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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Wow, this is alarming. Thailand has been my home for more than 20 years. I've worked, travelled and studied in over 40 countries. I've always found the Thais to be the happiest, friendliest, most courteous people I've ever met. Sure occasionally I come across the very rare unpleasant Thai but very few over the many years. This article has really shocked me, the many comments, how some people can live in Thailand and be so negative, I'm sure most of the miserable people living here in Thailand would be miserable wherever they chose to live on planet earth. This article has highlighted how lucky I am, to be so happy living here in Thailand amongst these beautiful pleasant people. Thanks God 🙏
  2. Omg, look how many positive reactions you have all the loves, likes etc. I really thought that you were on your own. There's a lot of your type here, why? It seems so strange to me that a foreigner would live in Thailand and have your attitude, it's really scary, go home guys. Be with people that you want to be around, leave us in peace.
  3. In my searches I didn't view members profiles. Sure the occasional profile would pop up if you go deeper. I searched for numbers of members, easily accessed in the search page, no profiles viewed.
  4. People need to be accountable. Watch where they are going, keep alert. How do you break your nose, why not put arms out as you fall? Must have been sleep walking. I must say those road studs are the worst invention, maybe city hall had too much money or a family member wanted to sell their stupid product at an over inflated price
  5. Geeze, lots of hate here. 😠 I'm not bothered by the newbie thing (I sure did stir the pot mentioning it 😂), I'm just a numbers guy. Its interesting and intriguing to see the reputation of some members. I regularly search members for different things, if I remember George has one of the highest counts and he's been doing it since day one by the looks of his profile. Not far off George was my mate above, transam, huge count 👍 I remember searching for Somchai, the name with Somchai in it had the highest number of banned members.😊 So sorry for making you miserable people more miserable. Have a nice day 😁
  6. I was expecting you to support the OP much sooner. 😂 Where have you been?
  7. The reputation scores aren't there to identify the Newbies, that information can be found on your profile page. I just visited your profile page, you've been an AN forum member for 2 years. Welcome to the club Newbie 😂😂😂
  8. Yes, I know that but it's useless information that remains on the forum. What's your point?
  9. I'm the opposite, I no longer want to be around foreigners here in Thailand Their continual whinging and whining, they seem to be always bitter and nasty. The Thai bashers are the worst.
  10. I can tell you're not a 'newbie', your comment is unsubstantiated and unconfirmed information. Nice theory mate. 😂😂😂😂😂 I reckon there would be some newbies that have been here long term, those newbies would be the banned members returning under another user name. Have you returned on an alias ? 👍
  11. Hey Mr 'lives in his own world'. I care. That's why I posted it. Narcissist have social issues. Its a forum, everything is up for discussion
  12. Coming from the member with the most posts. Keep up the great work. 👍
  13. Strange people buy dark colored cars in Thailand. Dark colours..... Heat magnet Light colored cars are significantly cooler when parked in the sun. BTW, another negative. The Mrs had a black HRV, it was painful to keep clean
  14. I see AN forum have recently removed reputation scores next to members user names. Sad to see as in the past it was easy to identify the Newbies. Why the change.?
  15. Its probably time you go back to your country of citizenship. Its really weird that you chose Thailand as your home but want to whinge and whine.
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