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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I'm reading a few comments about bars next to Mike shopping. It could be 5star, it's next to Mike's. Out the back of the bar, where the toilets are, there is a small garden area.
  2. It hurts me to watch that beautiful bike go down. I see so many unnecessary accidents because of these careless drivers. Statistics say most accidents in Thailand involve pick ups. Like you said bloody ayholes.
  3. I agree with you. It's definitely the pick up driver at fault. It's a shame that the accident happened, it looked to me if the rider was better prepared the outcome may have been different. I hope he and the pillion are both OK.
  4. Not at all, but when on the road be prepared for anything, swerve to the left to allow the idiot in the pick up back in the lane You got to take action when problems arise, the biker just remained on his original line,no defense. If the biker had more experience maybe the accident would not have happened.
  5. English is obviously not your first language. Where did I say the motorcyclist was at fault? What I said that there was enough room to allow the pick up to enter the lane There's a small shoulder and more than 10 foot of width on the lane
  6. He wants to set up a tent on a beach, washing at sea and eating at 7/11 or street food. Probably on a budget or very little money, I doubt he has the money to pay for a camp site if he's washing in the sea.
  7. I'm a big biker, been riding Thailand roads for over 20 years, I reckon there was enough room for the bike to keep left, letting the pick up to get back in the lane. It's Thailand, you got to expect the unexpected, if you haven't got the skillset, don't ride a bike in Thailand
  8. I've seen loads of people riding their motorbikes in Thailand not wearing a shirt. It's illegal, so is sleeping on the the beach in a tent.
  9. Poor Thailand, lots of foreigners coming here with mental health issues making problems.
  10. Really? I reckon Proton is surrounded by too many neutrons with his strange comment.
  11. Russell Crow likes it here. Jimmy Barnes My next door neighbor The list goes on ????
  12. I had an old pair of shorts that were stored outside that I forgot were there. A few years ago I came home wet from the rain, drunk. I took them off forgetting I had money in the pocket. I found the shorts the other day, found I had a couple of 100's and 1, 500 baht note soiled, mildew and very poor condition, part of the notes were perished. I took them to my local Kasikorn bank, the teller exchanged them for crispy new notes
  13. You are breaking the law. I have riden my PCX shirtless many times in Thailand, no problem, but I'm breaking the law. Lots of quirky laws in Thailand.
  14. The beach The OP says he doesn't want to rent a hotel, he just wants to sleep in his tent on a beach. It's against the law to sleep on the beach in a tent in Thailand.
  15. FM103, No BBC news at all this weekend. ???? It's common on FM103, they forget to pay the bill. ???? It'll be back on next week. ????
  16. My ex-girlfriend, we recently split up after together for 1 year, she is a married woman, when we met she was separated, just 25yo. Over the last year I've been with her she's been in love with her husband, I never knew until they got back together. I loved this woman, still do. Her husband is on an average wage, they live and work in Bangkok, she works for a cosmetic company on an average wage, she works Monday to Friday and comes visits me most weekends, our relationship is still sexual. She has an infant child with her husband, the child lives with her mother up country. Their combined income is not enough to pay the bills so I give her some money (too much some times) every time she visits, she calls me some days asking for a few hundred baht, money to send to her mother to buy milk for her child and some days she doesn't have money for her lunch. Her husband does not know about me, she keeps it a secret. My relationship is not perfect but it works for me at the moment, someday I'll have to find a new gf but for now I'll keep the relationship going, I like her too much. A married woman is a good option.
  17. I'm not sure if you want the exact packaging but Tuk Com or any retailer selling that item may have. If you go to the post office near you, not too far from the post office will be a small packaging business, they always have a packing service, they do an outstanding job in protecting your valuables. You're not leaving us are you?
  18. Have you got one, I thought you were male, did you get the chop?
  19. Appreciate your detailed reply. I reckon you should tell the Mrs to not engage idle stop (if it has it), let the bike idle at traffic lights etc, this will give your starter motor a longer life.
  20. Most are freelance, they work in the sex industry to pay for their living expenses and provide for their families in the village. Do you think these beautiful, young, petite Thai girls want an overweight, balding, ugly, smelly foreigner inside them. It's a job nobody wants, but most do it to provide for their babies and family. There ain't no child support here for these Thai girls.
  21. Thanks mate. ???? I often get hate replies, I'm regularly abused for my input. ???? Nice to receive your positive comment ????
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