read them slowly, 2 or 3 times so you will understand. You are being childish, calling me nasty names and antagonizing me. I was using the anti vaxxers as an example of your school boy behavior.
  16. Anti vaxxers get frustrated because they are wrong in their thinking, getting their medical knowledge from Facebook or similar. This frustration causes the anti vaxxers to become child like, their delinquent behavior, always hostile, vicious, rude comments BTW, who mentioned covid, not me? Why did you mention covid?
  17. Now you're getting nasty and hostile, antagonizing me. You'll fit right in with the anti vaxxers.
  18. Were you the nerdie kid in the classroom who always questioned the teacher on their teachings? I can only comment on what I've read. I'm not here to listen to hearsay, innuendos or theories. Go and interact with the anti vaxxers, I'm sure you can convince them.
  19. Cash delivery vehicles are armoured. That's why the concern regarding oxygen levels.
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