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Posts posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. 17 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Maybe they didn't charge for wrong side of road, never heard of that one in Pattaya, exhaust 200 baht rings bells. Are you a kid? loud exhaust and all that

    The bike is my wife's, she used it at her shop for the staff to ride, no staff so I ride it occasionally, keep the battery charged. 


    It's an older bike and the original pipe fell off, it needed replacing. Just had one of the local bike shops fit it. 


    It's not loud just not original. 

    He made me start it up. 

    The cop said it had to be original 


    He checked 2 boxes, so I was expecting 2 fines to pay. IMG_20211203_155919.jpg.a07c080f6aaeeb3841e98d579924b514.jpg

  2. 1 hour ago, johng said:

    I thought all the bike dealerships in Pattaya where Mityon ?

    What was the interest rate on the finance ?  surely it wasn't 0%  or the dealer would have taken the cash,  I suspect a lot of the finance "deals" result in the buyer paying almost twice as much as the "recommended price"

    There's a couple, the one I visited was on Sukhumvit corner Pattaya Nua, heading north 

    They were asking 107,000 baht for the base model 


    I didn't ask for the interest rate 


    Over the many years the pricing for pcx has always been way above the listed Honda prices, Wave, click, Scoopy normal price at dealers. 



  3. 8 minutes ago, seedy said:

    Why would you give a Monkeys what other people do ? Look like ?

    How can you be embarrassed by what others do ?


    Some people get embarrassed by others doing stupid things. 



    Oops, sorry I feel a little embarrassed by your stupid comment


  4. 21 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    If it makes a man feel more confident and better about himself then who are we to criticize or make fun of them?


    There are far bigger things in life to think about.


    Why do people lose weight or exercise? Why do people go to extremes in physical fitness and jogging as they age?


    We all want to hold back the ageing process in some way or another.

    Good comment but I find these people that die their hair don't bother with the important items to improve their looks, like fitness, grooming, diet, attire the list goes on. Most are wrinkly men who should have a few botox injections for improvement. 

    The body has many systems that age, just a hair color I don't understand, it's embarrassing to look at these guys. 


  5. On 11/25/2021 at 9:19 AM, Troy Tempest said:

    to see friends, family and Grand Kids.


    OK, I read you have health issues. 


    So, get your family and friends to come to Thailand to see you. If you're really wanting to see them help with the finances, costs. 


    It's about you, so do what you have to do. 


    My family (neices, kids) and friends all come to see me, they love Thailand, to see all its beauty and the delicious food. 

    They are so similar to me 

    Loving Thailand 

  6. On 11/24/2021 at 4:41 PM, Spellforce said:

    It looks like they raised the prices for 2 reasons:

    - the new 160cc models are new (less than 2-3 months) and will replace the old 150cc models = the pride to ride the last new model

    - Honda has some problems of production (electonic componants)

    Nope, it's been that way for years on the pcx. 


    I've used the website below for years and pcx models always differ hugely. Click, wave, Scoopy same price as dealer, not pcx. 


  7. On 11/22/2021 at 6:31 PM, Justanotherone said:
    Farang cannot buy a house in his name
    Farang is not allowed to buy stocks (asked several banks where I am client for YEARS)
    Farang is not allowed to have a saving account that give some interest...
    Farang cannot give money to his child to buy a house in child's name without the ex that is knowhere to be seen

    With this pathetic attitude I reckon you'd be better off buying property elsewhere, not in Thailand.

    Thailand has different systems to that of the west, you've got to assimilate, with all your negativity I can't see it working for you

    • Like 1
  8. On 11/17/2021 at 3:15 PM, Mike Teavee said:

    Can’t help but notice there’s a lot of negativity around living in Thailand,

    You'll find most of the negativity is coming from those living abroad.
    I reckon these people are negative and miserable because they aren't living in Thailand. 
    Saying that I'd probably be a sad sack, miserable and nasty if I had to live back where I grew up. Sometimes I find it hard to understand, some of my friends have never had a passport, never traveled beyond their local area, never been interstate. Very sad 


    Thailand has been my home for over 20 years and no regrets, everyday is an improvement. I travel around Thailand, often just talking off, staying the night at a hotel (cheap as chips) sending photos of my whereabouts to my children. I am a lucky one, having family here in Thailand, I would imagine Thailand could be a lonely place for some without having family with them. 

    Thailand is the best place in the world to live. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 11/19/2021 at 5:53 AM, digbeth said:

    years ago it's Red White and Green, now it's black blue and green/yellow stripe for ground

    Isn't that the European standard colour code

    Australia went the same way. 


    On 11/19/2021 at 5:53 AM, digbeth said:

    most thai subcontractors who handle wiring just grab what they have left

    The Americans do the same thing. 

    I've seen them use red as earth. 

  10. 8 hours ago, acepredator said:

    I totally misinterpreted your "sample size" comment. I thought you meant the sample size of only one female acquaintance, hence my reply. I now understand that you meant the sample size of the Kratom. Perhaps if you'd said "the sample size of Kratom was too small," the confusion could have been avoided. A little specificity in this case would have gone a long way.


    As I stated in a later post, the sample size was sufficient to achieve the desired result, yet not so big that the desired result became impossible. Therefore, the sample size was spot on.


    As for your question about my Kratom recipe, the Kratom I drink is made by one of my female acquaintances. She boils approximately 50 Kratom leaves until they create a dark brown liquid. She then strains this liquid into another pot to let it cool. After cooling she fills two 1.5 litre plastic water bottles with the pungent, brown liquid. So you turn leaves into liquid by putting them in water and boiling them. There is no ganja or any other ingredient mixed with the Kratom. It is only Kratom. I hope that this answers your question.


    Cheers mate and Good day to you and your acquaintance

    BTW, does your acquaintance prefer the

    old predator or the new predator, the quick finisher or the slow finisher?

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