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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Agree, very bad design but some here don't understand, refuse to acknowledge the unsafe road markings. Anyway, like I said earlier, it may encourage more psycho foreigners to try and outrun 2 tonne SUV's.
  2. Yes, years ago around covid lockdown I'd jog down Jomtien Beach road, I'd jog to the end, then around the corner, but like you say there's a big pack of nasty dogs. Good to avoid if jogging or bicycle riding. BTW, I liked going past that condo car park on your right heading east (I think it's the only one), I'd see a few Porsche's in there on occasions.
  3. Crikey, why do you need a police red box? Do the cops visit you once a day? I thought those police red boxes were for dangerous, problem areas.
  4. Oh, is that how you spell it, I've been mispronouncing it. Very yummy, that and Massaman
  5. Recently they've put in annoying little speed bumps, every few hundred metres all along the road.
  6. Are you Russian? I didn't comment to offend but in all seriousness those planes must be dodgy. BTW, I'm not racist or little, I think you have the wrong guy.
  7. Everyone does, if you don't YOU WILL MAKE THE HEADLINES. You stop or slow if there's vehicles in the intersection. I've got an idea, come down to Pattaya, drive this road and stop at the white line, good luck.
  8. It's not easy to read the road when you have a projectile approaching at breakneck speed from your blind spot. This suicidal, psycho, madman, on his very small vehicle (by the way has no tax or insurance) would have scared that poor woman in the SUV. Some people here are making this woman out to be a monster, I feel sorry for her.
  9. Hello, is anyone there? You do understand that most of the comments on AN forums are made up. So you have special powers, power of telepathy, saying I am making things up.
  10. I agree. It makes no sense people commenting on this thread who haven't travelled this road. You and I have, many times. But people here seem to think that they are still in there home country where things are black and white. As you mentioned in the past, the white line may be left overs from the past roadworks. This road is relatively new.
  11. You need to learn to keep quiet. 'Pook, along with her 35-year-old son' I'm reading between the lines, I bet her son has something to do with it. My opinion, I'm allowed to make an opinion. Now, go and anoy someone else. Geeze, some people have nothing else to do that annoy people here. Get a life.
  12. Picture this...... you are travelling at 80km/h down Sukhumvit road behind richard_smith237, then all of a sudden richard_smith237 stops. Yes, I would stop, but most wouldn't. If you haven't travelled this road, you really shouldn't be commenting, this road takes a lot of traffic, travelling at speeds around 80km/h, mostly faster. Those stupid white lines should be placed on the side roads, coming off the train tracks.
  13. You do know we are in Thailand don't you? Why are you commenting logically, you are not making sense. Things often happen in Thailand that should not happen. Can you explain that?
  14. Please let us all know when you are driving on the roads, we'll all stay indoors . Don't want to run up your backside when you stop at those stupid white line. video_20240426_102012_edit.mp4
  15. You've never driven on the road, why are you commenting? I'll let you know, if I stopped at those wrongly placed white lines I'd be making the news...... It would read stupid Australian stops at white line on busy road causing major traffic pileup, now he is in ICU
  16. I'm sure a top contributor are these reckless foreigners.
  17. You are saying because of the WRONGLY placed white line it is OK for a madman to come shooting out of a side street without looking or slowing, driving in front of an SUV travelling at around 80km/h. Can you confirm that is what you are saying?
  18. Yes, hello sailor. Shouldn't this topic be posted in the gay forum? 🙃
  19. Crikey, I bet those sailors are feeling the heat, it's unbearable out there.
  20. Russian? Poor Thailand, so many nasty foreigners here. Good on him for bashing the bitch.
  21. Shouldn't we be blaming the villain getting chased. There would be no death if he had stopped in the first place.
  22. Oh dear, slipping the fingers up the bum without gloves on, not nice. I'd be looking at disowning the son, I reckon the gloveless inspection was brought about by the sons drug activities.
  23. I'd say your are somewhat correct but that's a huge hydraulic oil spill. It seems unusual for this type of accident, that's why I thought of after market parts. I wouldn't think an approved parts vendor would supply a part that would fail in this way. Just my opinion
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