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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Curious if car rental services In Thailand charge more (extra fees) 

    for Farang with foreign license? Than a Farang with Thailand license?


    US charges substantially more and requires translation of drivers 



    OP if you don’t have Thai drivers license you mist likely will need

    and International Drivers license







    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Mac98 said:

    My U.S. SS arrives on 4th Erfnesday of the month, which this May will be on the 22nd, and in June on the 28th. "Sorry sir, we must throw you out." 

    I think if they see the 12 months of monthly payments they shouldn’t give you the boot. I don’t know the SS system I’m 

    guessing all get paid the same day as others. You get on various

    dates and 1000 others the same.


    Go in in a positive mood be nice, hopefully you’ve never pissed

    them off should be ok. I’ve been renewing and see guys giving 

    them a ration of shit then they scrutinized everything. 


    If they remember you coming in every 90 days and renew 

    no yap yap with them the rules may be explained to and a

    make sure to bring it next time, 




    • Like 1
  3. On 3/30/2019 at 6:52 PM, sanemax said:

    Isnt it up to him to explain to her though ?

    Explain that you can buy rice cookers in Europe and that theres no need to take one with you 

    It’s like security from possibly starving. Mine brought

    rice and I’m like they have in the market in US. But

    who knows I’m not a rice person maybe they wouldn’t 

    have the they wanted and everything is in English.

    Nothing to make a big deal of.....


    I’ve dimled drinks before. If your hands are full tell them

    you be back in a minute to clean it up. They’ll probably 

    say no problem.


    A good experience and hope they enjoy the trip. 



  4. We’ve 13 dogs .... most of them at the farm 3 minutes drive away.

    usually 6-7 will be at the house in the morning. The village plays music LOUD at 06:30 and the dogs howl.... then the music stops and someone talks about something for sale or??? 


    Guess people just like things loud... we live just outside the main village but they’ve put up speakers like you’d see in the 70s 

  5. I’d think they were supposed to do this checks in the past and the Top Cop put pressure on to do what their paid for. Not a problem visa, extended visa etc, are all in order.


    My Ex father in law a great guy said people who are afraid of police are afraid for a reason.... just doing their job

  6. Do they burn a lot of the sugar cane fileds there? 

    1 - Burnig is probably faster and less labor but brings a slightly lower return when they sell. 

    2 - Cut by hand labor intensive costs more and longer process.


    The government needs to enforce no burning is its more costs 

    And more time for the farmer tough shit. I’ve not been there in

    awhile it was beautiful at the time. But this will harm people as wellas drive them out...




  7. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:


    Didn’t know what Truncheon was so looked it up. Police person 

    billy club , baton. Using that type of force when children are 

    there is wrong absolutely wrong. 


    The only situation I could think of if a criminal was using a child

    as a shield still then the police need to caution and wait the person out until they surrender or you can take them out

    • Like 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Lee4Life said:

    Laos, Vietnam, China.....and what do you suppose those countries all have in common?

    I lived in China 10 years at my residence. If you go out of the country when you return you have 24 hours to go to Poluce station

    and report were you will stay. 


    Hotels ask for passport scan it in system that supposedly sends

    to police to report. 


    The Golf Society had a party at hotel that sponsors prizes two times a month. Had to much to drink tried checking in only had 

    Chinese drivers license passport was a home. Sorry can’t check 

    yiu in. Knew the hotel manager very well asked the ring him up

    he said sorry can’t do it. 


    So asked if  I go out to the curb and get a hooker she can book 

    the room for me. Yes...Sure 


    They know where you are every step... why do you think they use 

    a lot of facial recognition on some of the busy areas



    • Like 2
  9. Yesterday I sent a request to a health insurance provider that advertised on TV. I’m 65 with heart condition since 40. 


    Received an email said 65 and older need a health check before 

    neing approved for insurance. That impossibly could get coverage

     it it would exclude cardiac. 


    Today they said....cut and pasted. 


    I'm afraid to say we would be unable to offer cover.


    Best of luck in finding another provider.


    • Sad 1
  10. How ever it shakes out let’s hope that something was learned from the past to make a better Thailand. I don’t think there will violence 

    as was in the past.


    Although it could happen if the people didn’t understand the outcome if violence started would lead to Article 44? 


    Its a no win situation hopefully member of the House will think

    abour the need for change to move Thailand forward. The Senate 

    is already in the bag for oneside...


    i read the official results will be announced in May? <deleted>? 



  11. Lived in China and if the temperature got to 40 c or above city

    Rulee stop work and let employees go home...


    A coulke season hit weather go to 40,41,42 their largest tax revenue 

    doe th city with 4,500. According to the weather guys it nipped at 40 but never got there...


    i prefer hot to cold.. had quad bypass 25 years ago

    its a liitle painful so prefer warm weather 

    • Thanks 1
  12. There was a new gym by our house privately owned top of line equipment any thing you needed. They sold monthly, quarterly.

    6 month and year packages.


    Was going great for 6-8 then because of the packages they had poor money management young couple. They went belly up and I asked if they would sell some of the equipment that had barely 

    been used at a great price.


    i barely used it lack of motivation so sold them. I worked out 

    the most in my mid twenties, My boss lived in next condo building 

    over.i had the basic set up:and we worked out every day during

    the work week like at 06:00 A.M. 


    Worked at a fuel hose manufacture running the braider. A fairly heavy spool of braid wire in each hand was a good work out, 

    yiu kept busy most the time loading and unloading the bobbins

  13. On 3/16/2019 at 8:46 AM, puukao said:

    Here's how it worked last time... "you don't work as much, is 30000 ok instead of 40000?"  I said, "ok">  This was last year for one month.  can i ask the labor department for the 10,000?  

    What do think? You agreed to it I’d say not going to happen. 


    On 3/15/2019 at 7:03 PM, puukao said:

    I'm not comfortable working for 20,000....but I'm not sure what will happen if I go to the Labor Department.  

    Is summer camp in contract? If so you should be able to get 40,000. But you’ll probably face a one (month) and done. 


    You need to make sure the contract addresses the issues and covered in contract. 


    Be careful how you handle the situation calm and collective.

    if a break away is inevitable are it clean and peaceful. If dont

    and you need to use the school as a reference...


    just keep it positive and not slap them around..



    Good Luck... post how it turns out 

  14. On 3/15/2019 at 7:03 PM, puukao said:

    Got a new contract, 40,000

    - Does the contract specify min number of hours days  you need to work?

    - In 5 months you taken 4 off is this considered excessive by

    the school? Giving the school the feeling you’re not interested in 


    - Is summer camp less hours and pay addressed in contract

    - Boils down to what is stipulated in the contract 

    - Before you start throwing rocks read the contract over a few

    times making sure an item you have issues with are in contract 

    or not.

    - is there risk of being black bslled if you go the labor department route?

    - Sit down and discuss with the school issues and becomes of it, if it works for you great. If it doesn’t don’t say anything at the time.

    get another job in line give 30 day notice 


    good luck

  15. Don’t think it matters if pricing example in comparison to ones

    Country is an issue. Shows what you may be looking at HD Streetglide $20,000 USD and equivalent to $60,000 USD here.

    That is huge.


    i bought a used truck a year after I moved here. We were able 

    to get 5,000 off after they called the bank to ask must of been 

    a repo.


    I had in my mind a new car is more expensive and reluctantly I should have, Used cars at the dealer we went to were overpriced.

    we traded it in a year late for a new Isuzu. 


    It’s not much of a jump new bs used and you know what your 

    getting. The used truck we bought 4 years old AC was shot. 

    Two times to repair shop never what it should have been.


    Used truck 1 day after purchasing had sensor problem that took a

    Few days to sort out. Luckily I went to the dealer a few blocks 

    from the repair shop and after some conversations they paid for it.


    If your planning to stay for awhile buy new you’ll be happy you did.

    A lot of new car dealers have really low interest .05 


    Hopefully you’ll find something you like..

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