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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. She may have damaged the exposed internal components while defrosting. A mate of mine defrosting his fridge put a knife through his freezer recently. It would be very difficult to diagnose remotely, really need on-site tech.
  2. Let me know where you are located. I'll come over and help finish off the ice-cream before it goes soft 🍨
  3. Yes, could have been both, drugged and drunk. My friends made sure she was placed in a safe place, with her female friend who was in my video.
  4. Nothing wrong with having more than one. Can you predict the future?
  5. On my time off work, A few times a month I wake up early, have breakfast then after the Mrs and the kids head off to school, around 7am, I'll go down to the local Thai shop and drink a few beers with my Thai friends, most of the guys work night shift, Bolt drivers. There's a stretch of road (soi Kophai/Bonkot), just a short drive from home that has a handful of nightclubs that close-down around 9am. You are always guaranteed to see something you've never seen before, where I sit is great entertainment amongst great company. Yesterday morning we were having a chat, drinking our long neck Chang's and the lady shop owner points to this debris on the side of the road, turns out it was one of the drunk Thai chicks passed out. This happens occasionally so I thought I'd take a video because I've told the guys that I work offshore with and they didn't believe me. Looking at the video You see the cops drive by, not stopping, happens occasionally 8am weekdays. 😂 Look at my friends, helping this young woman, wouldn't happen in Australia. I've travelled to over 40 countries, worked many of these countries, the Thai people are the friendliest, good natured, nicest people I've ever met. BTW, if anyone out there in Pattaya is looking for a genuine, caring family man, friendly, great personality, good humoured, honest guy, fluent in English, Thai guy who has studied in Germany for 10 years and has his own car, message me, I'll put you in touch with him. drunk woman soi bongkot.mp4
  6. RUSSIAN https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13749603/Russian-tourist-tried-rape-cow-gored-animal.html In recent times, We're seeing many of these weird Russian. I'd say it's because stupid war, most are draft dodgers.
  7. You've got it wrong mate, if driving at the speed limit and paying attention (not looking at your telephone etc) there was plenty of time to stop.
  8. GoFundMe coming shortly Looks like it's happened. Just need money for other reasons. This is weird Maybe couldn't be bothered renewing.
  9. Maybe they should stop these weirdos from entering Thailand. Freaky foreigners.
  10. I know it's puzzling, but ladyboys are still the same species, just....different. I think the word you're looking for is...gay No, I'm correct Inter-species It is mostly documented among species that belong to the same genus I'd like to know the term for human and alien sex is! Like if Mork from Ork had sex with Mindy from Mork and Mindy 😂 Oh dear, time for bed, too many beers today, been an interesting day.
  11. He looks like the Russian guy in the Daily Mail news article 😂
  12. Thailand, home to the freaks of nature. It's alarming that all of the world's oddballs, Nutjobs, mentally deranged foreigners are coming here.
  13. I know it's puzzling, but ladyboys are still the same species, just....different. I think the word you're looking for is...gay No, I'm correct Inter-species It is mostly documented among species that belong to the same genus.
  14. Isn't it Beastiality. Inter-species sex is between man and ladyboy.
  15. Don't listen to the stories in Your head Don't let speculation get in the way of the truth. No alcohol, the guy has a mental illness. Just another freaky foreigner, thousands of them here now with mental health issues.
  16. Now this is an article worthy of reading. Female cow (is there any other type) and naked foreigner. WTF Weird foreigner stories just keep getting more weird. Foreigners, keep up the weird stuff you weirdos.
  17. I live south Pattaya, heart of the city, in a gated community. We often get snakes around the site coming into people's property. I remember around 20 years ago, had a snake in the backyard, I was terrified, the Mrs got the cleaning lady across the road to remove it.
  18. You are mis informed. Who are you getting your information from, your wife?
  19. I wish they'd charge those cone owners here in Pattaya These narcissistic people think they own the roads, I pay road taxes to park on public roads where legally allowed.
  20. We have a meteorological office, a weather station here in Pattaya opposite Royal Cliff. It is a friendly source of daily information about the weather. It has a large screen displaying the temperature but the temperature display stopped working. I wish they would fix it.
  21. No problem peeing in the trees, better than peeing in your pants. Which do you prefer?
  22. I was in Tops Tukcom earlier, I was stood at the bakery section, I smelt this strong urine stench, looked behind me, it was and elderly foreigner. Over the last couple of decades I can honestly say that I've never come across a Thai emitting this fragrance. 🤣
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