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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Not at all funny I thought it was. 😂
  2. Run down condominium, mainly occupied by the young agogo girls.
  3. You must visit your bank if you have been scammed.
  4. No, it's mainly occupied by young Thai Gogo bar girls. Average rental is around 2000 baht per month. Because it's mostly occupied by Thai's, not like Nirun, mostly foreigners, you don't get many foreigners falling from height. Sadly, Nirun is very different, if walking through common areas, always look up.
  5. I reckon some of the stock was misplaced, stolen, pilfered before departure or poor stocktaking.
  6. Another stupid tourist, a disrespectful Brit. Strange how he made his way to Beach Rd, I thought they just cruised up and down soi Buakhou.
  7. Yes I did, it's strange how they word the receipt saying it's 'tax deposit fee' I usually get my insurance broker to send it to the DLT for processing, they charge 100 baht plus CTP insurance. The bike needed an annual inspection for the 1st time it's a 2019 model, so I used the yellow cog business. 1 Vehicle inspection fee (motorcycle) 60.00 2 Annual vehicle tax (document: book) 100.00 3 Tax deposit fee 200.00 4 Compulsory insurance fee (Central protection for victims of car accidents) 645.21 5 Document issuance fee 67.00 21 Dec 2024 Total 1,072.21
  8. I had to get one of my bikes registered the other day. I noticed a 200 baht charge (English translation says, tax deposit fee). I haven't noticed this fee in the past, any hints out there, what is this tax for? The bike is a Yamaha Aerox, registered in a Thai name.
  9. Not sure when immigration relocated from soi 8 Beach Road to Jomtien soi 5. I do remember visiting the soi 8 office early 2000's.
  10. Well, it's about bloody time..... It's been 2 or 3 days since I read about a Drunken Foreigner Causing Panic in Pattaya, who was Wandering around Naked & Armed with a Knife. Sadly we still have many more weeks of high season
  11. Bank Gold, soi Rungland
  12. Have you got a brother called Bob? You have lots of nice stories. 😂
  13. My smart watch tells me the time.
  14. I store my investments safely. Why on earth would anyone wear a Rolex watch around Pattaya? I have a smart watch, fitness tracker I wear, why would I want a Seiko?
  15. It's obvious we are 2 people at opposite ends of the spectrum. You having never grown up, only commenting with hostility and antagonizism. Try scrolling past comments instead of nasty replies. When you was young, I bet you was the kid that got a beating everyday in the school playground, judging by your replies.
  16. You're screwed. I remember reading you have around 1M baht to last for the next dozen years or so, until you reach pension age or something similar.
  17. The OP is pulling our leg. He works at a Sydney hospital, his title is Senior Floor Mop Person. He earns around $70, $80 an hour, 11% superannuation on top. He owns property in Sydney (average house prices above $1M), has a stack of cash in his superannuation fund. The guy is loaded, probably over frugal, just looking for a plan once he hangs up the mop. Anyway, I'm not complaining, his topics are always good for a laugh.
  18. Oh OK, maybe that's the Spanish condominium
  19. That would be Nirun condominium.
  20. I wouldn't be telling too many people about your condition.
  21. Cops are very busy doing other important things.
  22. I'm Aussie, RigPig, so that's a big NO, no flaunting from me. Children's mother did/does regularly, I hate it. My girlfriend dresses casual, no bling, very little makeup, I dress shorts, T shirt and sneakers. Most of my friends are well off, they don't flaunt. Rolex and other high prices items stored in bank vault, safety box, never worn.
  23. This is unique, I've never seen 'beautiful' and 'Flybird' in the same sentence before
  24. Living in Flybird you will start to drink. I see Lots of foreigners living in Flybird, drinking outside 7eleven, out front of Flybird every afternoon. ChickyBabes would be your expense, if you're on a budget, I heard the ladyboy's are much cheaper.
  25. I'm middle aged, in my 50's
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