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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I saw another thread opened 22 hours ago. Are you are having troubles posting the ad?
  2. This one is also located Korat. Maybe it is your car, discounted for AN. Anyway, your selling price seems fair 👍 https://www.one2car.com/en/for-sale/a/15891850
  3. Year, in blue book
  4. Use your house blue book,been doing it for years.
  5. This is the problem with EV vehicles. Once battery is done, EV ready for landfill.
  6. It doesn't end. These women destroy themselves with all their fake crap. I'm lucky my gf doesn't have tattoos, fake nails, silicone implants, nothing. She's all natural and only wears a little bit of makeup.
  7. Price and location etc
  8. Correct tool not available on this occasion, so wild animal can be dangerous. Screenrecording_20241214_073007.mp4
  9. Mostly receptionist work. Have you ever been to Pattaya? This is quite common in Pattaya, I can name hundreds of businesses operating at midnight in Pattaya, the town never sleeps.
  10. Happens so many times, it's really weird. Some here are so anti Thai they think a foreigner can do nothing wrong. I've even been attacked for my comments, talking bad about foreigners in the past, I'm not sure why, it's as if these AN members think I'm talking about them.
  11. I remember Mr Neville (Nev), he got so upset that everyone was calling him Bob. He seemed like such a nice guy.
  12. It is you Bob, you're back. 🥳 🙋 I recognise those replies, that humour. 👌
  13. This is the funniest comment I've read this year, thanks for the chuckle 😂
  14. Can I suggest a title? 'A great fictional story about Thailand'
  15. Bloody Aussies, always doing good things. 👍🙏🍺👌🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 Gawd, nice car, not your average Toyota.
  16. Stupid foreigners, riding at speed. Incompetent rider, should have taken his bike to Bira race track not public road
  17. Crikey, are you sure that you want to be in Thailand, all I read from you are these heated encounters, with a bordering on dangerous theme. I reckon this is another fictional story that we see from you so many times. Anyway, you're in the right place for some support for Thai bashering.
  18. No, this medical forum is very good, the audience are a very good source of knowledge and Cheryl is promptly replying with great advice.
  19. Single vehicle crash. Some people should not ride a motorbike.
  20. Could be a nerve issue. I had a nerve issue for a couple of months, too much exercise. It's a horrible pain, discomfort, I had trouble riding my PCX keeping my arm raised. I Google health massage, found on Soi Bongkot, the masseuse was really good but I was in pain during consultations, I only went the once, took it easy on the weights, I'm good now.
  21. Lots of businesses open late in Pattaya, town never sleeps, got to cater for the night owls. She's been at the bar for a few hours, 5, 6 she's wanting me to pick her up.
  22. I'm living in Pattaya, my girlfriend works in her family business, she works late. I generally wake up around 3am, 4am everyday, it's an Aussie time zone I'm in and I like to be first in the gym everyday. Anyway, at times, occasionally, when my gf finishes work she goes with her friends to walking street, she has a habit of messaging me 5am, 6am to pick her up, she sends me her location, I arrive, everyone drinking, loud music, happy people, I can't help myself, cold Chang bottle beer at 6am. If I'm drinking, we leave the bar 10 ish, she buys her som tum, Sticky Rice and BBQ chicken, we head home, pass out, after a bit of hankypankee. It's not everyday, I'm so happy I'm with my gf, she's beautiful.
  23. Your first owners blue book has been misplaced, destroyed, therefore you've been issued a replacement. I'd say the reduction in your cars resale price is due to reduced market for potential buyers, most people will steer clear of a car without original book.
  24. He's expecting you to be courteous and move over to your left slightly so he can join the lane safely. You're on a bike, you don't need to hog the lane, in Thailand when riding motorbike we share the lane with others. I'm constantly riding from the left to the right of my lane allowing others to share the road with me.
  25. Poor guy, I reckon he's been reading about the many weirdo foreigners doing the same thing, he's just competing. 😂
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