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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yeah, Putins war has really screwed beautiful Thailand up. Being an Aussie, we generally give a nod or g'day to those you pass in the street etc. but the Russians avoid any interaction. With so many here now I tend to stop my g'day and hello's.
  2. BORING. I've never lived far from a beach and city for long periods. When I first arrived, I stayed Phetchabun, out in the sticks, nice temple and caves but a 30 minutes drive into town got me down, need to be close to the beach. If I have a spare hour to kill, I'll ride my PCX down Beach Rd, from North Pattaya, maybe soi 6/1, give Bob a wave then down soi 6, heading south, around Bali Hai, Pratumnak, Jomtien Beach, the view is always dynamic, never the same always changing.
  3. Yep agree, I see these same guys commenting here regularly, attracting trouble.
  4. You got to cut back on the toxic chemicals you use when mopping floors, it's affected your mind, possibly brain damage. You've lost your marbles mate.
  5. You got to switch off, ignore the haters, the miserably bastards, they are trolls looking for attention, probably only ever travelled from their home country to Thailand, now married to a miserable ex bar girl. Get ready for the abuse from some these Thai bashers here, please report their disrespectful comments. I've travelled, worked and studied in over 40 countries, Thailand is the safest, I reckon far safer from where I was born, Australia. The Thai's are the happiest, friendliest, most welcoming people I've ever met and worked with. Sadly all the miserable, disrespectful, moaning foreigners who are arriving I am worried these good natured lovely Thai's will stop being as nice towards us. I was doing some business at the Chonburi, Pattaya land office 2 days ago, I've been doing business for over 20 years at the land office. It's now located just before Laem Chabang, anyway I noticed the official who sat behind the desk we sat at didn't seem as friendly, not a Wai from him, not a big deal, it's only a little thing but it's my first time I experienced not being Wai on arrival. Poor guy has probably been abused by a miserable, moaning foreigner, he's had enough. I've been saying this for years, the only bad thing about Thailand are some of the foreigners.
  6. Post a photo, I think you are talking about Special events...... no parking.
  7. Agree, sadly old Dick is anti Thai, he lives a miserable life, he's got to moan about everything and everyone that's Pro Thai. Been arguing with him for years, he just doesn't get it.
  8. People wearing elephant pants should not be allowed out at night.
  9. Good decision, thank you 🙏
  10. If you are going to rudely jump into a conversation, stick your nose in and comment with hostility don't expect nice replies. . 😂
  11. Hey Mr EgoGuy, I didn't direct the comment to you, I wasn't replying to you, it was a general comment but you people who love yourselves think everyone is talking about you.
  12. More fiction and now name calling.......typical
  13. Finishing my breakfast, preparatory to heading off to golf. You do have me wondering what time zone you are in, given it is Oh, was that you I was referring to? BTW, I like your little fictional story 😂
  14. Yes, one thing only........measures how lonely they are, stuck in their keyboard world mostly annoying others, wanting an argument because they have no life to enjoy. It seems some here are on AN forums all their waking hours.
  15. Of course he did. I have worked in Thailand for many years and lived here for over 20 years. Youths just don't do those things without being provoked, yes in other countries not Thailand. The culture is very different from that of the west, an aggressive blast of a car horn, the middle finger, yelling out like a lunatic is considered provocation, I see this behaviour everyday from foreigners on Soi Buakhou. He's upset them some how.
  16. You can only download music on paid Spotify, you can't download music on any of your devices on free Spotify On paid Spotify As Richard said above...... Can download up to 10,000 songs (useful when offline and travelling etc) You can only listen to music for free, unless things have changed that I'm not aware of.
  17. You can't download music on free version, you can only listen.
  18. Oh good point, I didn't realise the error noted when making appointment.
  19. Glad I could help 👍
  20. Chonburi, Pattaya, yes Jomtien I've been using my blue house book for ages, back when Pattaya immigration were located soi 8 Beach Road.
  21. Nope, she's not interested, I'm not requesting. She knows that she is naturally beautiful, I keep telling her how beautiful she is and spoiling her for her beauty. If she dares change and wants fake enhancements (which she WON'T) I will find a new all natural girlfriend.
  22. Yes, my name is not in my house blue book. Immigration only want to see that you have in your possession, they accept it as proof of residency. Try it, I've been using it for decades.
  23. Oh OK. The way your comment was worded it said DLT corrected
  24. Please let us know what the error was so we can rectify at immigration. We are not all as lucky as you to have any errors corrected on site.
  25. There was a stabbing in similar area recently, killing 14yo Australian boy.
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