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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. On 3/21/2019 at 4:51 AM, bwpage3 said:
    On 3/20/2019 at 8:37 PM, Nsp64 said:

    Why would anyone get involved with a girl that expected them to support her family?

     if you can't support your wife's family you can probably not support yourself and that is how you ended up in Thailand in the first place.

    I’m on the fence both Not Give/Give I think it depends on the individual situation. I’ve supported the family since .. just after

    Moving to the village.


    People measuring for windows and door for

    front of house. Knowing Mama and Papa have little to no money.

    Who is paying for it (they have 3 daughters and 1 son all 25 and 

    above) Papa turned to me and said you....


    we bought some land and after a year built a house. Went to see my mother @ 83 at the time. Came back from US into BKK late arrival catch early morning flight home.


    Looking at FB which is not big in my world. It’s in Thai and I asked a person sitting next to me at the cafe, I didn’t tell him anything about my life other than born in US. He said Asking her boyfriend come drink at her house.... actually our house... my house her land. 


    The think that that was really bothersome is everyone in the whole

    family including Aunts,Uncles all knew she was cheating on the side. So 3 months life’s great happy enjoying life gearing down 

    in hopes to retire and take it easy. The next 3 years and going 

    Multiple boyfriends. They know to stay off the property. 


    It wasn’t easy on the mind for sure but i weathered the storm.

    With a few dents in the wallet. i plan on staying in this house until that day comes.


    I still support the family I think that they figured I was ok, Maybe

    not but it doesn’t cost. Oldest sister and husband 5,000 baht month take care of 12 cows birthing everything everyday. I provided 

    a house nothing fancy and paid elect. 5,000 baht middle sister cleans house throughly everyday she has a scedul for Windows and such and things that are done daily 4-5 hours 7 days a week, 5,000 Mama she does odds and ends cleans but not good at it. Try’s helping if she thinks I need help, she doesn’t speak English, Papa

    nothing. Well except if he wants 200 he washes the cars moto , mow lawn, they all seem to appreciate it, paid once a month except middle sister 1/2 2 times a month she’s not good at managing money. 


    Late in the game I grew at least a small pair and no tricky things 

    from them. They now I’m not stupid and or putting up with it

    anymore. I was foolish for a long time but took over the helm.

    if not it’s a long swim across the pond, 


    And there really great people out there good productive relationships, Do not judge all the same. Funny in US Mexico

    wou d take customers to go go bars and always if ever once 

    and done. Then got here on business and dumbness set in .


    I hope everyone no matter your situation at least make it

    happy and enjoyable 






















































    • Like 1
  2. On 2/19/2019 at 11:01 AM, Olmate said:

    ....So why allow the poor people to stay by just bringing in 65k per month?

    Rich or poor we are at the end of the day all the same.


    No matter what the monetary value of a person. Some categorized as Poor built houses, supported spouse and family, put kids through school, paid off all the expensive items needed for a household.  Knowing someday they’ll be living off let’s call it the planned government retirement whatever each country calls it.


    They’ll be able to get by on the limited income and hopefully when

    the children are old enough they’ll help out showing their

    appreciation for what was done for them. 


    I think it should be looked at two different ways. 1) 65k month and contributed nothing but for self needs abused the income documents etc. 


    2) 65k month people who have made a home, took care of there Thai family, Gave all they could. They shouldn’t be ran out of town on a rail.


    Especially in the Northeast there Thai families struggling to get by.

    In cases like this boot the 65k month people that supported families. Some of not most of the farmers in Northeast would 

    have difficulty paying electric, water and food. 


    Don't misunderstand there are some weeds that need to be and should be pulled but we should keep the lawn it’s the foundation and strength of some families. 


    My my mother is 86 years old forced to retire as a factory worker

    basically because the were concerned working 8 hours a day 5 days 

    a week would be too much for a person of her age. She supported 

    herself no husband in the later years. 


    Her house, car are all paid off and she lives off Social Security. I’d assume she gets less because the pay wasn’t the best as a factory worker ... she loved working. My point there a very good people that all these things should be considered.


    And there are others that should get a swift kick...




    • Like 2
  3. Unfortunately there are people who making approval process more difficult.


    Province/area has a rash of runners? Puts the clamps down on others.


    Do the officers get reprimanded if someone they approved forcing them to scrutinize?


    Example of you never now some get a visa a turned away when they arrive . A friend of mine US and wife Chinese visited the US 

    4-5 times no overstays or issues. Flew into a different city than prior visits (Cheap fare) landed picked uo bags Immigration. Put on

    the next flight back Immigration Officer denied access.


    Hope it works out for you. 

  4. 13 hours ago, manicmike68 said:

    No taillights or tail

    If the drivers version is correct he was dead headed (empty)

    back after dropping off load. 


    Don’t know how strict Thailand is on commercial trucks safety

    checks etc.


    Noticed on tv news last night one of the pick up type trucks

    blew a tire and rolled or drive into the ditch. The rear tire was 

    blown and retreads. Wouldn’t think those would be safe in the hot weather. Retreads should be illegal on commercial vehicals carrying 




  5. 20 hours ago, tlandtday said:

    Sounds a bit odd that a speeding car runs into the back of a truck.  Was he tu

    It’s possible I tagged the back of a tractor trailer on my moto

    after a bit much at the bar (USA) I got lucky laid it left and right

    And upright... after nearly shitting my pants got or next ramp stopped and probably prayed... It was scary and when look at 

    it was incredibly stupid

  6. 15 minutes ago, sampson said:

    But I've also told him should he not go up there and inspect the documents (ie have them translated) to establish how much land it is and who is

    If it’s in a village area he’d be best to take a trusted Thai. Probably 

    difficult to get it translated 

  7. I’ve seen people that got the good flip of the coin. A guy down the street wife and young sone 5 yrs? He was retired with a pension.

    Can’t say that his wife family members were given money they earned it. Her sister cooked all meals everyday of the year as needed,cleaned two houses on one lot washed clothes and was paid 3,000 baht a month. He and wife bought a full size tractor for the 26 rai. The brother worked the farm and I’d guess Tractor work 

    for others for money. He maintains the tractor properly.Her Mother ans Father already reached Retirement age. Father goes out and helps at the farm most days driving the two wheel tractor pulling a tailor and he gets 700 baht a month from social security for lack of knowing the actual name of Thailand system. The mother is blind so really can’t work. They the 5 year old boy together and she has a teenage girl from another relationship. The daughter goes to proper school in Udon I don’t think it’s private but known for giving students a proper education. Other than that normal daily needs they pay for. There are 3 houses on 2 lots side by side looking at the set-up looms like one lot. One that was built prior to their relationship that Mama,Papa,Brother live in. One that they paid for for the two of them ans two children. The third house paid 

    for by her sisters husband a foreigner that works in his country and out quarterly to visit his wife and 1 hear old son so they support themselves. Retired friend have been together over 8 years and on,y the last 5 years since they moved to the country. His wife takes care of the children, works at the farm of needed, takes care of buying groceries etc. so a non paying job. He liked Thai food but loved to cook so many times he made his own and I’ve ate some he’s good at it. 


    He loved it here in the country never said a bad thing about his family ever! They all supported themselves as a family with no greed that I could see. I bought my land from them


    So to say All relationship here are a set up for a rip off really not true there’s good and bad relationships in every country . I’m American if it matters.


    Now there’s some that got the losing side of the coin toss. 


    I’m one and beemthtough most of the things talked about. You have to look at it and remember how did you let your hands off the

    wheel And either let little head do the thinking , being trusting or? 


    If you figure out things are going sideways before you run out 

    of rope and hang yourself (not actually hanf yourself ) you got into.

    Figure out a way to control the mess of if you choose get out. 

    I thought about packing it in and moving somewhere else in the region because Tyne you’d be much much smarter right,..uh huh.


    I stayed figured out what I could and could not live wirh. The parents who live in a small house in back of main house. They

    really didn’t try to greedy with me or did the two sisters. There is 

    A Brother but he in his wife live and work in Bangkok. 


    Once I was within ears reach and heard the older sister talking 

    to my wife. I can understand a little Thai nit much but the sister 

    was really giving it to the wife and trying to get her to help her on

    her gambling losses. I felt for the wife because I understood it

    was other sibling that was bewildering the youngest sister my wife

    foe money.


    Wife knows now little head no longer has a say if it’s something I want to do and not pushed into to do I will help out. But the sister 

    got into the mess she can get out of it, ended up here and here 

    husband who where basically doing their personal farm work. Which will, keep them from starving and put food on the plate 

     jt no real money is made other than to get by, so they went and

    worked construction in Bangkok got out of the jam . I’ve only seen

    Gambling be a problem with the sister once in three years, 




    Mama 5,000 baht a month works in the vegetable gardens and sells to local market and works the sugar cane and potatoes and rice we 15 rai. 


    Papa - 0 baht and he knows when he asks usually for 200 baht he’s got to mow the yard around the house and it’s decent size and he knows he needs to do a good job. Wash cars and moto. I’d estimate

    between 1500-2000 baht a month. It’s funny to see he quabbbling with pay for 20-40 baht she make sure he’s not pulling something.


    oldest sister Ex gambler and husband- 5,000 baht plus house electric at the cow stables for lack of a better word. Takes care of 12 cows everyday the birth the calf’s everything. Daily they work their own potatoes, sugsr cane,rice fields and when the sell they get money. We have more than enough rice for all of them. 

    They have 2 children teen daughter good student, 19 year old son

    wa lazy do nothing but ask them for 20-40 baht a day. He had a little trouble wa seen smoking no possession and got locked up.

    i was told about it and said not anything to do with me. I think it

    was 16,000 baht ans he spent one or two nights locked up. I didn’t give any money. I think Mama borrowed against her gold 


    So not much longer he had a job working construction in BKK 

    7 months now he co so back every 1-1/2 months for 3 day break

    and back to work. There are 5 or 6 guys same area same schedule. 

    Ivw noticed he kinda I likes having his own money which is good 

    some people need a push. 


    Suster 5 years older than wife - 5,000 baht a month 4-5 hours everyday cleaning the house windows everything and she knows 

    how to clean. She was doing mine and the wife wash but she really sucked at it. 


    All in All their a good family and do anything I ask and really 

    respectful their lives are a little better nit. Ugh but plenty 

    of food  let are happy everyday. 



    The oldest sister and her family live in a two bedroom house with the minimal we had built for them to live, they lived slept in a thatched 1 room whatever you want to call it until house was finished. All in we laid 90,000 for the house, All labor was done by his father , old sister and husband at no charge to us, electric runs around 800-900 baht a month. 


    The wife is the greedy one and that’s be sorted out as far of money 

    from me... 


    You just need to figure out what BS if any you are willing to deal

    with and go from there. I’ve got everything paid for so why leave.

    if someone is unhappy the exit is that way, 


    althiugh i basically retired I have a company unlated to thailamd 

    have some revenue coming in. Not filed for social security but

    Will be 65 in a couple of months Incase everything dries up,


    Thailand for me is a good place to live / retire if so be, My body

    can deal with heat much more than cold. I’ve met a lot of good 

    people and not one ever asked for anything...  maybe we have 

    a few drinks and If we can speak each other’s language we get 



    Once was told in China I was holding chopsticks incorrectly 

    i said well does it look like I’ve starved.. no.


    I lived in China in a small city and you think some changes that make you want to run,,,  try China for awhile. I lived there a little 

    over 12 years. It took awhile to adjust I lived in a brand new apartment on the 12 floor and everyday the power went off everyday in the summer and climb 12 floors ... I’d go down to 

    the place that took care of the electric same bs every day and

    They didn’t speak English very well and I didn’t speak Chinese.


    Later I learned to have patience but in the early years, the electric there office was a 4 minute walk from my unit and oartbif the complex. A few times I noticed where the breakers were so that 

    day went in a shut their power off. They said yuh can’t do that..but I did and I’m not turning them on until an expedited effort to fix our buildings power, they sat in the heat and I sat there for a couple hours until the were off work, power was on the next day no further problems .



    Transferred money from US to China needed to open business, 

    it never got there not returned to the US bank. Went to the main office of bank what’s the problem. Well you’ve spelled your name incorrectly... I’ve spelled my name the same since 1954 I got loud

    so they took me up to the VIP area. A guy sitting in a room looked

    like he had a bit of money. There was a sign no smoking. (I’m a smoker) and angry can’t spell my name right, they said he’s a very important customer I walked over went inside the room he had 

    all for himself.  You see that sign? No smoking put your fing cigarette out, he did. They moved me again, the problem this is a major Chinese bank they’re computer system didn’t have enough room for my name. I had to use only middle inrial 


    so chnages have have some,patience and try to work through them 

    Thai is a good with good people just keep your eyes open..












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  8. It’s unfortunate and wish there were reasonable health insurance without all the clauses so a person could be taken care of in these situations.


    If yiu decide to have or not have insurance it’s your decision and when you get seriously ill need to deal with the consequences for your decision.


    I’m uninsurable at a cost that I could afford and if I get seriously ill

    hope that whatever happens. Live or die that is peaceful. Can’t think oh someone will get you out of a jam. 


    I had a quad bypass at 39 years old. Shortly after I got out the hospital received hand written from my father and he sent one

    to all of his five children. Basically said he retired (55) and has limited funds and not to ask for any money. 


    Fortunately he had insure from the company he worked for and had medical coverage for him and his spouse until it was his day 

    on the other side. It’s understandable.


    My father in law had cancer and was told by his US Dr. that Mexico

    has cancer drugs that weren’t approved yet in US. Insurance wouldn’t cover so my wife and had a 76 Corvette excellent condition. Put it up for sale to the best cash offer. Sold it paid

    his Dr. bills. Unfortunately his days came quicker than expected.


    My wife and I would sleep in a conversion van we had 3 days a week just outside the hospital entrance. The locals got to know us and would sometimes being food .... very good hand made delicious.


    Anyway hope the guy is ok and if he can’t find a solution maybe 

    he’s a citizen of a country that has insurance at low or no cost. 

    • Like 1
  9. Really you think TV expats dislike other expats? Wouldn’t you have to know the expat to dislike?....


    A lot of posters are looking for answers to situations such as immigration, culture etc.. it could be they’ve had some difficulties

    and it’s coming across as the dislike something. 


    Sometimes you have to look at it as a grain of salt. That one moment shouldn’t define a person unless over the top drastic.


    To generalize dislike for Nationality is wrong. A individual that you’ve personally met possible. 


    Its like saying all frogs piss on trees.... really how do you know. 


    Meet a person before disliking them unless you feel its a dangerous situation. 

  10. 3 hours ago, inThailand said:

    immigration policies will affect them, until the money train stops. 

    Exactly .... trying to explain and hoping it’s understood doesn’t happen for me very often. A lot of it is lack of education.


    Not faulting her just wish overall education was important. To give

    all children the opportunity to go to school at least 12 grade.



  11. Read that the Honda Giorno 50cc it’s in Thai translator says 25,000 baht 5000 down will ship to you from Bangkok.


    I’m going to see if I can find one in the Northeast might buy for the niece if she gets a DL. She a good student and not a goofball. Top speed is 35-40 Kmh looks a bit retro


    Downside is with low speed in few months will get old. 





  12. On 3/4/2019 at 10:23 PM, ballpoint said:

    Triumphs sold last year (2017

    A guy I rented a couple of 400cc in Chiang Mai was excited when

    Triumph opened facility in Thai. He wanted to get a couple to

    use as rentals. 


    He said the tax/duties were him to import them. Thinking that would change manufactured/assembled here. They added a luxury 

    tax didn’t help lower the price much is what I was told 

  13. Possibly we will here more but..... I’ve heard instances in US the person wants to get arrested because little or no money. I guess 

    that would work in the US because you’d get some type of meal.


    From what I’ve heard here if someone doesn’t put money in the till

    at prison for you it’s rice and water. 


    Or maybe he has disabilities..... or just fugging dumb.

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