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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Nope, I'll stick to driving my car when I'm elderly. Those scooters, they sit too low, underpowered. Cheap Chinese crap. Too dangerous for road use, they are designed for the west and should only be used on the footpath.
  2. I see these foreigners everywhere. These elderly guys on those electric scooters, bloody dangerous. I've nearly collided with them. They should be banned. You don't see the Thai's riding them, they know better.
  3. That narrows it down. Tough guy, throwing around a woman. Poor girl, I hope she's OK.
  4. People need to be accountable for their actions, his actions have put others in danger. Look at all the people affected by this guy being irresponsibile. How about a thought for the helpers, poor buggers being out in the heat of the day.
  5. The old guy should know better. Just being a nuisance, only a fool would go out in this heat. If you are elderly, don't come to Thailand in the hot months. Sightseeing early mornings, or evenings.
  6. Credit cards are not only for young people. I have 2 Kasikorn credit cards, also a spouse credit card. I receive points from transactions, these points add up quickly, I use points for many things. The Kasikorn app is a great tool, it allows me to pay for utilities etc. with these points.
  7. @piston broke, just because you broke your piston, doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the ride.
  8. It's an Asian thing. Many years ago I worked for Philips projects, we had many Chinese engineers working in the office. Lunch time in the canteen was the most bazaar thing I had ever seen in my youth, all these Chinaman, chomping at their rice and noodles. I never ate lunch in the canteen, too noisy.
  9. Oh dear, your friend is staying up market. There are a couple of safety box companies in town, Jomtien and Pattaya Klang. If you prefer not to use, feel free to leave your money with me, I'm local. 😎
  10. This is not good news for the media. Lots of slow news days coming.
  11. Buy fruit. 50 baht goes along way, much tastier and very healthy.
  12. When I see obese guys on the chopper, I often wonder how they obtained their BOSIET. Now their medicals will be affected.
  13. I've completed my OGUK several at BNH Sathorn. At the time I was working for Transocean, it was the Transocean doctor that signed off. I'm not sure if anyone, I get my OGUK done in Pattaya now.
  14. These properties were not designed for AC to be installed. You are chasing your tail. It will be expensive to redesign the roof to insulate. It will be expensive to run an AC unit without adequate insulation. Buy an extra fan. You will be throwing good money after bad.
  15. No, not me. I'm a syringe in the veins guy. 😎 I've heard it all now, snorting Viagra. 😂
  16. Soi Kophai, Pattaya, there's a small Vespa shop (local boys), always lots of Vespas out front, repairs etc. Have a talk with them, these guys generally know more about the bikes than the dealers, they know how to get around challenges.
  17. And I bet you are one of the complainers saying that you can't view a link because you don't have Facebook. Yep, lots of you people here.
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